chapter 5

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A/N Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy hows everyon?! Im goods. Ok so I just wanna thank you all for the reads and votes!! But I have no clue how you alls are feeling about the storyso dont feel shy and comment pweez?! he he im wierd. So heres the next chapter. hope ya'lls like it and tell me if you have any ideas or how you likes or just than chiz thanx!!




   "CAT! RACHEL!" screamed my best red headed friend, Katy.

   "KATY!!" Rachel and I screamed with just as much enthusiasm and tackeled each other with hugs and fell to the ground with a thud and started laughing uncontrollably. To us this was completely normal, but to the people passing by, we probably looked like a bunch of crazy girls having spamses.

   "Come on in! Make yourself at home. Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" Katy said while getting and walking into the white kitchen. I looked over to Rachel who was smirking over at me then turned to Katy.

   "I'll have a coke but I think that Cat is still full from her date," Rachel emphasized date and Katy flicked her head tword us.

   "A boy?!" she squeeled and ran over to. I smacked my forehead while she and Rachel made me do a happy dance in the middle of her kitchen.

   "Is he hot? I mean he doesnt have to be. But is he funny? nice? Hot?!" Katy was shooting all these questions about kile at me.

   "Wow calm down, Katy!!" I said while holding her shoulders trying to calm her and laughing. "Yes, I geuss he's hot and fun-" I got cut off by Rachel.

   "You guess?! I KNOW! He works out and you can tell! He's way fit and you guess?" She exclaimed and was dramaticaly shaking my shoulders. apparently My face was anyhting but amused because Katy was laughing so hard that there were tears in her eyes and her face was turning red.

   "Ok Ok, he's hot! He's hot! for God's sake, Rachel get a hold of yourself!!" I said while trying to calm her down. I looked over to Katy for some help, but of course she was to busy laughing at this whole thing.

   I sighed and shoved Rachel off of me and she was taken off balance and fell flat on her face. I was laughing so hard at her face when she looked up that I couldnt breathe and Katy was in the same state right when she was starting to sober up her laughing from before.

   But we all stoped when Rachel started crying. We just stared at her then at each other. Then back at her when she started laughing.

   "We're still a little jet lagged" I said still staring at the emotional reck that was Rachel on the floor.

   "I can see that," said Katy also staring at Rachel "How do we calm her?" she asked while walking into her kitchen

   I looked over at Katy and then back to Rachel, still crying and laughing.

   "I geuss could make her take a bath and sip some water or som-" But I was cut off from Katy  walking back into the living room and dumping water on Rachel.

   "Or we could just do that" she said, but then rachel started crying again.

   "How do we stop her crying?" Katy shrugged.

   "Hell if I know. Calm her down with a movie?" I shrugged and dragged rachel into the bathroom and when I say dragged, I mean literally dragged her. She didnt want to get up and started to get mad so she all Jello on me.

   "Rachel, why do you weigh so much?!" I complained while trying to sit her up on the egde of the white toilet. I was looking around in the cabnits for a towel. And I have to say Katy had a pretty good flat. I was in a white bathroom with pictures of the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben with yellow and blue tiles. I finally found the white towels behind the toilet paper.

   "Ooo fluffy!!" I exclaimed while hugging and petting them. I turned around and took off her dripping wet sweater and shoes and wrapped fluffy towel around her shoulders and wrapped one around my own. Dont judge me, if you saw how fluffy they where, you would do the same.

   I walked back out, while dragging Rachel, of course.

   "Rachel, get up and walk like a normal person or I swear I will kick your pretty little but over there." I glared down at her. She huffed, got up and walked over to the couch where Katy had already put on Sherlock Holmes 2.

   I just rolled my eyesand walked over and plopped down. Racheljust glared at me but Katy handed her some gummy worms to calm her down and distract her. she turned to me and was about to say something but her mouth stayed open in an o and raised her eyebrow.

   "I never thought I would ask this, but why are you using my towel as a cape?" she asked while pulling on the corner of it. I glared at her and growled while pulling my towel tighter around my slim body. 

   "Ok then, nevermind." she held up her hands and relaxed back into the sofa. After about half an hour into the movie I fet Rachel relax beside me and then started snoring. I nugded Katy and she looked over and sh giggled.

   She got up and walked into the hallway and I heard a door open then close. she walked back out and layed a blue blanket over her. I was just about to relax back into the movie when my phone rang. of course it was on the other side of the room.

   I walked out of the room and grabbed it, not bothering to look at the caller I.D. When I answered, I wished hadn't.

  "Hello?" I asked in a tired tone.

   "I see that jet lagg is still affective." said that terrible high pitched voice I've been trying to avoid for the past well, 10 years.





  Hello, my carrots!! sorry its short. it was more of a filler. well I tried to give it a cliff hanger. ok so, I decided that the first person to geuss the song name and who its by will have the next chapter dedicated to you.

   Yeah they took turns laying a rose down,

  threw a handful of dirt into the deep ground

  he's not the only the one with a secret to hide

   bye bye bye bye bye bye

 till next time my carrots!!!!!

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