Chapter one

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"Come on!! youre going to make us late!" yelled the impatient 18 year old blonde. Or in other words my best friend, Rachel Camer, who was trying to get me into the car so we could acually get on the plane in time. I had finally got everything I could stuff into my third suitcase and came bounding downt the stairs.

"Ya got everything?" she asked. i dropped one of my ready-to-explode bricks at her feet. she raised and eyebrow.

"Yep now make yourself useful and help me," I replied. She just sighed and picked up one of the wieghts. We threw them into the trunk. ok not really that would have broken our backs but you know what I mean. we drove off to airport before my mom woke up and noticed that her three suitcases, her car and her daughter were gone.

Rachel was rumaging through all the crap in the middle console, looking for a C.D. Her head popped back up and she was holding staws from Wendy's and Subway in her hand.

"Why the heck does your mom have straws? Thats straw theifery!!" she exclaimed while waving them around. I glanced over at her then looked back at the black pavement. I wasn't suprised about the lack of traffic. I mean who would be on the road at three in the morning? well, maybe if you were drunk...

"Why are you asking me? I'm just the offspring. Ok why dont we put the straws down before something happens?" I said and reached my hand to grab her hand and pulled it down.

I glanced over and saw her pouting and rolled my eyes. The next thing I knew Call Me Maybe was blaring out of the car stereo. i was so surprised that i swerved into the other lane, having to swerve into my lane before we got killed.

"What the heck? Rachel turn it down a couple hundred notches why dont ya?! Could've gotten killed by a song!" I yelled trying to regain control of a the car and resisting the urge to shove her out the window.

"sorry, sorry! I didn't know it was that loud!! Why the hell does your mom have it that loud anyway?!" she was trying despretly to turn down the volume but turned it up instead.

"Holy crap! CAN IT GT ANY LOUDER?!?" now I was trying to it down. Finally I just turned the damn thing off and flipped off the driver who honked at us.

"ok why don't we take a break from music for a little while," rachel said, looking for something in her bag. Her head popped back up with a book in her mouth... Awkward.

She gave me a side ways glance, shrugged then took it out of her mouth.

"wow rachel! You're actually going to read something?" I couldn't help it. I had to say that. I knew she wasn't going to read it.

She looked at me then glared "What? No! I was going to use it as a desk to draw!"

What I tell ya?

I just rolled my eyes. The only way for her to ever read a book is when the teacher asks her threatens her, then evenually pays her 20 dollars to read her a 100 paged chapter book. But even then she'll just ask her mom, me, or her older brother, Rick, what it was about or she'll just look it up on the web.

Her mom was always trying to get her to read something, but rachel just didn't want too. The closet that she'd gotten was menus at restruants, claiming that "that was the sole reason for why reading was invented"

She never backed down from a fight and sometimes that would get her in trouble. Then that's where i came in.

I haves saved her little ass so many times that I had lost count. It was never physical, just threats throw here and there. And maybe a kick in the shins or knee in the crotch from me if I got too irritated and just wanted to drag Rachel out of there. Occasionally I had to.

She could be the sweetest thing ever or the scariest thing you would have ever sen. Well, except for me. I got used to her.

We were both Christian so she was totally against self harm and that chiz. That's why I had to wear either alot of bracelets or a longleeved something like a jacket.

Rachel was extremely beautiful. She had long blonde hair that was almost always in a fish tail, which was weird since she like a tomboy. She mostly wore jeans and graphic tee's and practically no makeup.

I, on the other hand, wasn't that pretty. I had boring brownish hair. Sure, it had highlights here and there but other than that it was pretty boring. Then a couple days before we got on the plane to get the heck away from there, I dyed it black with some red streaks.

My mom wasn't to happy- well, wait, that was an understatement. She screamed when she saw my hair. An I mean shrieked. I'm pretty sure I heard the neighbors threating to call the cops. But, hey I was 19 I could do what I wanted.

"Well I like it!" Rachel said after we left my moms house. See whT a good friend she was? She even moved to London with me on her 18th birthday!

"Hello, Cat? Anyone there? Or are you just deaf?" Rachel was snapping her fingers in my face tryng to get my attention. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, what?" she pointed up ahead to a ramp with a picture of a plane above it.

"Were going to miss our exit!"

I turned int the right lane and up tword the airport. And away from hell.

"Sorry, sorry! I didnt know it was that loud! why did your mom have it that loud in the first place?" she was trying despratly to turn the volume down but failed epically and turned it up instead.

"Holy crap! I didn't know it could go that loud!

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