Chapter 12

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Otis was doing everything in his power to appear unaffected by Isaac's presence. Of course it didn't help that he was literally everywhere Otis looked.

"Hey guys!" Isaac shouted from across the trailer park.

"Hey." Maeve said awkwardly, as she eyed Otis' reaction.

Even though what he really wanted to do was go over and punch Isaac's face, Otis resisted the urge and decided to be polite instead. "Hey." He said.

Maeve smiled her signature Otis smile as she grabbed onto his arm.

"I was not expecting that." Maeve said, as she and Otis began walking out of the park.

"Yeah well, I told you that I would get better at handling this, so I'm trying." Otis said, shrugging a little.

"And I really appreciate it." Maeve said, pulling Otis in for a quick kiss.

Both of them sighed as they pulled away, still feeling the same excitement they had felt when they had kissed for the very first time.

"I'm going to speak to Mr. Hendricks today, about changing our groups." Maeve said, as she and Otis approached the school.

"Yeah?" Otis asked.

"Yeah, I know you're okay with or trying to be okay with Isaac being here but I'm not in the mood to push it right now." Maeve said with a small laugh.

Otis wanted to tell her she didn't have to worry but he stopped himself because only he knew how much he felt like a ticking time bomb. Sure he was trying to do whatever it took to make things work with Maeve but that didn't mean he was suddenly okay with this situation. He didn't trust Isaac, not for a second. But he didn't want to go off on a rant about it to Maeve, so instead all he did was nod.

The rest of the day went off as usual. School was dull and Maeve and Otis didn't really get to hang out because she had plans with Aimee. Otis took the time off to just lay in bed and overthink, as he often did. He only came out of his room, when it was time to have dinner with his mom.

The dinner had mostly been spent in silence, the only words spoken being in relation to passing the different plates of food around the table.

"What is it darling?" Jean asked, finally.

"What do you mean?" Otis asked, confused by his mother's sudden concern.

"Something is bothering you." Jean said.

"No, it's nothing." Otis said, not wanting to talk about what was going on out of fearing of exploding.

"It is something, I can tell. You're very tense, even in the way you're sat. Tell me what's on your mind, is it about Maeve?" Jean asked.

Otis suddenly sat up straighter, now conscious of all that his posture had apparently given away. He was caught up in an internal argument, trying to decide whether or not to let his mother in. The usual answer would've been fuck no. But after everything that had happened over the past few months, Otis had promised himself that he would not be an arsehole, especially to his mother.

"Tell me darling, I promise we'll work it out." Jean said, trying to nudge Otis a little.

"Fine." Otis said, letting out a defeated sigh.

"Is it about Maeve?" Jean asked again.

"Yeah, well kind of. Her ex-boyfriend transferred to our school." Otis said.

"And you're feeling a little insecure about feelings reemerging?" Jean asked, the inner therapist in taking over before she could stop it.

"Not exactly." Otis said.

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