Chapter 10

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Hola!! I hope you read my earlier A/N because I'm not repeating it. But I will be putting it up (If i think its good) maybe tomorrow night. Most likely its gonna be on Thursday night. Oh, and one more thing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I AM BEGGING YOU! comment. Give me feedback. Cause right now, I have no freaking idea how you guys like it...




        Katy was about to respond to the cupcake offer, but Rachel and I both slapped her mouth shut with our hands.

       "Ya sure. I mean, if its not a bother." Rachel responded before Katy could do and/or say anything. I saw Katy roll her eyes at Rachel.

        "Ok, so I'm going to apologize in advance for my roommates." said Kile while he was leading us to his jeep.

       I saw Rachel's and Katy's faces light up at the word 'roommates' and I just rolled my eyes. Katy was always boycrazy, so I wasnt surprised there, but what did was that Rachel perked up at the sound of him having roommates.

      "How many do you have?" asked Katy, who was most likely day dreaming about- you know what I dont even wanna think about that. Once you get inside her brain, theres no going back. Its like a damn labrinth. Trust me. Im still stuck in there.

       Rachel and Katy got in the back. or more like Katy tripped Rachel while she got in first.

        And of course being the gentleman he was, he opened my door to the front seat and got in beside me.

         "Four" I layed back, trying to get rid of my headache that oh so magically appeared during the past hour.  I was almost asleep, when all of a sudden...

          "CAN WE TURN THE RADIO ON?!" screamed Katy. I opened my eyes and turned around in my seat, givning Rachel a 'do something' look and then gave Kile a glare for laughing. Rachel shook her head and slightly giggled.

          "I'm already on it." I turned around. "Katy, shut up! I thought you wouldnt have any more energy from chasing down that manager and tackling him!" I heard Rachel say. I just sighed and layed my head down on the headrest. I felt Kile's hand on the out side of my thigh and there was a smile tugging at my lips. He touch gave me chills. And I liked it.

         I felt the car stop and Kile whispered in my ear that we where here.And again chills.

        "Ok, so do you guys want anything to drink? Eat?" He said while walking into his kitchen and left us taking in his living room. It had a whole wall on one side a window with light green courtains. on the other side of the room was a nice light brown 'L' shaped couch with light green throw pillowson it. In the middle was a wooden small coffee table with a fern in the middle of it. In the corner was a dark brown chair with alight brown throw pillow. "I got water, soda,orange juice, cofffee"

      All three of our heads snapped to where the kitchen entrence was. Then Rachel and I looked at each other. Then we looked at Katy, who looked like kid at Christmas getting an iPhone or something. and we gave her a disaproving look.

      "No, Katy." I said sternly. Then she gave me a look I couldnt really decifer. And nodded her head.




       "Ya, Can I have coffee?"

       "Oh, gosh. are you insane?!" Kile had walked in with the coffee pot in hand.

       "What are you talking about?" he asked me and I started rubbing my temples.

        "Not you," I said to Kile "Do NOT have coffee" But she just nodded and kile gave her a mug full of coffee. Rachel and I just looked at each other.

         "I'd give it about five minutes" I said.

         "I bet about two." said Rachel

         Kile had a really confused look on his face, so Rachel and I had to explain it to him.

        "You might want to lock her outside or something..." I said while drapping my arm over his shoulder and notking my eyes off of Katy, who know had a wild look in her eye. "Like, now."

         Since he wasnt doing anything, we shoved her out side then locked the doors our selves, while Kile looked like he was about ready  cry with frustration. I was about to explain it to him, but we heard something break outside and then her screaming like a maniac and running around without a shirt on. I hit my forhead.

         "yes! I won!" exclaimed Rachel and I sat Kile down so we could explain it to him while Katy was outside getting threatened by the neighbors for her to put at least her bra on.

          "Oh, better pray she dosent say your name." I said while looking out the window. "Anyways, why dont we explain the summer of 2012to you and then you will understand why she was banned from the local store, liquor store, the clothing store, McDonalds, and what was it? there was another..."

           "And the police station" said Rachel.

           "Oh, ya and the police station. Oh, and the local church." I said and looked over at Kile who was trying to figure this thing out.

          "Now, it all started when Katy wanted to go to this local coffee shop in our little town. And a snowman. And I think a waffle iron..."




How was that? I liked it! And by the way, this is acually why we dont give Rita coffee anymore... And I know its not very long but its best I do right now whith my damn dog barking at me every ten freaking seconds!! My friend and mum say that im way too stressed out. But I'm like "pffft, no I'm not." I'm fine. soo... untill next time.

  Stay beautiful!!

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