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One month later, the bells in the Gotham Church is ringing. Coming out of the church, is Isaac and Barbara, wearing wedding outfits. They are now married. Everyone outside is clapping and cheering for them. Isaac's family, Jim, Bruce, Tim, Dick, and even Isaac's old squadmates, including William. William is now all better. He is also happy to see his best friend is back. Isaac is holding Barbara as people throw rice on them. They both laugh as they head for Isaac's car. Everyone continues clapping for them. Isaac's mother takes a picture of them. They both smile as their picture is taken. They both get in the car, and head off for their honeymoon. Bruce watches, and a small smile appears on his face. He is truly happy for them. Later on, Isaac and Barbara are in a hotel room, laying down on a bed, under covers. They're both having a great honeymoon. Isaac looks at her, and smiles. She smiles back. 

Barbara: Isaac, I'm so happy. 

Isaac: So am I. When I first woke up, all I wanted to do was to go to you, and have our time together. 

Barbara smiles more, and kisses him on the lips. He kisses her back. They continue their honeyroom for a whole week. After that, they brought their own home with the help of her father, and Isaac's father. Now, they're living in downtown. Later that night, Isaac is in the city, wearing his suit. He's looking at the city, watching for trouble. As he does, he hears someone coming up behind him. He turns his head, and sees Bruce and Tim in their suits. 

Isaac: Hey, guys. 

Tim: Hey, man. How was your honeymoon?

Isaac: It was great. It felt amazing. Now Barbara and I can have our time together. She's a very talented and special girl. 

Barbara on radio: That I am. And you're special too, Isaac. 

Isaac smiles at this. Just then, they all look in the air and see the bat signal, meaning that there's trouble. They look down the street, and see the police cars heading for somewhere in the city. Isaac looks at them, and Bruce looks at them.

Bruce: It's time to get to work, everyone. 

They both nod, and Barbara stays contact to help out. They all leap off the building, and head down into the city. Bruce and Tim use their hooks, and Isaac grabs ahold of another ledge, and leap on the rooftops. Looks like Gotham City is now in better with the heroes' hands now. For nwo, Red Eye is gonna help Batman protect the city from evil.

Isaac "Red Eye" Bishop will return in the Batman Arkham games.

Here's the epilogue of Batman: Super Soldier. Yes! The story is finally finished! I'll work on the next Batman story soon. And this story is also for Kevin Conroy, 1955-2022. RIP. I hope you all enjoyed the story. Let me know what you all think of the epilogue. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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