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The day of the blue moon was upon us. And I hadn't spoken to Loki. He promised Artemis he would help with the ritual, but he hadn't spoken with me. Only because I hadn't spoken to him. I was so naive. And to be honest, heartbroken. I had feelings for him. So strong that everyone seen it the night we came back. I knew they did. I think even Loki could see it. And he hurt me. The last person I expected to do that.

I found out the blue moon taps into another power of mine, teleportation. Something I had never had before. I've used spells but now, I would be able to teleport anywhere alone. It was also said that this would be my final written destiny. To carve my own path. After this one I would be able to write my own destiny. And an orange moon would come a year after, to mark my free will. I've waited a long time for this.

"Are you ready," Lucy asked me. I grinned but didn't say anything. How could I? I was already lied to and hurt by 3 men. My love life sucked. My dad wanted to throw me away and just take my power. Thanks to Loki, that didn't happen. He did come to my rescue. I felt bad for not having him around. It didn't feel like Hunter or Artemis. It was different. More, alive and happy. Artemis insisted on being there to here my spoken prophecy. And again it was about me and my life. What I chose to do with it. If I had set a goal for myself on who I wanted and what I wanted.

I had a few ideas. I wanted to be free to make my own choices. Not the choices of someone else. God or no god I was making my own choices about my love and love. Had I really been in love before? No. But I knew what love felt like. I loved mom and dad. I loved Lucy. I loved Ashton until I didn't. I knew what love was, but to be in love? I assume it was great. And to be honest I was falling for 3 until I wasn't. Hunter did me wrong and that love died. Artemis only listed for me and that made me love less. And Loki, well he didn't try to hurt me, but it makes it hard to love anyone when they do lie.

"I'm ready," I said as I stepped into my light blue gown. It was sheer and had rhinestones on the belt. There was one strap on the left shoulder. It was beautiful. They needed me dressed up tonight. Every-time we do a ritual or anything like this, I HAVE to dress the part. One timing I won't miss, doing this.

"The crew said to meet them in the courtyard by the fountain, the moon rises in twenty minutes," she said. I nodded. I felt a horrible ping in my stomach. It felt like guilt and loneliness. A feeling I knew well.

"I'll be there in about five minutes," I told her.

She left me with my thoughts. All I wanted to do was be alone. I just wanted to get away. But where would I go? Where could I go that would stop time? That would slow it down? That would make 5 minutes an hour? Or 2 hours? And then it hit me! The cabin! Loki took me there before and I could use my wardrobe to teleport into the cavern!!

I ran to my wardrobe and I began to chant in Latin. It was suppose to be an open gateway to wherever I chose. The portal began spiraling. I began to step inside. When I did step in, the power and energy was so heavy. Tonight was the blue moon which meant powers would amp up so high it would be emasculating to the witches.

I stepped out of the portal and hit rock. This was it! The cavern!! I made it! But time was tricky here. 1 minute on earth could be just one hour or it could be opposite. Sage could make it however I wanted! Or I could give it a try! I held my eyes shut and began chanting but not in Latin.

"Though time is different I wish to spend, 1 hour here 5 minutes then, on earth shall time move slower than I, give me an hour, on earth minutes 5."

A light shines from my fingers as I snapped them together. The spell worked! I knew it would. I could do this just as easily Loki. Hmm, Loki. I missed him so much. I wanted him with me. He showed this place to me.

I walked out getting wet from the waterfall. But I could magically dry myself so I wasn't worried about it. I walked up to the cabin and opened the door. It was warm. A fire had been going. T was there also. He spotted me.

"My lady, what on earth are you doing here alone," he asked. I grinned.

"I just, couldn't be on earth right now so I came here where I could think," I said. He told me to sit down, but not before snapping his fingers to dry my wet clothes. I sat on the couch and he joined me.

"My lady, I understand tonight is a big night on earth, I've been here for 2 years alone since you left, yes time has sped that much, and I see you are under pressure, but the choices you make, can not be that of others," he said. Wow, two years. No he was right. Whatever I chose it has to be for me. But what did I want?

"T, what do I want, who do I want?"

"My lady if i May," he paused. I nodded.

"Only you have the power to choose who and what is right for you, does it make you happy, does this person go to extremes for you, do you want to be with said person, your choices are based off of how you feel," he said. That made sense. He smiled at me.

"I'll get you some herbal tea and let you think on it," he said leaving me to my thoughts. I think I wanted freedom. No more prophecies on me. Just me and my destiny, chosen by me. I wanted someone who troubled themselves to make me happy. To give me what I needed and wanted.

"Here you go my Lady," he said sitting the tea on the little table beside me. I thanked him. He left me again. I drank a few sips and decided to go into Loki's room. I had never been in here, and it was time I did. What was he hiding?

When I walked in, the place was decorated like a better homes and garden. There were grapevines hung over the bed and wardrobe. There were flowers hung by the window. The dresser also had a flower pot, but no flower. It had been dead for a long time. But I looked closer. It was a "love" flower. It only bloomed when true love was near the one who picked it. His bed was at least a queen size with silk covers. It was so beautiful.


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