Chapter 3

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All Maeve wanted to do was scream. How the fuck did she end up here?! She wasn't supposed to feel this fucked up anymore. She hadn't in so long that she had kind of forgotten the feeling. But then Otis started dating Ola and life had become quite shit from that point on. Normally when she felt this bad, she'd think of texting Otis because he somehow knew what to say to her to make her feel like she had someone to count on. But since Otis was the reason why she was feeling this way, she thought of speaking to the only other person in the world who made her feel safe.

Maeve began running to Aimee's house. She needed an escape and she knew somewhere in the halls of that huge mansion, she would find her peace.

"Well?" Maeve asked, after telling Aimee everything that had happened.

"That's really stupid." Aimee said, the confusion evident on her face.

"What part?" Maeve asked, sounding equally confused.

"All of it." Aimee said.

"Aimes, my life is falling apart as we speak and you're calling it stupid?" Maeve asked, not knowing how to react.

"I mean that's because it is. You and Otis are clearly in love with each other and it's as if the two of you are doing everything in your power to not end up together and I can't tell why." Aimee said.

"That's not true." Maeve said, getting offended.

"Okay, why haven't you told Otis you have feelings for him since finding out about the voicemail?" Aimee asked.

"Because..." Maeve began but didn't really have an answer.

"Because?" Aimee asked.

"Because it's complicated." Maeve said, sitting up a little straighter, knowing her answer wasn't good enough.

"It isn't, you're making it complicated and I just want to know why." Aimee said.

Maeve sighed. She knew she had to talk about her feelings, if she wanted to get anywhere with this. She just hated opening up to people, but Aimee had always been there for, which was the only reason Maeve decided to give it a chance. "Everyone always lets me down. I never thought Otis would but even he has over this past year and I don't know if I can take being let down by him again.

"I get that." Aimee said, hoping Maeve would continue.

"I mean, am I really wrong for being cautious? I let Isaac in and look what happened? He straight up lied to me and sabotaged Otis and me. He says he was trying to protect me but that doesn't change the fact that he had no right to do what he did." Maeve said.

As if on cue, Maeve's phone began ringing, it was Isaac.

"Are you going to get that?" Aimee asked.

"No." Maeve said, cutting the call and throwing her phone to the side.

"I understand what you mean Maeve. But what's the plan? Are you just going to avoid both of them till we graduate?" Aimee asked.

"No.. Maybe.. I don't know." Maeve said, holding her head in her hands.

"I get that Otis let you down but I'm not sure you'll ever have a relationship where there are zero disappointments. People fuck up, it's a part of who we are. The point is, having someone who wants to make it better after fucking up. I know Otis has been a complete douche but he's also always been there for you." Aimee said.

"What if he does it again?" Maeve asked, feeling very vulnerable yet safe.

"Yeah but what if he doesn't? You literally light up around him and I've never seen you that happy with anyone, not even Jackson which is why I think you shouldn't write this off just yet. And besides, if he hurts you, I will kick his ass. I know I can take him." Aimee said, trying to flex her non-existent muscles.

Maeve couldn't help but laugh at Aimee's antics. Their friendship was something so different, sacred even. No one on the outside really understood and that was because they couldn't. The bond Maeve and Aimee had was beyond words, it was always based on showing up for each other, something they had done since day 1.

"I really like him, Aimes." Maeve said, hugging Aimee.

"I know, babe." Aimee said, hugging Maeve back.

"What should I do? I don't even know where to start." Maeve said, lifting her head from Aimee's chest and looking up at her.

"I would start by breaking up with Isaac. I never really liked him. He seemed a little too smart." Aimee said.

"I know you're right but I really don't want to." Maeve said.

"Is it because you like him?" Aimee asked.

"Yes and no. I'm just really confused about how I feel. I don't think I can trust him after what he did." Maeve said.

"There's the whole clearly being in love with Otis thing too." Aimee said, non-chalantly.

"Well, yeah. And I know that isn't fair to him but what if Otis has moved on with Ruby? I mean they're always together and he did think I ignored his message." Maeve said.

"Look, you can't keep Isaac around as a safety net. That's a dick move. You need to sort yourself out in terms of Otis on your own." Aimee said.

"Wow Aimes, that was harsh but that was really good advice. I needed that." Maeve said.

"I just want you to be happy, babes." Aimee said with a smile.

"I know and I think the only way for me to really be happy is to work this out with Otis, which is why I will talk to Isaac tomorrow." Maeve said.

"Sounds like a good plan." Aimee said.

"Thanks for listening and being there, even though I practically broke into your house." Maeve said, playing with her fingers, a smile lingering on her lips.

"Don't worry about it, we never even lock the door so it's not really breaking in." Aimee said.

Maeve burst out laughing. She had never met anyone like Aimee and she was sure she never would.

"Anyway, how about a movie marathon?" Aimee asked.

"If we're doing romantic comedies, the only one I recognise is 10 things I hate about you." Maeve said.

"That's because you're basically Kat." Aimee said.

Maeve just shrugged her shoulders with a smug look on her face.

Knowing she wasn't going to relent, Aimee began setting up the movie.

Aimee and Maeve spent the whole night watching movies and eating crisps. They didn't really talk much because just being around each other was comfort enough. Maeve knew tomorrow would be hard but for the first time since everything began unraveling, she didn't feel completely and utterly alone. Maybe instead of that lonesome apartment, she could be neighbours with Aimee. That way, looking out the window would mean seeing Aimee trying to bake a cake instead of watching her life move past her and Maeve could live with that.

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