Chapter 21: Black Mask

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Isaac is walking on some rooftops, and he's thinking more of his future. As he thinks, he suddenly gets a message from one of Dr. Hill's doctors. He turns on the radio. 

Issac: This is Red Eye.

Nurse on radio: Isaac, we are under attack! I repeat, we are under attack! Our defenses have been breached. Dr. Hill is missing. Somehow, the intruders have passed through our defenses undetected. Please help us quickly. You can gain access to the base via one of the sewer systems. Oh, no, too late! Red Eye, help!

Just then, someone else comes on the radio. It's a man's voice.

Man's voice on radio: Hello, Red Eye. You might know me. Roman Sionis.

Isaac: Black Mask. 

Roman on radio: That's right. This time, Red Eye, you are too late. I now control all of the hidden base of Dr. Hill. I have taken your powers from you. (Laughs)

Isaac: Not if I have something to do with it. You'd better get prepared, Roman. Because I'm coming for you. 

He turns off the radio, and heads back for the hidden base. He just hopes that he is not too late. He contacts Barbara.

Isaac: Babe?

Barbara on radio: I'm here, Isaac. What is it?

Isaac: Looks like someone just found out Dr. Hill's hiding place. Black Mask.

Barbara on radio: Oh, man. Not Sionis. 

Isaac: Yeah, I know. Listen, I'm going radio silence when I get there. I'll handle Roman and his men. And I gotta find out how they found where he was. 

Barbara on radio: Alright. Isaac, please be careful. I really don't like this. This might be a trap. 

Isaac: I know, but I got no choice. I'll be fine. I love you.

Barbara on radio: I love you too. 

He cuts contact, and continues heading for the base. It took him 14 minutes, but he makes it as he travels through the sewer systems. He opens the hidden passage to the base. He looks around, and don't see anyone yet. He climbs out, and closes it. He turns invisible, and walks through the hallways. He sees that everything in the hall is shot up. Looks like Sionis does not mess around so much. He looks for any hostages, but can't find any. He checks the rooms, and finds some bodies. They were shot. He sighs at this. Then, he hears someone. He silently walks to see who it is. He walks to another room, and finds the nurse tied up. With four men watching her. 

Man: Looks like we got ourselves a cutie here, boys. 

Nurse: You won't get away with this! You will be stopped! 

Man 2: Yeah, keep talking, babe. We love to hear women yelling. And you don't need to worry about your doctor. He's gonna be in Sionis' hands. 

Isaac listens to them, and scoffs. He walks in, and becomes visible for them. 

Isaac: Hello, boys. 

Man 3: What the heck?! It's Red Eye!

They all point their guns at him, and open fire. He manages turn on his heavy armor before they fired. The bullets hit his armor, and bounce off. He smirks as they continue firing at him. He takes out his shock gun, and aims at them. He fires, and hits all of them. They all groan as the shock bullets hit them. They all fall down on the floor, and Isaac walks over to the nurse. He unties her. 

Nurse: Thank you for saving me. 

Isaac: Where's Dr. Hill? 

Nurse: I don't know. Like I said earlier, they somehow passed our defenses undetected. We don't know how they did. 

Isaac: How many dead, and captured?

Nurse: I think they've already killed some of the others while captured the most. 

Isaac: Alright, go find a place to hide, and I'll look for survivors. And I'll take care of the problem. 

Nurse: Ok. Good luck.

She runs off to find a place to hide. Isaac looks at the men, who are out. He ties them up, to make sure that they don't get back up to give him more trouble. He walks off to find the rest. He looks around the place, and he finds most of the survivors. They were all left tied up. Isaac frees them all, and tells them to go hide. He then heads for the main control room. He walks, but doesn't see anyone. He looks around, and then suddenly, six of Black Mask's men come running in behind him. One of them has a super-charged weapon. Isaac turns around, and faces them. The man with the weapon fires, and an electric shot hits Isaac, sending him back. He falls down on the floor. All the men move in on him. Isaac then clutches his fist, and gets back up. His eye glows red as he glares at the men.

Man: Down! Take him down!

The rest of the men open fire on Isaac. The heavy armor protects him as he charges in on the men. He grabs one of them, and throws him at one of the men. He took his gun, and uses it to wound the men. He shoots them in either their shoulders or legs. He also shoots the one with the weapon in the left shoulder. The last standing man is leaning against the wall. He takes out another gun, and open fires again. Isaac knocks them away, and kicks him against the wall. He grabs him by the throat. 

Isaac: Where is Dr. Hill?

Man: I don't know! Black Mask took him with him. 

Isaac: You're lying!

Man: No, I swear! Don't kill me! 

Isaac then knocks him out. Just then, Isaac looks at the monitors. He looks at one of them, and sees Roman himself with another man. And he has Dr. Hill with him. They're in the main tunnel that leads outside. He runs off to cut them off. He makes it to the shortcut that leads to the tunnel. 

Isaac: Roman! 

The men turn around, and spot him walking to them. The man with them open fire on him as they run. Roman pushes Dr. Hill ahead to keep him with him. The man continues firing at Isaac, to try and slow him down. They hide behind cover, and the man looks at his boss.

Man: What do we do now, Boss?

Roman: Give me two minutes to get the doctor in the car, and then fall back. 

He nods, and Roman takes Dr. Hill with him to get him out. The man slowly moves to get out of cover to see if Isaac is coming. Just then, Isaac turns visible in front of him, and punches him in the face. The man groans, and falls down on the ground. Roman turns around and sees that his last man is down. Isaac turns to face him as he pulls out his shock gun. Roman glares at him through his mask. Isaac shoots at him, trying to hit him, but he dodges, and pulls Dr. Hill with him to get outside. Isaac goes after them. He makes it outside, and looks around. He sees a lot of cars around the place. And more of Roman's men. They all point their weapons at him. 

Roman: Fire!

They open fire, and Isaac sees that they're not shooting bullets, they're shooting electric darts. The darts hit Isaac, and they shock him. He grunts, and shoots his shock gun at them. He takes down a few of them. But they keep shooting him with the darts. He tries to fire back, but the shock from the darts are shutting down his suit's systems, and then, he falls on his knees, and on his back. 

Roman: Hold your fire!

Roman and three of his men walk over to Isaac. Isaac tries to move, but can't. All he can do is move his eyes around. Roman looks at him.

Man: What do we do with him, boss?

Roman: Bring him on the truck. The doctor has plans for him. 

Isaac is shocked to hear that. What does he mean by that? Roman's men pick him up, and carry him to the truck. Little do they know, a camera spots on them. Barbara is watching them. She is now worried, that Isaac has been captured by Black Mask. She now needs to contact Bruce, and tell him about this. 

Here's the 21th chapter of Batman: Super Soldier. Looks like Black Mask found Dr. Hill's base, and Isaac goes there to find out what's going on. And what does he mean that Hill has plans for him? What could this mean? Find out on the next chapter. We're getting closer to the end of the story, everyone. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.  

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