✞【Hate Filled Pages】✞

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Art Credit To: Akikio_141_. on Twitter

Tw: Swearing, Self disliking, Mentions of body harm

"Mahiru, it's one day. One single day! It's not THAT bad!" I kept arguing with the redhead, though it didn't seem to work.

"I told you, (Y/N), I'm not doing it whether or not it means my life. You complained about it yourself!"

"Yeah, but that's different, don't go there!"

"I'm not letting that freak do anything to me, but I'll cut you a deal..."


"I'll pass it off to someone else, and if I can't you're stuck doing it."

"Deal," I stuck out my hand, she took it and turned on her heel. I let out a breath, happy that I wasn't the one feeding Nagito anymore. I continued my way into the hotel, the intense heat from outside was growing and growing by the day.

I slumped down in the chair next to Hiyoko, tying my hair up as Hiyoko mumbled about how awful the heat was. I had to agree with her, Monokuma was nice enough to give me clothes that were meant for the intense summer heat. My tie was still loose around my neck, but instead of the usual collared shirt I had a black tank top and a thin black cover up around my shoulders.

"How are you not sweating your ass off under that kimono?" I picked at the food on my plate, scanning the room for Mahiru.

"Unlike you I don't complain about everything!" Hiyoko whined in my ear, I let out a low chuckle. I watched Mahiru slam through the restaurant doors, and slam the tray down in front of Hajime. He seemed confused by her actions, but stood up and left shortly after she came in.

"He wouldn't eat, luckily Hajime should be able to convince him," Mahiru released a sigh as she sat down, looking between me and Hiyoko.

"The heat is awful, huh?" Mahiru tried making conversation, but even she looked bored as the three of us sat there.

"Let's go do something, huh?" She stood up, pulling on my arm to stand with her. Hiyoko followed soon after, the sets of our shoes echoing off of the floorboards.

Mahiru and I sat on the fence of the ranch, watching Hiyoko squish ants with her feet. Every so often she would try to get me to stomp on them with my 'massive good-for-nothing boots' but otherwise it was pretty quiet. I was fanning myself with my hand as Mahiru went on about her camera. It was interesting, if you were into technology or photography.

"Hey hey, you gonna get up or what?" Mahiru had her hands on her hips, I didn't question her and just stood up instead, "Sorry, would you mind taking my picture, I just don't have many of myself!"

"Of course, erm, how do you take a perfect picture?"

"Just try your hardest, we can always take another one!"

"Always!" I focused the camera on her, snapping the picture with an audible click. Mahiru came back over, taking the camera from me and examining it. She seemed indifferent for a moment, before cracking a wide smile at me.

"Ah, did I do something wrong? If it's not good please tell m-"

"No no, (Y/N), it's perfect! Thanks!" She walked away from me, leaving me and Hiyoko on the small ranch.

I walked back over to the fence, hopping up and swinging around to face the small blonde. She didn't seem to notice Mahiru's departure, continuing to stomp ants to her heart's content. I watched her for a few minutes, the hot sun beating down on me. My hand went back to being a fan, hearing Hiyoko's laugh and screams for a short while.

You're Just Like Me // Obsessed Nagito Komaeda X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now