✞【The Missing Classroom】✞

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Art Credit To: Spike Chunsoft, Spike, Abstraction 

TW: swearing

I leaned against the bus stop post, warm air swirling around my hands as I stood there. I sighed and checked my phone, I knew the bus had to come soon. I was pretty far out from the school, there were always very few people at my bus stop. There was really only one other person with me.

I tried distracting myself with anything I could, I was starting to huff up. It was super unusual for the bus to come this late, no matter how far out I was. I heaved a sigh, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. Geez, where's the damn bus?

"Good nom nom nomming, (Y/N)!" A loud voice cheered from my side, I shot back up and let out a small yelp.

"Fucking hell, Mioda. Please, spare me the heart attacks, huh?" I clutched my chest, pulling at the collar of my uniform.

She started poking my cheek, making popping sounds each time she did, "Ibuki told you to call me Ibuki, (Y/N)-chan!"

"Sorry, Ibuki. I'm just nervous, I guess..."

Ibuki had been my best friend since I started attending Hope's Peak; she was a bit loud and screechy at times, but she was kind. Somehow, she had attached me to her the first year and never let go, which was oddly comforting.

Her poking continued until the sputtering and struggling sounds of the bus arrived. Ibuki continued her rambles and slight yelling as I sat down next to her. She wrapped her arm around me, she always seemed to enjoy close contact from anyone she could get it from.

I played with the hem of my skirt, the dark red fabric draping over my fingers. The school had issued us all 'uniforms' to wear, which was odd as none of them matched. Ibuki's was close to mine, but hers was switched to fit her personality more than mine.

"Ibuki wants to know why you feel nervous, c'mon (Y/N), this year is gonna be great!" My attention brought back to Ibuki, her black hair swinging as she drummed her fingers on the seat. The hollow rubber sounds caused me to flinch and tense up, but I let the energetic girl continue.

"Well, we got accepted as 'ultimates' over 2 years ago, this really is the first year people expect us to use them," I tapped my heel on the ground, my boots making a low sound. As much as I loved being an ultimate, I didn't want to be out in the field.

"Isn't yours something super duper cool?" Ibuki stopped drumming the seat, my shoulders untensed by the action. She shifted her body so it was more towards me.

"Well, I think it is. But usually, people just see it as a gothic fad or whatever. It's all bullshit if you ask me..."

"Yeah! People keep telling Ibuki that she's not ready for the stage!"

"Yeah, a musician and mortician are different..."

Ibuki hugged me again, leaning in close to my face, "You got this!"

I smiled before looking down, Ibuki handing me one of her earbuds a minute later. I took it from her and leaned back up so I could see what she chose for us to listen to. Her nails tapped the screen, scrolling through the dozens of playlists she had created.

"Hmm, classic rock or alternative metal?" She tapped between the two, tilting her head back and forth.

"Alternative metal, we did classic rock a lot over the summer."

Ibuki nodded vigorously, turning it on and pumping the volume of the music up. It was loud and aggressive, but so were we so it fit fine with us. I leaned up against the back of the seat, and closed my eyes as Ibuki air guitared to her heart's extent.

You're Just Like Me // Obsessed Nagito Komaeda X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now