Chapter 3: Gotham Dam

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The next day, Issac is watching the news on a TV. It shows Vicki Vale. She looks at the camera as she tells the report. 

Vicki Vale on TV: This is Vicki Vale, reporting live in downtown Gotham City. Last night, we had a terrible gunfight at an office building. The penguin and his thugs were holding up in the building, stealing money from the secret safes in there. But then, they were all beaten badly by an unknown figure. The penguin said the figure gave him his name. This figure's name is known as, "Red Eye". He wouldn't give us details of what he looked like, but for some reason, he left us a music calling card for us when the police found this. The music is this. 

Backstreet Boys music plays on TV. It's their hit music, "The one". Issac smiles at this. His own calling card is perfect. And hopefully, Barbara and the others will be able to know who he is once they get the message of the music he leaves for them. Just then, the female scientist, known as Jill walks up to Issac.

Jill: Issac, you've done well. Penguin and his boys won't be getting out anytime soon now. And also, Red Eye. That's not a bad name. 

Issac: Yeah. Thanks. 

Then, Dr. Hill shows up a monitor. Issac looks at him. 

Kenan: We have reports of a code red. Our seismological data confirms that something is trying to destroy the Gotham dam. If that happens, we will be facing a serious ecological disaster and Gotham City will be washed out to sea. Issac, you must go to the dam, and find out what's going on. Go to alert status! Good luck. 

Issac nods, and runs to get his armor on. 

Jill: And Issac, be sure to check to see if any innocent people are on the dam. If there are, get them off the dam before they can hurt. 

Issac: Got it. 

He gets his armor on, and runs off to get to the dam. Meanwhile at the dam, all is quiet, and then the whole place begins to shake. Everyone on the dam panic as they try to keep their balance. They all look around to see what is going on. They continue to hold on as the dam continues to shake. In a security room, some guards are looking at some monitors as their room shakes too. 

Guard: Where the heck is that shaking coming from?

Guard 2: I don't know. It almost sounds like it's coming from behind the dam, underwater. 

Guard 3: But how is that possible...? Wait. Contact the police and Commissioner Gordon. I think I know who or what is doing it. 

Meanwhile, behind and under the dam, is a large reptilian creature. It's banging on the walls of the dam, trying to crack it open. It's Killer Croc. He is trying to destroy the dam to release the water, so the entire city will be washed away. Issac then arrives at the scene. He looks around the place as the dam continues to shake. 

Issac: (Talks on radio) Dr. Hill, I'm here. 

Dr. Hill on radio: Good. Now I just figured out who's doing this. It's Killer Croc. He's underwater behind the dam. You must get down there, and stop him. Luckily, your armor is like a diving suit. 

Issac: I'm on it. Are the police coming? 

Dr. Hill on radio: Yes, they're on their way to get the civilians off the dam. So, you must get Croc before they do get there. You can't let the police see you yet. 

Issac: Got it. 

Issac looks down at the water. He catches Croc in his sights. He nods, and jumps off the dam to get into the water. He lands in the water with a splash. He looks around in the water, and he spots Killer Croc. He aims his new wrist weapon at him, and fires a hook at him. The hook hits him in his back. He roars in pain, and turns around to see Issac. Issac motions him to come get him. He glares and growls angrily at him, and swim charges at him. Issac swims away from him, to get him away from the dam. He makes it to shore, and jumps out of the water. He turns around to see Croc coming out of the water too. 

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