Chapter 28

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A/N: GUESS WHO'S BAAAACK. Hope you're all happy and safe wherever you are xx I'm so sorry for disappearing for two whole months that was never the plan. I'd go into all the reasons why I couldn't write but that would need it's own chapter lol. Tbh I'm not sure how long this story is going to be, I haven't really made up my mind. If there's something you guys would want to see, lmk. To anyone who has read, voted on or reviewed this story, thank you!x I read all your reviews/comments and they always make my day and I appreciate each and every one. I'm going to stop rambling now lol. Hope you like the chapter xx

Maeve was a wreck. It had been two days since Otis had asked for a break. She wasn't sure what that meant. Was it a break up? She'd tried calling and texting him and even though he had answered, she could tell he was unsure about what he wanted. She hadn't gotten out of bed all weekend, despite multiple requests from Aimee to come over and watch 10 Things I Hate About You. It was Monday now and Maeve had no intention of getting out of bed today either.

She had been awake for hours and even though she had plenty of time to get dressed and be on time for school, she decided to stay in bed and just stare at the ceiling. The simple act helped make her feel numb somehow, as if just staring at the ceiling could stop the sea of thoughts and insecurities that were threatening to enter her consciousness.

"You're still in bed? Get up!" Aimee said, suddenly barging into Maeve's room.

Maeve looked up at Aimee for a moment and then went back to admiring the roof of her trailer. Under normal circumstances, she would ask Aimee how she got in but right now she really couldn't care less.

"Maeve? Are you listening to me?" Aimee asked, taking a seat on Maeve's bed.

"I'm not going to school today." Maeve said.

"Why not?" Aimee asked.

"Because I don't feel like and besides, it's not like I'm going to be missing anything. They barely teach us anything." Maeve said.

"That's not the point." Aimee said.

"What's the point then?" Maeve asked, not really looking for an answer.

"The point is you haven't left your bed in two days and that's not good. I know you're hurting Maeve but you need to take care of yourself." Aimee said.

Maeve didn't say anything. She started looking for something else in her room to focus on.

"You and Otis are going to be fine." Aimee said.

"How can you possibly know that?" Maeve asked, a little irritated.

"Because it's you guys, you always make it work." Aimee said.

"He's tired of me, Aimes. He's tried of me being a complete and utter mess all the fucking time." Maeve said.

"That's not true." Aimee said.

"Yes it is." Maeve said.

"If you think that's the truth then why don't you get out of bed and show him that's not true." Aimee said.

"Because I can't, I physically cannot. I feel like I'm in pain all the fucking time. I have never in my life felt like this. It's scary." Maeve said.

"If you love him this much, you need to fight for him. But more than that, you need to fight for yourself Maeve. You need to take care of yourself and stop selling yourself so short all the damn time. You're a smart, beautiful and talented girl, who deserves the fucking world. I know there's that voice in your head that tells you don't deserve anything good, that you don't deserve Otis but you do. That voice in your head is what you need to be at war with, not yourself." Aimee said.

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