Chapter 8: Red Eye Vs. Poe Slater

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In a warehouse, men are working on drugs, weapons, and explosives. Some guards are watching the scene while guarding the place. In an office, a man watches the area. It's Poe Slater. He's watching his men work on the stuff. He smirks as he cracks his neck a little. He then picks up a can of beer, and drinks it. Just then, someone knocks on his door. 

Slater: Come on in. 

A man wearing a soldier uniform comes into the office to talk to his boss. Slater turns around, and faces him. 

Slater: What is it, Sergeant?

Sergeant: Everything is looking good down there, sir. No problems at all. 

Slater: Good, but stay alert. Something tells me that the Bat might show up at any moment. I'm not taking any chances. 

Sergeant: Don't worry, sir. He won't find us. And even if he does, we'll be ready for him. Oh, and sir, we lost contact with your brother.

Slater: What do you mean? 

Sergeant: We tracked him at a bar, and then we lost contact. I think the Bat got him. 

Slater: Ah, shoot. Well, that's great. Alright, double the patrols and security. And I'm warning you, Sergeant. If you screw up one more time, I'll put you in a hole for the rest of your life. Do you understand me? 

Sergeant: Yes, sir. I understand. And don't worry. Nothing will come unnoticed around me.

Slater: Very well. 

The Sergeant leaves the office to continue his patrol. Meanwhile, outside, a guard is smoking while standing guard outside. As he does, he looks around the place. 

Guard: Jeez. I hate guard duty. And what was I thinking about joining Slater's work? I should've been a police officer. 

Voice: Or better yet, do you wanna be a farmer? 

His eyes widen as he hears the voice behind him. He turns around, and sees Red Eye looking at him. 

Isaac: Here's some corns for ya. 

He kicks him in the chin, knocking him out. He lands on his back. Isaac then drags him out of sight. Isaac then looks around the place for more guards. He spots another one on a platform, and thinks of something to get him. He sees a big rock on the ground. He picks it up, and smirks. He throws it at the guard. The rock hits him in the face, and he falls off the platform. He lands in the water, and out of sight. Isaac chuckles at this. He then walks around to find a way inside. He then finds a side door. He cracks his knuckles. Inside, the Sergeant is talking to his men and prepares to send them outside to double security. 

Sergeant: Alright, men. Listen up. We just lost contact with Slater's brother. Chances are, the Bat might have gotten to him, and he told him where we were. So you all need to guard this place at all cost. And stay alert. Keep radioed contact at all time. Do I make myself clear?

All: Yes, sir!

The Sergeant nods, and walks away. But before his men could go to the door, something starts banging on the door hard. Everyone stops what they're doing, and looks at the door. Everyone takes out their weapons, and point them at the door as it continues getting hit at. From his office, Slater can hear the banging. He stands up from his chair, and takes his shotgun. He walks to the window, and looks down. Then, the door gets punched in, and it falls down on the floor. And there, standing there, is Isaac. He walks in, and looks at the men.

Soldier: What the heck?! That's not the Bat! 

Soldier 2: It's Red Eye! 

Isaac: Where's Poe Slater? 

Slater: Right here. 

Isaac looks up, and spots him. He scans him, and it's 100 percent. He glares at him. 

Isaac: Your reign of terror and evil ends now, Slater. And you're going to prison for life. For the murder of many good soldiers, including Isaac Bishop. 

Isaac takes out his gun and points it at the criminals. 

Isaac: Dead or alive, you're coming with me. 

Slater: (Chuckles) I don't think so. (To men) Kill him!

Everyone open fires at him. He smirks as he activates his heavy armor to protect himself from the bullets. He walks forward as his armor takes the bullets. He aims, and shoots back at them. He only wounds them by them in their shoulders, arms, or legs. They all groan and scream as they get shot by him. The Sergeant runs behind cover with some men as they continue firing at him. Isaac scans the area, and sees more men coming in from rooms. A soldier backs up against the wall, and continues firing at Isaac. Isaac aims at him, and fires at him. He groans as he gets shot in the shoulder. He falls down on the floor, wounded. Isaac takes down many of them as his suit protects him from harm. Slater comes down from his office, and walks on a platform with two men. They join the men in shooting at Isaac. They're all shocked to see that he's not going down. Isaac continues taking down more of them without ease. He smirks as he continues walking forward as he fires at them all around. Two men sneak up behind him, and open fire on him. He points his gun behind, and fires at them. They both scream as they get hit in their arms. 

Slater: What the heck is this guy made of?! Keep shooting!

A guard comes up in front of him, and fires at his chest. Isaac spins, and kicks him in the face hard. He falls down on the floor, out cold. A soldier pulls out a 50 Cal, and open fires at Isaac. Isaac turns around, and shoots him in the right shoulder. He screams as he gets shot. He keeps firing as he spins around, and then he shoots the Sergeant in the chest. The Sergeant groans as he falls down on the floor. Isaac scans him, and he sees he's alive. The wound is non-fatal. Isaac then looks at the platform, and sees Slater with his two guys. They keep firing at him. Isaac then aims his gun at them, and fires at one of them. He gets shot in the arm, and he spins around, hitting the other guy in the face, knocking him off the platform. He lands on some boxes. Slater looks around, and sees all of his men are down, and he's all by himself. He fires at Isaac again, but he sees his bullets are useless now. Isaac then looks at him. He jumps high in the air, and lands on the platform. He puts away his gun, and walks towards Slater. Slater growls in anger as he sees he's got nothing to do to stop Isaac. 

Isaac: I got you now, Slater. (Grabs him by the shirt) I'll be taking you to the police. 

Slater: (Spits at him) Screw you!

Isaac: But first, I'm gonna teach you a big lesson of what happens when you cross the line that involves innocent people's lives. 

Isaac then slams his fist into Slater's stomach, hurting him. Slater groans in pain as he bends over. 

Slater: (Coughing) Wait a second! Wait! You can't do this to me!

Isaac: Well, I got news for you, Slater. I'm not a cop, and I'm showing you what pain feels like, like you gave it to those people you've hurt and killed. 

Isaac then throws him at some cases, and he slams into them, hurting him more. Isaac then walks to him, and picks him up. Then, he starts slamming him against the wall, hurting him even more. Slater screams as he feels his back hurting. Isaac then takes him to a window, and throws him at it. He smashes through it, shattering the window, and he lands outside. Isaac walks outside, and finds him moaning in pain as he lays on the ground. He walks towards him. Later, at the Gotham Police Department, Gordon is walking outside with some men. They find Slater on the steps, out cold. On him is a note that says, "To Commissioner Gordon." The address to the warehouse on him too. And on him is another calling card from Isaac. Gordon plays it, and it plays "Show me the meaning of being lonely" by Backstreet Boys. He turns it off, and looks at Slater, knowing they've finally got him. He nods to his men to take him to a cell. From a rooftop, Isaac watches with pride. He smirks, knowing that his best friend can finally have some peace now. And hopefully, he will be cured from the pain Slater gave him. He walks off, heading back to where the base is at. 

Here's the eighth chapter of Batman: Super Soldier. Looks like Isaac took down Slater's men without ease, and he took down Slater too, and brought him to justice. Now, he has more work to do before he can reveal himself back to the world. On the next chapter, will be the aftermath of the warehouse battle. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.      

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