Chapter 5: Looking for answers

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Later that night, Barbara is in her apartment, in a hidden room where a big computer is in. She looks at the computer when it shows camera videos of where Red Eye was at. She watches him fight off the thugs, and stopping the supervillains. She sees him taking them all down with fast reflexes. 

Barbara: Amazing. The way he moves, he fights almost like a soldier, and like Bruce. 

She also listens to the music calling cards he leaves. It's the Backstreet Boys' songs. She smiles at these songs, as she remembers Isaac singing these songs. But she wonders why he leaves these songs as his calling cards. She sighs as she leans back on her seat. She then looks to her left, and sees a picture of her and Isaac together. She smiles sadly at it. She sheds some tears as she looks at the picture. 

Barbara: (Sobs) Oh, Isaac...

Her heart breaks more as she remembers seeing his body next to her as she was bleeding out. Just then, a music comes out for her. It's the song she loves the most. Don't wanna lose you now. She listens to it, as she can hear his voice singing along with the song. Hearing his voice helps her keep calm and happy. 

Barbara: Isaac, why did you have to die? Our marriage would have been wonderful. 

She then looks at the monitors of Red Eye. She sees him watching the views of the city, and diving towards the situations of crime. She looks at the time, and sees it's almost midnight. She gets off the monitor to go to bed. She wheels her wheelchair to her bedroom. She changes clothes, and lays on her bed while having just a little trouble. She lays down on the pillow, and covers herself with the blanket. She turns off the lights and goes to sleep. As she falls asleep, Isaac is standing outside her apartment. He watches her going to sleep. He really wants to go in to tell her who he is, but he knows he can't yet. 

Isaac: (Thinks) Man, I really want to hold her in my arms. Sooner or later, I will tell her once I'm done with Joker and his gang. But I can leave something for her to help her think more of me.

He quietly sneaks into her room. He looks at her as she sleeps. He puts down a CD in her alarm clock. He smiles behind his helmet, knowing this song will help her think more of him. He leaves the room, to go outside. He walks off to find more crime to stop. Back in Barbara's room, she is sleeping peacefully. In her dream, she is walking through the city. She is walking on her legs in her dream. The city is in the daylight. As she walk, someone hugs her from behind. She turns around, and sees Isaac. He's smiling at her.

Isaac: Hey.

Barbara smiles back at him. She hugs him back. They both walk together while holding hands. Back in the real world, Barbara is smiling in her sleep. In the batcave, Batman is in his seat, looking at the monitor. He's watching the fights between the villains, and Red Eye. He sees that Red Eye is a very skilled fighter. 

Batman: This Red Eye is very good. And he's also not killing any of them. 

Just then, his loyal butler and close friend, Alfred comes into the cave. He walks up to him. 

Alfred: I'm surprise you're still watching that, sir. Why are you being caution about this man?

Batman: Because, he's new, and we still don't know anything about him yet. 

Alfred: But he's not a killer, sir. He even saved people too. I think when you find him, you should offer him a job for your team. 

Batman: (Sighs) We'll see.

Alfred: Anyway, how is miss Gordon, sir?

Batman: She's fine. I still think she's hurting over the loss of her lover. 

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