Error Ink N.4

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Cat and Mouse

You're always in my head, you're in everything I see. No matter where I go, I can still see you there, I can still smell your scent.

Between fragments. The papers fell into place drifting around and flapping in the wind.

A scream. Somebody fell to their knees on a small secluded island on the verge of collapsing. They clenched their chest with their entire being wondering why this felt so awful. Why did it have to happen? What would he do?

The flaps of torn papers drifted as the loud pent up sobbing continued in the doodle sphere.

He thought they had made a deal, he thought they would be okay. That maybe, just maybe he would be allowed just a little more time. Ink had taken his time for granted and played a fool instead. Now the power was torn from him and matters were taken into someone else's hands.

"How had he been so stupid and oblivious to the situation?"


Ink remembered that unfortunate evening. He had just gotten back from a routine checkup of some new alternate universes when it hit him. The feeling was so overwhelming and powerful it shook him to his non-existent core, sending him knees first into the ground. Everything had been okay just a second ago, what was going on? Was it an au? Was it him? Suddenly as he looked up he realized the answer to his question.

Many shreds floated down and around him. His eyes widened. This many? All at once? Clearly he had many questions.

Ink thought of what he could do only coming to one conclusion.

To face whoever had done this.

Shakily, depending on his paint brush to stand up, he was able to more clearly watch his hard work float down peacefully. It almost felt like a burden was lifted off his chest with so many gone but they shouldn't have come to an end so quickly. Ink took a shaky breath and before he realized a materialized puddle of ink had formed to get him to where he needed to go.

The anti-void. A cold and bitter space where he knew only one person was willing to stay in.

The destroyer of au's. Error.

Surprisingly Error wasn't here, at least that's what it looked like to Ink. Knowing his counterpart he knew he shouldn't depend on his vision. He waited before he moved, always keeping an eye out for a mismatched blob. Suddenly strings took hold of his ankles causing Ink to sigh.

"Shit-" Ink didn't even have a time to continue his thoughts when he was dragged off and hanged for display in some unrecognizable spot of the white empty anti-void.

"Come to cry to me about your precious alternate universes Ink?" Ink rolled his eye-lights clearly recognizing the voice, " If you know why I'm here get straight to the point!" he wasn't happy, his eye sockets flashing a vibrant red cross-hare in one and a light blue teardrop in the other. Error simply laughed, "What can I say I take my job seriously, besides they needed a fresh start, don't you think?" Error held another paper holding the story to another precious au. It read 'X-Tale'.

Ink quickly got defensive, this particular au wasn't one to mess with. He had plans going on in there and he wasn't going to let Error simply tear it all away from him.

"That's not one for you to mess with." Error chuckled awfully, waving a finger in the air, "That's not something for you to decide, you should've paid close attention to our agreement."

"No creation, No destruction"

"Is this why so many universes were torn to shreds? I thought I had been careful."

"I haven't broken any truce! You have no evidence-" something snapped cutting off Inks thoughts. The snap was Error's finger opening a small window to where a lone white fluffy skeleton stood. "Cross" Ink thought.

"You care to tell me where he came from? Why is he sitting in an empty au that used to be full of life that you had supposedly "no part in"? Universes aren't created blank with such developed characters. This one in particular is unapproachable and lost in thought. If I recall our truce happened just as this universe was created but it had a world full of anomalies. Tell me Ink, what happened to them?"

Ink just blinked away staying quiet, Error had caught on to his secret. He had been helping to develop the au from the inside as to seem inconspicuous, but someone had always been keeping tabs. Suddenly his chest started to ache, Ink snapped away from his thoughts looking up. The paper was being torn.

"Stop it! stop!" He felt weak, seeing the alternate universes get torn or destroyed to shreds sickened him, not to mention they were a part of him. It always physically hurt to have them eliminated .

"Then talk." Error snapped.

Ink said, " I-I didn't break our truce, I never dealt a hand into the development of the story. I simply aided the creator!"


Suddenly the paper was torn, again and again and again. The noise was awful, It sounded like buildings collapsing and being dumped down like toys that no one wanted to play with anymore. To Error the lives of innocent monsters and their existence were like toys. XTale's beautiful purple glow faded indicating it would soon dust, just as monsters do. Error felt more than fine, however Ink was seeing stars now dizzy and on the brink of tears.

All his hard work. Gone. The story would forever remain frozen in time and he would never get to know how it ended nor get to see some of the monsters he had met there. It hurt, more than he could ever put into words. To Ink, that au felt like home, a home that he never got to have. A home he got to build but took for granted.

Without any power to hold back how he felt he started to cry, Error shrugged it off waving a hand to let Ink down. The strings let him go leaving Ink to crash to the ground completely given up. Error threw the papers to Inks feet creating a makeshift hammock to relax in. All he said while Ink continued to cry was, "You decide if you want to keep playing our cat and mouse game. I'll be waiting".

Before Ink even got to answer, a window appeared under him sending Ink back to his DoodleSphere. When he yet again landed on his knees Ink finally let it all go, he sobbed for what seemed like ages cleaning his tear streaked face constantly to the point that it hurt. His glossy tears swelled like balloons making a mess of his outfit and face.

When he could not cry anymore he clawed at his sash, saddened and angry. His emotions were all over the place. He felt like collapsing just as the alternate universe had but he didn't have it in him to finish the job. At best he shattered his vials smashing his palms into the colorful liquid filled with fragmented pieces of glass hoping to feel something real.



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