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Art Credit To: dangan_owo on Twitter

Nagito's POV

The last time I ever saw her was a wake...

I finally understood the regret and sadness that hung in the air. It loomed over my shoulder, and clung to everyone else's as well. This time I knew the girl all too well.

This time, instead of her darling face I looked down at her corpse in the casket. She was decorated beautifully, and for a minute I wanted to think she was just asleep on top of the dark velvet lining.

I should have listened when Monokuma told me that not everyone would make it out alive... between (Y/N) and Chiaki it was an awful sight.

The guilt I felt overwhelmed me, knowing it was all my fault that she had died. If I hadn't been so selfish, if I listened to her... maybe she'd be standing next to me instead of lying in front of me.

It was still an hour before the service started, but I had taken the liberty of helping the funeral home with her service. Maybe it was ironic that her service was taking place at the (L/N) Funeral Home, or maybe it was just a cruel ending to an already cruel fate.

As other people started filing in, I noticed and recognized a few of the faces and others were faces I wished I never would have to see. The tall and arrogant man I once saw with the girl now stood teary-eyed over the casket. A woman with long (color) hair mirrored his expression almost exactly.

It was obvious that their grief was fake, their fake tears causing an angry feeling to bubble and rise inside of me. I quickly excused myself from the stuffy room I once again stood in, walking down the tiled hallway to the door at the end of the building.

I looked up at the screen of services today, flashing on the screen as I walked past was the only service they held that day. A picture of the day she had gotten accepted into Hope's Peak Academy, not knowing that it'd eventually lead to her demise. She looked so hopeful, so innocent, so proud of her accomplishment- her hands gripped the letter to the point of the sides crumpling under her fingertips.

A cheesy quote about death was written along the bottom portion of the screen, something about death being nothing more than an escape. It made me think of what she said about death, it wasn't romantic and should be accepted. Obviously she wouldn't be a fan of it, and it was if no one in her family knew her at all.

I left the building altogether, the cool air wrapping around me as I walked. My shoes echoed against the stone walkway as I made my way past the building. I knew that there was a small meadow nearby, I had stopped there a few days ago.

This building was secluded from most of the town, it wasn't too surprising that (Y/N) would enjoy a place like this. I had been here before, of course, but now I took notice of the small details everywhere.

The dark scuff marks along the white tiles of the hallways, the chips and scratches in all of the dark furniture, the darker stained areas on the carpet, and the small rips on all of the curtains. All of it was just small reminders of her.

I stood in the middle of the flowers, picking a few of them and tying them together with a small bit of string I had found in my pocket. I started walking back to the building, the small amount of fresh air I had been able to get was comforting... not that any amount of fresh air would really matter in the end.

As I entered the building again, the eulogies and speeches were about to start. I put the small flower bundle into the casket before I sat down next to Ibuki. The musician squeezed my hand before standing up to give her speech.

Her speech was nice enough, about as nice as you could get for someone you didn't know for a long amount of time. Ibuki was always a sentimental person, and she was also good at writing- so I guess in the end it was better than ok.

Overall, it went fine. Once everything was said and done, we all left our crowded room- a few people leaving before the rest of us mingled amongst ourselves. How sad, they really didn't know the value of human life...

I sat down on one of the benches they had, I didn't want to talk to anyone regardless. I didn't deserve to talk to anyone anyway, they all probably hated me as much as I hated myself.

"Komaeda, you ok?" A small group of students from our class all stood above me. Hajime and Ibuki stood next to each other, upon looking around, the other students were talking to other people.

"You care about trash like me, huh?" Both of them rolled their eyes, returning their attention to me.

"Ibuki wants to know if Nagito-chan is ok! He looks sad," Ibuki's cheeks were stained with a few tear-lines, dried and smudged makeup also littered her face. Both of them had red rims around their eyes, obviously from crying and rubbing their eyes.

"Of course I'm fine, we all have to move on at one point or another. This is just another instance of my luck backfiring on me!" I awkwardly laughed, and the two sat down on either side of me.

We continued our conversation for a little while longer, until Mrs and Mr. (L/N) ushered us out to close up for the evening.

We finished talking on the walk to our cars, a small walk under the cloudy skies. I looked like it could rain at any moment, almost like it was holding back all of its rain for a flood to come along. But I was fine with it, I was fine with anything that would go on after this.

"When's the actual funeral? Did Mr. (L/N) share?" I looked between the two.

"Two weeks on the date, 9 am. Of course it's back here, they're burying her in the meadow..." Hajime wiped his eyes once again.

"Ibuki thinks it's smart. This place really screams (Y/N)'s name..."

"Definitely, there's a small memorial on the fence over there. Someone as hopeful as her deserves it!" I smiled, the three of us disbanding from each other and going to our cars.

I groaned as I leaned back in my seat, removing the black tie from around my neck. I hit my head against the headrest of the seat, I was finally able to release all the anger and frustration that had been bubbling up inside me this entire time.

I watched as Ibuki's and Hajime's cars pulled out of the parking lot, they were still so hopeful this entire time. Scum like me really had the best friends in the world, huh?

I pulled something out of the pocket of my dress pants, a pocket knife with a rusty blade. It was completely unusable, and yet it gave me the biggest sense of comfort- more than anything else in the world.

It reminded me of her face when I gave her the old doll, and how excited she looked when she gave me the pocket knife. She said herself that it was unusable, and she apologized for it. Despite that, it was one of the most valuable things I owned.

I would hold onto it until the day I died... 

. . . . . . . . . .

I want to thank you for taking the time to read all of these chapters, it means a lot that people enjoy my writing. I hope you enjoyed this story, and have a fantastic day! 

Word Count: 1267 

I hope you have an Amazing day,

You're Just Like Me // Obsessed Nagito Komaeda X Female ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora