port mafia arc ❚ party ✕ success ✕ good business

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[ Port President, Marble Fort | Sixth day (Party Night) ]


The whole building was filled with life for the grand day.

With all the guests finally at the Fort, the staff was busy tending to each and every need of theirs and at the same time making the last adjustments for the party. In a similar way, the two assassins did the same: after the last exchange with the master of the house and his second-in-command, Illumi had updated his partner with the last news he got.

They elaborated a plan--quite simple, but efficient. They'd have to act a bit more, but otherwise it would be the last everyone saw of "Pharis Nikiforov" and "Freyja Nacht".

Illumi was certain that it would end up well, clean and in a way that should satisfy even the most suspicious onlookers. It was an extra precaution he decided to take in the name of the same professionalism Shuji doubted the day before.

And even if that didn't work perfectly, it wouldn't be his direct problem anyway.

«Are you sure you want to use your needles, Illumi?» Eirene called from the bathroom, where she was just finishing her makeup. «Sounds like a waste to me, since we could honestly just kill the old man and be done with it.»

«Hm, we could. But we're at a party, Iri.» he replied, fixing the necktie on his chest. There was a large mirror on the inner side of the wardrobe door, which he was using right at the moment. «Wouldn't it be polite to give them a reason to remember it by?»

An amused beat of laughter reached his ears from the other room, just as the woman showed herself fully dressed. The attire Illumi had chosen for her fit her magnificently, highlighting the blonde's pale skin and feminine curves. Her hair, usually left down, was tied up in a loose bun, with some curled locks framing her face.

Illumi could appreciate beautiful things and his partner just now was nothing short of that.

«You should stop talking like that, you know? You're starting to sound more and more like me.»

He didn't reply, choosing instead to focus on his transformation. Once they were both ready to go, Eirene got a hold on his left arm as they left the room.




Admittedly, she had never been at one of the parties held by underground groups. She knew enough of their ways to move around comfortably in case she needed to infiltrate one, but she never got the chance to actually stay long enough to listen to the speeches, the toasting and all that followed.

That would be the first and last time, if it depended on her.

Tedious, annoying, with too many people--those three factors didn't really mix well with Eirene.

She wanted to make it over as quickly as possible. Actually, she would have already gone for the kill if the damned man didn't surround himself with people all the time. It was as if he knew that someone was after his life.

Clicking her tongue silently, the woman looked idly around to find an idea to isolate her target before her instincts convinced her to decapitate him on the spot. Her sudden spike in aggressiveness bothered her a little, to be fair. Still, it was a matter she would deal with after completing the current job.

«Calm down, your bloodlust is showing.» Illumi chided her, turning her around again. They were on the dancefloor together with other couples, dancing on the melody played by the orchestra.

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