Chapter 9

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Hey my little carrots!! Sorry about the little false update.. But anyway, heres the next update! I'm gonna have to hurry up with this one because my mom thinks I'm just doing homework.. Hey! Its the only way I can get the laptop anymore!! So dont judge me.




        I was starting to lean forward to meet him in the middle, but good things dont last.

        "OH YA YOU GO AND GET SOME CAT!! WOOHOO!" And that is why I havent had any boyfriends when I started hanging out with Katy.

       His head snapped back over to the girls and I could feel a blush creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks and looked in the same direction. Rachel facepalmed and started to drag away the fistpumping Katy, mouthing "Sorry".

       Well, after that it was just plain awkward having him on top of me in a bakery. And all the people staring at us.

       Well, thanks Katy! I thought to myself and Kile got up, off of me. he gave me his hand and helped me up, akwardly coughing, He started to say somthing, but out of no where we hear Katy say "WHY DONT ALL OF YOU JUST MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSSINESS AND QUIT MAKING IT AKWARD!!" and then Rachel say "KATY, GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE AND STOP YELLING AT INNECENT PEOPLE TRYING TO ENJOY THEIR FRICKING FOOD!!"

      About five seconds later, Katy was running past the bakery window, flinging her purse at Rachel who was right behind her. It was my turn to facepalm. I was pretty sure my whole face was red. From blushing and smacking myself.  

   "At least it cant get any worse" I said, while trying trying to hide my face with my hand.

    Never say that. And I mean NEVER. Because just then the manager came out of nowhere, and asked us to quiet down, or leave.

     I was just about to say ok and walk out of there with at least a shred of my dignity left. But then Katy popped up. And i mean litterally popped up. Right in front of the manager. with Rachel right behind her trying to get Katy away from the whole thing. She started yelling at him about 'rights of being here' and 'freedom of speech' and then somewhere in the middle of the argument, she managed to get carrots and cupcakes invoved with politics. In a bakery.

      Ya, lets just say we werent aloud in that bakery for a long, long time. Rachel, Kile, and I all had to litteraly drag Katy away from the bakery with her screaming something about rabbits and cupcakes. when we had finlly gotten away from there, we walked to a park and sat down. Or at least I did.

      "Hey, Rachel can I see your purse real quick?" I asked sounding slightly tired and my voice cracked at the end. SHe gave me a weird look before she handed it to me and Kile just watched us on the other side of me, drawing circles on my back, trying to calm me down. I took it calmly but turned to Katy and started beating her with it and didnt stop until Kile put a hand on it, taking it from me. I looked over at Rachel and she had a 'Oh i get it' look' on her face and then at kile and sat back down.

     "How about we go to a different bakery for lunch?" sudgested Rachel. I shook my head.

     "No, he said he warned all the bakeries in a mile radious of our 'monster' over here" I said pointing to Katy. We all turned slowly to her and glared at her.

    Kile sighed.

    "How about my house then? I have cupcakes there"




There ya go guys!! hope you liked it!! I was laughing my butt off while writing this because I could acually see someone I know do this..

Stay beautiful!!     

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