Chapter 11

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A/N: I know it's been a while since I last posted but I promise I'm going to try and be faster with updates. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your wonderful reviews and ideas, I really appreciate all of it xx Writing this story is so much more fun knowing you guys are on this journey with me, hope you like where it leads us!

Things between Maeve and Otis were going great. They were finally past all the miscommunication and the baggage of their past and were trying their best to move forward together.

Maeve was talking to Aimee as she took books out of her locker.

"Hey you." Otis said, wrapping his arms around Maeve's waist as he stood behind her.

"Hey dickhead." Maeve said, turning around in Otis' arms.

Otis smiled and gave Maeve what was supposed to be a quick kiss but of course turned into them making out in the middle of the hallway. Neither of them ever thought they were would be that couple, the one who makes out no matter what the situation and can't get enough of each other but here they were.

"I love you both but can you not?" Eric asked, walking up to them.

Maeve and Otis reluctantly pulled away from their kiss but still held onto each other.

"You guys are really sappy and I don't know if I love it or hate it." Eric said.

Maeve gave Eric the kind of look that if looks could kill, he would be dead.

"Alright, I'll stop." Eric said.

"So what are you guys doing today?" Aimee asked.

"Isaac." Maeve responded.

"What?!" Otis asked, his voice a mixture of confusing and annoyance.

"Is here." Maeve said as she stared straight ahead.

Eric, Otis and Aimee followed Maeve's gaze to find Isaac coming towards them.

"Hey guys!" Isaac said happily, acting as if he didn't actively sabotage Maeve and Otis' relationship literally a month ago.

"Hey Isaac, what are you doing here?" Maeve asked, looking at Isaac and then at Otis.

Maeve had never seen Otis look this angry. He was doing everything to not look at Isaac. Maeve figured he was trying to stop himself from punching Isaac square in the face.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, I transferred schools. I go here now." Isaac said.

"What? Why?" Otis asked, trying to keep his cool but failing.

"This school is much better than the one I went to and I just figured it's important to give my education a priority." Isaac said, really enjoying the way he was pushing Otis' buttons.

"Well that's great, welcome!" Aimee said. She had clearly not picked up on the tense vibe and was being her usual ditzy self. In any other situation Maeve would have found this very endearing but right now she didn't know how to react.

Before any of them could say anything, the bell rang.

"I guess I'll see you guys around." Isaac said with a smile before he left.

"Alright, what the fuck is happening?" Eric asked. He was always the one who said what was on everyone's mind.

"I hate this. Why can't he just back the fuck off?" Otis said. He wasn't really intending on saying the words out loud but he couldn't help himself. Things were finally where he wanted them to be with Maeve, they really didn't need this.

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