Horror Lust N.1

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Siren - Lust
Pirate- Human Horror

Horror stepped out and off the boat, he dreaded having to live inside a floating capsule of wood when there was so many nicer things outside to see. Horror had just started to relax when Nightmare and his crew, Error, Cross, Dust, and Killer stepped outside. Nightmare said " Your turn to clean the boat Horror " in reality it was Dust's turn but he wouldn't say anything about it he didn't want to lose another eye to Nightmare. " Sure.... whatever you say Nightmare " everyone walked past not saying a word, they were off to explore the other parts of the mystic island, its what they were doing here in the first place. He saw everyone go their separate paths finally leaving him and a very messy boat to clean...

He began by going into everyone's room and picking up anything dirty for Error to wash later, his strategy was to finish the smaller things first humming along his way, he went from room to room putting stuff in its place occasionally finding things that belonged to him in someone else's room. He cursed under his breath, he hated the fact that everyone always took his stuff. Once finished in the rooms he took out everyones trash dumping out their contents, he would see the usual wrappers from food and ripped socks. He sometimes found weird smelling stale socks that were occasionally still sticky but he didn't question it. From there he would go round finishing every other task, leaving the mopping on the deck last. He liked to see everything wrapped up and clean when he was done. He went to grab the mop and the bucket to finish all that was left, he was enemies with this bucket in particular because it had caused him lots of problems before but he wouldn't get into that right now...

For a person apart of Nightmares group Horror should have been more aware of the person, or rather siren, watching him from beneath the waves . They watched in awe at how Horror ran back and forth seemingly concentrated on completing his tasks.

Lust had only noticed Horror after he himself was quietly singing, he stopped shortly after hearing that as a coincidence Horror was also singing the same song. He sang as Horror hummed his way around, at times he found himself singing louder in an attempt to get his attention but he had to keep in mind, any aquatic being was to remain out of contact and sight from humans, or more specifically the pirates. He found this rule silly as these pirates didn't seem like what they would be, especially Horror. He ignored his thoughts once again and began to watch Horror this time a bit more of himself sticking out of the water, He wouldn't help but wonder that he wanted to see what it was like to be on land, he sighed and continued.

After some time of gathering his items to wash the entire deck he began to mop, stains of beer and coffee were what he found the most of, he didnt hate mopping he just hated the idea of being bossed around. Halfway through mopping, humming to himself louder than before he began to twirl the mop and dance as if the mop were a real person, he may be the only pirate on board who can't swim but he sure as hell could beat the others when it came to dancing . He twirled moving along to the rhythm of his humming, he imagined a place where he and someone, other than this mop, happily danced and twirled with each other enjoying every moment of it, he sighed knowing the thought was only a fantasy of his as Nightmare always called them. While completely unaware of his surroundings, having lost his sense of direction from too many twirls, he stumbled and stepped right into the bucket of water. He spilled the liquid after making contact with the bucket and he began to wobble looking for something to grab onto instead of accidentally falling. He had grabbed onto the railing in hopes of it being his savior but instead the boat and the bucket moved simultaneously throwing him overboard into the sea.

Lust, thinking of other things to worry himself about, was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a loud crash in the water. He had only been distracted for less than 20 seconds, he was daydreaming about being the mop and dancing with someone like Horror, or more specifically to enjoy a moment with Horror like that, but obviously he had been distracted for too long. He dived below looking to see what had fallen into the water, he didnt expect to see the pirate who had minded his own business just a couple of seconds ago, here in the ocean, drowing as he watched, at first he watched to make sure if Horror would be able to swim up on his own, instead he noticed Horror slowly sinking down not moving or flailing around to try and swim back up. Lust had reason to believe that the cold water might have threw him off and caused him to instantly black out not to mention a bucket stuck to his foot which would only make his attempt at "swimming" worse. He swam over worried that it may have been to late and he pulled Horror upwards towards the dock . He lays him there hoping to see him begin to breathe again but he instead sees him roll on his side and begin to cough and sputter out all the water he had consumed. Lust backs away giving Horror some space and he decides to go grab a blanket to warm him back up. When he returns from the ocean with the dry? blanket he wraps it around Horror, he sits there hoping to see Horror turn back into his usual self instead of this mess in front of him. He waits calmly glad that he had been able go save Horror, and after about a minute Horror turns and stares at Lust confused and wondering if he was in a daze he lifts his hand up to Lusts cheek and caresses it slowly " Thank you " Lust hears Horror mutter, frankly Lust had never really liked to be touched but this felt different than just the average siren or mermaid from the ocean. He blushed slightly responding stupidly " I-Its no problem.... " As Lust is taking in the moment between him and Horror he hears more men begin to approach the boat. Lust holds Horrors hand before letting go and jumping back into the ocean quickly hoping to be avoided by the sight of the others...

Horror, still confused, stands up shakily and walks back towards the boat not noticing his arm. His arm when tumbling over the boat twisted out if its place which cause him great deals of pain whenever he used it. This was later to be bandaged by Cross . As he walked back he noticed a small glow of purple farther off in the distance coming from the ocean, he didn't know what fo think of it so he shook it off, what was really there was a very flustered Lust, dying of love and embarrassment...

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