Cream N.1 P.2

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Part 2!


"I'll be back!" I hear the others snicker and call for me to ignore him, but I can't bring myself to leave him on his own.

I make my way into the air conditioned building, the freshness send a shiver down my back as I reach for my fluffy coat inside my backpack, clasping it shut I take a look at the 3 long corridors guiding in front of me. All 3 lead to a different place the Science Wing, the Cafeteria, and the Locker Rooms. Someone could easily get lost in them without knowing their way around. Taking a step forward the sound of footsteps echos off the walls and I turn my attention to where I hear them. Left hallway. The Science Wing. I pick up the pace and follow, there's a pounding in my chest. Why? I'm not sure myself.

Then I spot him.

"Dream!" I call hoping to get his attention, instead he runs farther and quicker. His steps are loud and echo all around the hallway, the silent sobs escaping his mouth as he runs on are painful to listen to.

What had Nightmare done to him? is all that I can presume might be the problem. Dream never let himself accept all the hurtful things Nightmare told him. Why had it affected him now? Was he hiding something from me? I follow along, but not for much longer.

Before I'm even allowed to take another step a door slams wide open and I smack right dead onto it, the sounds, the echo round me and in my head as I tried to get a grip on reality was confusing and disorienting. Making an attempt to stand while gripping onto the handle kept me at ease as I hoist myself up holding onto the door for as long as my life depended on it. My gaze turns back towards the corridor.

No Dream. "Damn it" I hiss under my breath, where could he be now? Almost like a child would I regain my composure and take a step, still feeling kinda wobbly, I manage to continue along the corridor slowly but keeping a careful eye on the doors who I will now refer to as my enemies.

"Dream?" I call out, it once again echoes in silence.

"Guess i'm on some sort of scavenger hunt..." I whisper to myself.

I continue down the hall, it's silence is both relaxing and calm which are two things I'm definitely not used to when having Epic around. "Oh shit! I left Epic!-" I exclaim remembering I was initially waiting for him, sighing I continue down the walk to look for Dream, Epic wouldn't mind anyways he sidetracks all the time now that recall our memories together.

My mind runs to the many places I'be seen Dream sit alone at sometimes. The library, the courtyard, under the nice tree near the gardens... Remembering how peaceful and the joy he brings me makes a nice hue of purple rush to my cheek bones, "God I guess I really do worry and care for him lots" I shake the silly thoughts from my head and remember the mission at hand. Maybe he went to the restroom to wash up? Is the first thing that, while cliche, sounds the most reasonable so I guess I can go there.


My body jerks against the door pushing It open, hand in my pockets striding along the emptiness of the school, I had finally made it to the restroom. There he is, I think.

What I see stuns me, his face streamed with tears both old and new, his arm was slump horrendously to the side his attempt at hoisting it upwards was one with little to no effort. Was this really Dream? I had never seen him this...broken. It sounded like the right word to describe every part of him right now. He still hadn't noticed I'd entered.

He was sitting on the floor, his white uniformed shirt was stained with what I could presume to be blood, it's crimson color sinking through with it's stench of freshness formidifying the atmosphere around it. Bandages where sprawled here and there all over the ground, some in bits, others in long strands, many where used and also stained. Quite a sight to see is all I could put into words at the moment, Dreams effort at trying to care for the wound was him laying his back against the wall arm painfully stretched out shaking with both adrenaline and a strain as he continuously rubbed at it with what I could only believe to be water or some antibiotic that stunk up the room. His eyes welled with tears the more he outstretched his arm, every time he moved he flinched. He looked so close to passing out.


Dream freaks out, flinching violently sideways away from the wall, he lands on his injured arm and hisses from the burning sensation coming from it, the pain is unbearable from his own weight placed onto it. Dream pulls it back in an instant and lets his body limp to the ground. All he does is lay there, staring up at the ceiling, it was hard to read his expression. He was crying holding onto the arm for his life, again his sobs echo around the room but he looked...relaxed? Maybe it was a relief that it was just me? Just me.

"Who did t-this to you?.." I ask kneeling towards his direction, he responded sarcastically, "I'm a mess aren't I, Cross?" I looked confused but my tone is spoken warmly, "No, no your not Dream, I think everything will be just fine.... Can you sit up?" he shuffles, painfully, but sits up he promptly begins to flutter his eyes a clear sign of how weak he was feeling, I take the chance to sit besides him and slide my arm over ensuring he wouldn't pass out. Dream also takes the chance to lay on me, "I'm sorry you had to see me like this-" playfully I reassure him "Awh hey it's fine Dream, besides don't you think it's better we both get you some help?" he looks up at me with his big and round eyes, they twinkle despite the dull light from the restroom bulb above us, "Both of us? you'd really help me?" I can't help but notice his cheek blush lightly. It was a habit of his. "Of course I would Dream, besides we can't do much about your arm" he nods in response and looks back down, what i didn't realize is that he was staring at my hand, without much notice he slid his hand over to mine. It felt warm in my touch, almost surreal and as if we had done this before, I trail my gaze back down to the sight it. It was comforting even if I wasn't the one struggling at the moment.

I notice his smile on my way to look down, I could feel him relax under the return of the gesture. Time to take my chance. Carefully I use the little time he is distracted and scoop him upwards, he gasps surprised at first but holds worry towards his arm again. The pain, as far as I can see, seemed uncomfortable as he wined struggling to hold his smile. "It's just me, you don't have to hide how you feel" Dream stares back up at me, "How did you know I was-" he looks down, ashamed at how he failed to hide his pain, "I don't want to worry anyone, I can deal with this stuff on my own" "Well sometimes it's best to let others help you from time to time, don't you think?" I hum in response, again he nods, "I guess you're right" he hides his face in my jacket "Thank you Cross" before I can even respond his small snores could be heard.

Redirecting my hand upwards I use magic to pick up the mess of bandages on the floor into the nearest trash can, then the door bursts open. "BRUH! you totally-" shhh I hiss, yup it's Epic. "What happened with him? he looks awful" "Yeah I know, mind giving me a hand? Nurses office isn't going to do much" "Totally agree with ya, let's go see if we can get actual medical help".

Epic holds the door open for me as I carry Dream towards the doors and through them. Dream was still asleep despite the loud disturbance, he finally looked at peace with himself. Although my jacket would totally be stained I didn't want to move. I kiss Dreams forehead, quietly so Epic wouldn't notice, and continue on.

( I lost motivation for this oneshot not to mention I was so sick writing this so it's going to end there sorry :/

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