Chapter 13

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry for disappearing. Between work, my channel and every other responsibility that's seemed to have popped up out of the blue, I haven't really had any time to sit down and write. But I love writing and I'm going to make it a point to update every few days. I also want to start another sex education related story, maybe based on prompts from you guys. So if you have any, feel free to comment them or dm them to me. I really really appreciate you sticking with this story and me. Hope you're all safe, sending you all tons of love xx

Growing up, Otis had heard multiple times to never complain too much, because things could always be worse. But owing to his overactive imagination which had a tendency to create problems where none existed, Otis had grown up to be a complainer. Now, in retrospect he wished he'd paid heed to the advice of all those adults whose names he couldn't remember.

Otis had thought that nothing could be worse than Isaac transferring to their school, literally nothing. Obviously the universe had other plans, which included pairing Maeve with not only Isaac but also Jackson. It was like someone was creating a live version of Otis' worst nightmare while also making him present in front of his whole class right along side with his ex-girlfriend and the girl he lost his virginity to. This had to be some kind of cosmic joke, right?

"So you're Ola? We couldn't really meet during Otis' party. I'm Isaac." Isaac said, extending his hand.

Everyone shot Isaac a look because this was literally the worst time to be doing an ice breaking session.

"Hey, nice to meet you." Ola said, shaking his hand. She didn't want to be rude.

"If the two of you are done mingling, can we figure out how to fix this?" Maeve asked, speaking through gritted teeth.

"I don't really see the problem." Ruby said, while staring at her nails.

"Of course you don't, why would you?" Maeve asked, rolling her eyes. She was getting surprisingly worked up about this. It had taken her a while but Maeve was finally becoming okay with Ruby and Otis being friends but the idea of Otis having to expend extra time with both Ruby and Ola was bringing up a lot feelings for Maeve, which had clearly gone unresolved.

"Don't need to get snippy with me, cockbitter. I honestly don't care what weird shit you guys have going on. I honestly have no idea who half of you guys even are." Ruby said.

"Um.. So Jackson and Isaac are Maeve's ex-boyfriends and Ola and I used to date and.." Otis wanted to continue but stopped because of the death stares Maeve and Ruby gave him. Sure Ruby was finally becoming okay with being seen in public with Otis but she would die before she let anyone find out about them hooking up.

"Like I said, I don't know who these people are and I don't care. All I care about is passing this class with a good grade because I need it to up my average. And I don't think there's anyone who knows more about sex than you Otis, you're literally called sex kid. So can we please get to work? I refuse to work on this after school." Ruby said, staring at Otis. She was starting to look a little annoyed.

"I mean it's okay, I can ask Mr. Hendricks to put me in another group." Jackson said. He was willing to do anything to get out of this conversation.

"Yeah, me too. It shouldn't be a problem." Ola said, joining in.

"Thanks guys. Maybe we should all go, it might be easier for him to know who to put where." Otis said.

Ruby just rolled her eyes and took a seat in an empty chair she found and began looking through her phone. She meant it when she said didn't care but if she had a choice, she would want to be in a group with Otis. Things were kind of rough for her at home right now and talking to Otis always seemed to make her feel better. He didn't really seem to care about any of the other stuff that the boys she had dated cared about. He actually listened when she spoke and seemed to hear her even when she didn't.

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