Chapter 6

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Hey my little carrots!!! I'm starting to do the chapters a little more frequent since people keep bugging me to put chapters up. aka Rita. oh ya and my mom mads at me right now, so this chapter didnt happen when she was gone. Kay? kay.

   Me: "crap!"

   mom: "Languge, Kat!"

   Me: "English!"

  Ya, so apparently I wasnt suppose say that, but say yes ma'am. Anyway, hees the new chappie!!



   "Mom" I said in a monotone. not showing any emotion at all, because any emotion i do show, she would just call me weak for it or use it against me in the future. You know, I dont even know why I called her that. She was never a real mother to me. To her I  was a failure. A joke.

   "Oh, so the princess remembers me," I cringed at the nickname, knowing she was implying that I was selfish for getting my way.

   "I'm trying to forget you, but sadly, I still remeber." I said still showing no emotion in my voice. well, trying anyway.

   "Now, thats not what you say to your own mother, is it?" I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw. Mother, my ass. I could imagine her faking getting hurt and putting her surprisingly wrinkle free hand over her heart. Or where there should be one.

   "Ya, but your not my mother." I retorted back. I heard her suck in a quick breath. I rolled my eyes. she wasnt hurt by that. only acting like it. just like she acted she loved me the first eight years of my life.

   "What ever, but I was just wondering when your little tandrum would be over and you would be back home." I acually laughed at this. Tantrum? Going home? Ya, no I dont think so. My home was as far away from her as possible, and right now, that was with Katy and Rachel. In London.

   "When your dead." And I slammed the phone down, not wanting to hear her reply, knowing it was going to give me nightmares for at least a week, andthat was only because of her voice. Knowing her, she was probably going to say something like "Oh you couldnt handle it over there." or "You would never make it over there. you'd just be as much a fail over there as you where here"

   After I hung up, I noticed my hands where shaking and I was about cry.

   No, Kat! You can't cry. Not here anyway.

   I scolded myself while leaning against the counter in the bathroom. I splashed some cold water on my face and wiped it with one of Katie's white towels. I looked down at it and noticed the black stain right smack dab in the middle. 

   "Just freaking great." I mumbled to myself then looked up into the mirror and screamed. I looked like one of those creepy screwed up clowns in horror movies with my mascara and eyeliner running down my face.

   I wiped all of my make up. Might as well go natural and not scare people with my clownyness. Is that even a word? clowniness? Clownness?


   "AAAGGHH" I screamed at my phone and stepped back. And of course, no is the time I learned that there was a freaking garden knome in the bathroom. A garden knome!! I tripped over it and hit my head against the toilet and almost fell in. I scrammbled up and quickly grabbed my phone and this time looked at the caller I.D.

   Incoming call: The best guy for me because my mom thinks so too.

   Ok, I needed to change that, soon.

   Then it hit me. Kile. He was calling me! I ran out of the bathroom, screaming.

   "KILE IS CALLING ME!! KATY. KATY!!!" I was still staring at my screen and wasnt looking at what was in front of me so I ran into the couch. And flipped over it landing on top of Rachel, who was asleep. Still. I wasnt surprised. She once slept through fireworks and our neighbors house catching on fire.


   "I DONT KNOW, THATS WHY I CAME OUT HERE!" She ran over, carefully dodging Rachel who was now half on the couch half on the floor with her shirt riding up, and took the phone out of my hand and answered it putting it on the speaker phone.

   "Um... Hello?" she asked.

   "Um... Hi? Is er.. Cat there? It's Kile" he sounded unsure. Before I could answer him, Katie put her hand over my mouth.

   "No, she's er.. at the... party store." she said looking at me. I gave her a "what the hell was that" look and she just shrugged. I faced palmed. I seemed to be doing that alot lately.

   "What? Um.. well ok. Can you tell her I called?" I heard him scratching (hopefully) his head. My eyes went wide and Katy almost died of keeping her laughter in.

   "Can do!" She nearly burst out laughing. We both heard Rachel wake up and was squirming like a worm over to us and almost squirmed into the coffee table. I had to run to her to steer her away from it, but she didnt like that apparently and freaking bucked me!!

   She hit my foot and I lost my balance and fell flat on my face with Rachel's foot hitting my stomach.

   "What the hell was that!?" asked Kile. Katy's eyes went wide and stared at the phone while I started moaning.

    " Uh. My cat! I gotta go bye!" and she hung up on him.

   I gave her a look.

   "What? Its not a lie."

   "Just get me off of her!" I growled.

   "Please! she weighs like 200 pounds!" exclaimed Rachel, bractically begging me for a kick in the face if I had the ability. 

   "OW! Cat!!" Turns out i did.Suddenly I got yanked up and my ribs where free from getting further broken.

   "Please, no need to be gentle. I'm not breakable or anything" I said sacastically and Katy just rolled her eyes.

   Suddenly I felt extremly tired and just wanted sleep and go into my little dream world full of unicorns and lollipops and rainbows and free of mothers who dont give a shit for their kids.

   I got up and dragged Rachel back over to the couch so she wouldnt be able to break anything in her sleep easily. I sat down on Rachel and fell asleep and Rachek didnt even stir so I knew that she was already out cold.

   Katy walked by us and waved at me and said goodnight, not even fazed by me being on top of Rachel. Yep, its safe to say we're not normal.





Hey guys!! Sorry this one is shorter. it was just a filler. But theres drama to come!! ANd guess what!! I learned something new today!

   If you knee a guy in the groin forr "no good reason" then you will get kicked out of the store. I didnt know that! Welp, Heres a little gift. I was listening to Little Mix this Afternoon because I love them so freaking much!!

   AnD I said freaking just for you Drew. Happy? I cant even say fugde with her getting mad. Fudge!! Whats wrong with fudge?! Its a very fudgey candy!! You know what?



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