[Chapter 11- Skipping School]

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Karma's POV~

I knew it was morning...

But I didn't have the energy to get up... My whole body was aching from pain...My mind was fuzzy... My eyes were tired...

I looked over at my phone and decided to call Koro-Sensei and just tell him I wasn't coming in today... I felt sick anyway so...

"So, your not coming in because your sick and don't want the others to catch it?"

"Yes, Koro-Sensei."

".  .  .I understand... Get well soon, Karma."

I hung up before he could ask anything else...I lay down on my bed and just closed my eyes again...


I shoot up in shock to see my Dad in my room,"WTF!!", he grabbed me by the hair sharply,"What was that, Karma. What did you say?!", I gulp,"N-Nothing, Dad!", he nods,"Since your mother and sister are out for the day, I've taken time out of my schedule to train you some more.", I paled... He shoves my head against the wall again, only this time, my head was throbbing madly,"Get dressed and be ready in 10 minutes.", he let me go and left...

I hated it.
The training with my Dad...
He makes me wear My T-Shirt and shorts just so he could look at the new and old wounds on my body... Like a trophy marker if you would.
He took me to the abandoned field and smirked,"Ready to prove yourself, Son.", my whole was screaming at me to not do the training, yearning for rest, but I rasied my arms for a fight...

He threw me to the ground in annoyance,"KARMA, YOU KEEP MAKING THE SAME FUCKING MISTAKE!!!", my brain was telling me to get up, but my whole body was giving up on me,"YOU BETTER HAVE YOURSELF CLEANED UP BY THE TIME UOUR MOTHER AND SISTER GET HOME!!!", he leaves me in the field...

I walked down to the river, by the field, and I just started to splash the river water over my wounds and get some dirt off me,"What the heck happened to you?", I look up in shock to see Asano in front of me on he over side of the river...

Asano's POV~

Karma stared at me like I was the first human he saw in years! But... I was more concerned about all the cuts, bruises and on dirt on his body,"W... What happened...?", Karma shook his head again and continued to clean the wounds and dirt,"Training.", I frown, training? Since when did he train??? I stood up,"You don't think everyone is worried for you.", he didn't respond,"Karma. Everyone can see your acting weird.", Karma then stood up slowly, he looked at me with tired eyes...He took a deep breath,"I'm fine. I'm just...sick and I tired training and it didn't go so well, now can you leave me alone?", he then turned to walk away...

As I walked home, I was thinking a lot about Karma... He was a strange kid, but I will admit, he was cute...
I got inside and saw my Dad resting his eyes in the living room, I then decided to head to my room to do my homework...

I hope Karma is alright...

¦¦Classroom Assassination¦¦ {A Professional Lier and Actor} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now