Chapter 10 - Target

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Katie's P.O.V

"Here. All I remember of last night." I handed Tony two sheets of paper of the events of last night.
"Thank you. How are you feeling?" He asked me, sat at his desk, all settled for the day ahead.
"My two best friends are dead... How do you think I feel?" I asked him, before walking out his office, passing Simon, as he was walking in.
I saw Gary place some flowers on my desk, along with a few cards from Steve, Martin, and Tony.
I didn't get any sleep last night, as my car was fucked. They shot the fuel tank, way too much damage. The pay of this job was great, but not great enough.

Flipper 1975 - 1987

It only hurt so much, because she was my first car. I learn to drive in her, I drove Steve to work in her, when I officially got my licence... I grabbed the card from Steve and read over it again.
"So sorry for your loss. If you need anything at all, you know where I am. Love Steve."
I gathered the cards, putting them in the draw at my desk, before moving the flowers to my right, just out of the way.
"Morning. Thought you could use this." John came into the office, ignoring everyone, placing a coffee down in front of me.
"Love of my life!" I sung the song by Queen, taking the coffee.
"How you holding up?" He sat on my right, not taking his coat off, ready to go.
"OK... I'm using a company car. Tony's going to sort it out for me..." I sighed.
"Do you want me to drive it?" John offered.
"Up to you, mate..." I shrugged, not really bothered who drives.

I sat back and put my feet up on the desk, John copying me, making me crack a small smile.
"Listen up!" Tony came out his office, walking over to the white board. "Steve told us what was said last night, and Bolan's statement accounts the same. They're going to be back there tomorrow night-"
"GOV!" Martin ran into the office, from taking a phone call downstairs. "The guy you saw last night, his name is Stuart Goddard."
"Adam Ant?" I asked Martin, who stood by my desk.
"Yeah! He's fighting for a revolution." Martin told us.
"How do you know this?" Simon asked, leaning on Martin's desk.
"Shirlie saw the sketch of the description given. She recognized him." Martin replied. 

Now the game has changed.
"OK! Our target - Stuart Goddard, also known as Adam Ant. Armed and wary. We're raiding the garage, anything anyone gets, or sees, I want it. We need to know their next hit, any patterns, how many of them there are, any known associates. It's all inside this building." Tony pointed out the garage on the board. "Gary, I want you leading the raid!" Tony pointed at Gary, who was sat at his desk.
"Christ, again...?" Gary muttered, looking back at me.
I shrugged, giving him a supportive smile.
"Anything to say to that, Kemp?" Tony asked, hearing Gary's complaint, smirking at him.
"Delighted, sir! Can't wait!" Gary smiled at Tony, making us all laugh.
"Excellent. All exits are to be covered. Everyone to be armed. Shoot to freeze. Not kill. I want the 5 7 0 5 Unit in front. Clear all areas, following the armoured lot. MS, you'll be behind us." Tony instructed.
Steve flipped a coin, as the 5 7 0 5 made some moves.

The MS weren't happy.
"Shouldn't you all be following us?" Simon asked, standing up straight.
I looked over, standing at my desk. The coin landed and Steve placed it down on his right hand.
We all looked at the bosses, waiting.
"This is our town, our job. Our man lost. You follow us." Tony ordered, nodding at Simon, challenging him.
"Bullshit. We're the murder squad." Andy commented, sat at his desk, with Roger.
"Yeah. Shoot to freeze. Not kill." Gary looked back at Andy, getting his coat on. "Leave it to the big boys, MS."
"5 7 0 5." I looked at Andy. "Can you hold the line?"

The argument was over.

"Heads!" Steve called out the coin, meaning he was driving his car.
Martin walked out, me on his tail, with Steve behind me, then Gary on him.
"Bolan, keys are at reception. Meet you there." Martin told me, as we heading down the stairwell.
"See ya, boys!" I saluted Gary, walking out the door and to reception.
"Ears on them." Steve nodded to me, saying to watch the MS.
I nodded and left them.

"Car for Bolan." I smiled to the receptionist, Paula Yates.
She smiled, grabbing the keys from the shelf behind her. I saw the MS walk out the stairwell door, with Tony.
Tony came over to me, as he spotted me, and I saw Simon say something to John, before he could come over to me too.
Paula handed me the keys, as Tony reached me.
"Any trouble with them, let me know. You know the word." He placed a hand on my left shoulder. 'The word' being 'Communication', the 'safe word' of the 5 7 0 5, if you want to go that far...
"Gotcha. Oh, and Tony? I'm sorry for being all pissy, the other day... I just miss John." I frowned.
"I know. We all do." My boss nodded, understanding.

"Want me to drive?" John came over.
"I got it." I said, nodding to Tony, before walking out the front doors.
"Are you sure? You said you wanted me too." John followed me.
"I said I didn't mind. I want to drive." I looked back at him.
"Alright. Well, we're following behind Roger's car. The blue one, there." John pointed out the blue car Roger was climbing into.
"Sure..." I nodded, turning my attention to the car key. It had a wooden tag on it, with the cars number plate.
57SP DD05

I looked around and frowned. "Car's not here." I told John.
"What's the plate?" He took the keys, before we heard someone whistling out to us.
We turned around, from facing where my crew parked their cars, to the car park for the public.
Steve was standing by a dusty orange Ford Cortina, parked in the taxi bay, facing me.
"No. Way." I started to smile.
I ran over and Steve stood up straight, from leaning back on the bonnet.
"57SP DD05." He told me, as I looked at the plate.
"I wish John was here..." I smiled at the car, taking in her beauty.
"Meet you there." Steve pet my shoulder, heading over to his car.
"IN!" I shouted at John, as I ran round to the drivers seat.
John ran over, smiling, and climbed in the passenger seat.
"Nice!" He smiled, being able to sit up right. "I was expecting a bug."
"So was I." I smiled, inserting the keys into the ignition, starting her up. "You are here by called..." She came to life in one go, purring so smoothly. "Gold."
"Why 'Gold'?" John asked, smiling.
"'Cause she's a treasure." I put my foot down, taking my own path there.

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