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A month had come and gone so quickly. We only had a couple of weeks left before we would go back. I had been helping him fully get over his loss. He was doing well. And tonight I wanted to do something special for him. We had gotten close and he was now more open with me. I decided to have T cook a whole chicken, and fix some veggies. And a blackberry pie for dessert. Loki loved blackberries. And chicken.

"Hello dear," He said coming in the door. I smiled at him. He had a few garden vegetables with him.

"Loki, I have a surprise for you," I said guiding him to the table. T came in with the chicken, on a platter with some carrots, celery, potatoes and onions around it. He sat down. I had his gift from me in my hands. I sat down and slid it under my leg.

"What is this for?"

"Well, the progress I've seen, you haven't cried when talking about Beth and you did all of this for me spite what anyone else thinks about you, you are a great god," I said. He smiled at me. He took my hand.

"You are my solace Angel, I do think a lot of you, and I would like for you to stay longer, but I understand that people will be weary," he said. I smiled. He called me angel. I love it even though I'm not one.

"Eat up because I have a surprise for you," I said.

He began to eat the meal we prepared. After he finished with the meal, T brought dessert out. His eyes widened at the sight of all the blackberries. He was in shock. And he was happy. I hadn't seen A man this happy over food since, never.

"My word, angel, you outdid yourself," he said. I couldn't hide the blush and smile.

"Well after dessert I have another treat for you," I said. He raised his eyebrows.

"Alright then," he said digging into his dessert.

After we ate, I led him outside to the beautiful flower garden. The sun was setting and I wanted him to see the words when night time approached. There was a bench in the garden so we could sit and watch the sunset. I sat down and he sat beside me. I had the gift in the other hand hiding it.

"It's a beautiful sunset isn't it Loki?" I asked. I wanted him to have a pet name to but, at the moment I couldn't think of one.

"Oh, yes it's very beautiful, I love when the sun turns the sky pink and purple, beautiful colors. Much like the dress you are wearing," he said. I forgot I was wearing that sundress with the heels.

The sun had finished setting and it was time to give him his gift. I nudged him to look at me as I pulled it from beside me. He looked at me with confusion.

"It's a gift from me," I said. He took it. He didn't understand, why I was giving him a gift.

"For bringing me, for letting me rest and giving me something I didn't have before," I said. He smiled and began opening the gift. He seen the box and opened it. He got the necklace out and the card too. He loves the emerald stone.

"Fateor." That meant reveal in a Latin language. The words I had the elvish man to write appeared like a hologram. He read them aloud and his eyes began to water.

"Angel, it's beautiful, it's so beautiful," he said. He covered the stone and it disappeared. He slipped the necklace on over his head. It fit perfectly.

"I'll wear it with pride, and I'll never take it off," he said.

"He Loki," I said. He looked at me with a serious expression.

"The night you pretended to be Ashton in that hot springs, you were being truthful about me weren't you?"

He bowed his head and nodded.

"Yes, you need to trust yourself angel, trust in those around you who have never left you," he said. That was him and Artemis.

"But do you know what they think of me?"

"I do."


"Well Hunter doesn't know who he is, so he can't commit, Artemis Won't comment because he follows the rules, he does have a soft spot for you, but he will never be able to love you not the way you deserve," he said. So he knew all of that?

"How about me? How do I love myself?"

"By letting others do it for you, if you love yourself, more than others do, there would be no room for anyone else to love you," he said. That made since. So love myself but not fully?

"Do you think I'll ever love myself?"

"Yes, I believe you will, and I believe I can help you over time, like you've helped me," he said. I smiled at him.

"It's time for bed angel, we have more work to do these next two weeks," he said. I agreed with him.

We got back inside. I went to my room and he went to his. All I could think of was Loki. His smile, his warmth. His big heart. His playful mind. How misunderstood he was. How sweet he's been. How far he has come. I've thought of it all. And all of it, made me wander. Since I've been here I've gotten closer to him. I've been with him and I know him better.

I've thought a lot about how we've become closer. We've been side by side. And if we could be this close could we fight together when that time comes? And also, if Hunter and Artemis couldn't love me the way I deserved, who could? And who would? I didn't know but there was one thing for certain, I did have feelings for Loki, strong feelings. And whether that turned into something or went no where, it would be our decision, maybe even our destiny.

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