Chapter 10

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Maeve had been losing her mind trying to figure out what to do for her date with Otis. She really wanted it to be something that was fun yet special but she had no idea what that could be.

"I have no idea what to do." Maeve said, as she carried the popcorn over from Aimee's kitchen. They were having yet another movie night.

"I think you're overthinking this. He's crazy about you, he probably doesn't even care what you guys do." Aimee said.

"Yeah but I do. He's letting me plan this so that I have control and so that I feel safe while letting him in. I sound like such a sap." Maeve said, cringing at how cheesy she was beginning to sound.

"You really do. But it's cute." Aimee said, reassuringly.

Maeve just rolled her eyes.

"Look, I kind of feel like you'll just know what to do. Your stomach will tell you." Aimee said.

"My stomach?" Maeve asked, a mixture of confusion and amusement in her voice.

"You know, like your instincts will tell you." Aimee said.

"Do you mean my gut will tell me?" Maeve asked, trying to suppress her laughter.

"Yeah, that." Aimee said, still completely nonchalant.

"Thanks, Aims." Maeve said, wrapping her friend in a hug.

"No worries." Aimee said, picking up the remote to start the movie.

The girls were watching 10 Things I Hate About You for the 100th time and Maeve wasn't paying a lot of attention. They were watching the scene where Kat and Patrick go on a date where they play paintball.

"That's it!" Maeve said, having a little eureka moment.

"What?" Aimee asked.

"Otis and I can go and play paintball on our date!" Maeve said.

"That actually sounds like a lot of fun. See I told you, you know when you know." Aimee said, looking very proud of herself.

"You were right, my stomach really does know what's up." Maeve said.

Aimee just nodded in agreement and went back to watching the movie.

Maeve quickly looked up some paintball places. Once she'd found her favourite, she texted Otis the address.

"Hi, what's this?" Otis responded.

"This is where we're going on our date tomorrow but you can't look up the place." Maeve said.

"What? Why?" Otis asked.

"Because I want it to be a surprise." Maeve said.

"Yeah but I need to look it up because I don't how to get there.." Otis said.

Maeve had really not thought this through in all her excitement.

"Alright, you make a good point. How about this, you and I go together, after school but you can't look up where we're going." Maeve replied.

"Alright, I won't." Otis said.

"If you do, I'll know." Maeve said.

"I know you will, I promise I wont." Otis said.

"Good." Maeve replied, not being able to suppress the smile that appeared on her face whenever she spoke to Otis.

"I'm really looking forward to this, Maeve." Otis said.

"Me too." Maeve replied, putting her phone aside and getting back to the movie.

She was getting really excited and nervous at the same time. But that's how she always seemed to feel when it came to Otis.

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