Chapter 26

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A/N: Hey guys, hope you're all doing well! I'm back, I honestly didn't plan on disappearing but it just happened. To make up for the lack of updates, this chapter is going to be an Otis and Maeve only event. This is also my longest chapter till now (I think) so I hope you guys like it xx

Maeve looked in the mirror straightening the black dress she had worn to the dance last year. Otis had called her earlier that day to let her know they were going to a fancy place for dinner and this was the only decent dress she had. Maeve wasn't sure why she was so nervous, this wasn't her first date with Otis but somehow it felt different. They'd been doing really great lately and things had progressively been getting more serious between them. And while that was exactly what Maeve wanted commitment had always made her nervous.

She was about to spiral further, when a knock on her door snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Hey." Maeve said, opening the door.

"Wow." Otis said, staring at Maeve.

"Thanks, you look really handsome." Maeve said with a smile.

Otis absentmindedly brushed a hand over his shirt while still staring at Maeve. It felt like his mind was short-circuiting.

"Come on, you've already seen me in this dress." Maeve said, getting a little shy.

"Doesn't mean you look any less beautiful than you did that night." Otis said finally.

Maeve didn't say anything, she just blushed. She had no idea she was even capable of blushing but here she was, completely smitten.

"Are you ready to go?" Otis asked after he had come to terms with how beautiful Maeve looked.

"Yeah." Maeve said, holding onto to Otis' arm.

Maeve and Otis walked to Otis' car in silence, just enjoying each other's company.

"I had no idea you even knew how to drive." Maeve said, looking over at Otis once they'd begun driving to the restaurant.

"I learnt last year but I don't really like it. Besides cycling is better for you and the environment." Otis said, looking kind of proud of himself.

"And you've always been someone who's super into fitness." Maeve said teasingly.

Otis shot Maeve a look before focusing on the road again.

"I'm kidding. I actually think you look really cute with your little helmet." Maeve said, biting her lip to suppress the smile that was threatening to take over her face.

Otis began short-circuiting again because he had no idea what to say. He just reached over and held Maeve's hand in his own.

They sat in silence for a while until Maeve noticed the smile on Otis' face.

"What?" Maeve asked, looking over at Otis with a smile of her own.

"What?" Otis asked, briefly looking over at Maeve.

"You're smiling." Maeve said.

"Yup." Otis said.

"Why?" Maeve asked.

"Because I'm thinking about the dance and how the first time I saw you that night, all I could think about was how much I wished you'd gone with me. I was so hopelessly in love with you and I was desperately trying to move on and I thought it was working, till I saw you in that dress. And when you opened the door tonight, in the same dress, I kind of felt like we were getting another shot at what should've been our night." Otis said.

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