Afterdeath N.1

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"Day out"

Geno Reaper - humans -

Geno POV:
I cant believe Reaper dragged me to the beach... don't get me wrong its beautiful place but he didn't have to do all of this just cause I mope around all day at home...

Reapers POV:
Geno had been having a hard time lately, being home for so long waiting for me to get home after reaping for most of the day meant he was there all the time, sure he had gotten out of the save screen which was worse than being at home but still... He had decided to bring Geno to the beach and surprise him, just so he can get his mind off of things not to mention he wanted to spend some time with him as he always gets home so tired that whenever he would like to spend time with him he never gets the chance... They pull into the parking lot, he turns to Geno and says" Alright Geno we're here " he saw Geno snap out whatever it was he was thinking and look over to him " alright " he mumbles.

They step out of the car Reaper pulling out only a bag with clothes and some sunscreen, Geno looks confused and asks " Is that all you brought ? " Reaper looks over at him and chuckles " You'll see what I have planned for us Gen " Reaper takes Geno's hand and they walk over in a direction away from the beach, Geno raises an eye in confusion "Reaper-" Geno says hesitantly "The beach is that way" he points over to where the crowd of people are,
"That's not where we are going, you deserve to be somewhere better than that mess" Geno blushes still holding Reapers hand and answers " o-okay... " they walk along the beach for about 10 minutes in silence and Reaper finally stops
"Alright this is all for you" he smiles looking over at Geno for his reaction...

Geno looks out to the secluded beach that stretched along for miles, he looks over at a spot that is covered in beach towels decorated with flowers, lights, and all types of food. Candles line the outside of the spot not to mention the little path from their spot to the ocean...

Geno stares in awe at what Reaper had done for him, he walks over to look at all the little details put into the place, he looks close to tears. He turns and hugs Reaper hiding his face in his chest he mumbles, " Reaper you really didn't have to do all of this... " Reaper laughs and hugs him back " Of course I did, you've been stuck at home for so long I had to make it up to you... I hope you like it " Geno pulls himself from the hug and says " Of course I do dummy " he abruptly kisses Reaper and pulls back smiling, he goes around to explore smiling as he goes. Reaper watches him his cheeks dusted from Geno's kiss, he walks over to sit on the towels and takes of his shirt letting out a breath of air, Reaper let the breeze from the beech hit him finally taking some time to himself and Geno.

Geno decides to stop looking around and sits down in Reapers lap, also taking some time to just take in the scenery, he sighs and feels Reaper wrap his arms around him and Geno relaxes happily, finally getting some time with Reaper...

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