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Ok so I'm bot really back...

I know, I know. I haven't updated in like forever. As my 'friends' keep reminding me...

Me: '.... And then she just yelled at me! For helping her!'

Friend: 'mmhhhm. Ya know what would make you feel better? If you updated'

Me: 'can you get me my binder?'

Friend: 'will you update?'

See my problem here? Like nats I swear... Buzzing in your ear unill you go insane and do what they want.

The reason why I haven't is because I have been busy as hell. But! But, my winter break is coming up here really soon. On next wednesday, I start my break. I will update then. On both stories. I'm hopin to get at least two chapters done for both this break. If not, at least one.

SO! again, I'm sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. Ive been busy and then something else came up in my life.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2012 ⏰

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