Chapter 16: School attack

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The next day, it's a beautiful morning in Gotham City. Kids are now going to school to learn more about stuff and life. Parents are dropping off their kids to the schools. At a school by the river, kids are going inside it. A car pulls up, and a young boy gets out of it. 

Boy: Bye, mom. 

Woman: Bye, sweetie. Be good. 

It's Mrs. Bishop, Isaac's mother. And the little boy is Arnott Bishop, Isaac's little brother. He runs for the door as his mother drives away. He makes it inside. Three minutes later, all the kids go inside the school, just doing their school business. Isaac suddenly appears on a rooftop by the school. He looks at the school, and scans the area. So far, he hasn't seen anything strange. He looks around as he scans the entire school. He can see his little brother inside. He smiles. Just then, he scans something. He looks, and sees a man walking down the basement. He frowns as he watches him. He decides to go in to stalk him. He turns invisible, and limps to the roof of the school. He lands silently, and walks to the door that leads inside. He opens the door, and walks down the steps after closes the door. He walks down the steps quietly. He looks around as he doesn't see any teachers. He makes his way down to the basement. He carefully makes sure that he's making silence approaching. He scans the basement, and sees that the man is going to the boiler room. He sees him putting something in the air vents. He is in shock to see he might be putting something dangerous in the air inside the school. He walks faster to the basement. He makes it, and sees him. He glares, and rushes at him to stop him. The man turns around, and Isaac punches him in the face. He groans, and falls down. Isaac looks at him, and scans him. The guy's name is Andy Stevens. He's 34 years old, and he's a teacher here. But it also says he's been caught drinking on the job sometimes. He frowns as he looks at him. He then scans the air vents, and sees that he has put something in it. He scans it, and his eyes widen as he sees what it is. It's not poison gas, it's joker gas. He knows what they'll do to people. He looks at Stevens, and grabs him. Stevens' eyes widen as he sees Isaac in front of him.

Stevens: Jeez!

Isaac: Where did you get the gas?!

Stevens: Please don't hurt me!

Isaac: Answer me! 

Stevens: From Joker's boys!

Isaac: How much did you put in?!

Stevens: Half of it! I swear! 

Isaac: Why?! You put little children in harm's way! You call yourself a teacher?!

Stevens: They said they'd offer me money if I do this! I needed the money!

Isaac growls in anger. This man would put kids in harm's way for money. He punches Stevens in his face, knocking him out. He looks around to find a way to get rid of the gas. He can't find anything. He then spots the fire alarm. He smiles, and walks to it. He's about to pull it, but stops. He knows this will be too easy. He scans the alarm, and checks it. He sees that it triggers the gas in the air vents. He grunts angrily at this. He then tries to figure out another way. He decides to contact Dr. Hill to ask for advices.

Isaac: Dr. Hill, do you copy? This is Red Eye.

Hill on radio: I'm here. What is it?

Isaac: Joker's men had a teacher plant Joker gas in a children's school. 

Hill on radio: Which school? 

Isaac: The Gotham Elementary school. The one by the river. 

Hill on radio: I know where that is. What do you want me to do?

Isaac: Inform the police about it. We need to get the kids outta here. I'm trying to find a way to get rid of the gas, but I'm running out of time. 

Hill on radio: Alright. I'll call them to let them know. But you got to try to take out the gas now. 

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