Chapter 8 - Staking

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Katie's P.O.V

"How long was she dead for?" I asked Andy about the next of kin, through my car radio.
"An hour max, before we got there." He replied.
John shifted in the passenger seat.
"Goddamn..." I muttered, going silent on coms.

Tony had John and I positioned down the street. It was a one way system, about thirty minutes from Frontier Garage.
Martin was back at HQ, probably clocking out, right now. Shirlie came in concerned about her neighbour, Stuart Goddard - Said he was a bit more active than usual...
Anyway, Gary was partnered with Nick, across the street, from the garage gates, Steve and Andy were around the back of the place.
Tony was in his car, with Simon, watching the street exit, listening to us all go on, on the coms - By the sounds of things, Gary and Nick are playing cards, Steve's reading the paper, and Andy is telling me about the next of kin.
I would love to know what Simon Le Bon thinks of our work...

"Snap!" Gary called out.
"Anything?" Tony asked.
"Not the game we're playing!" Nick laughed out.
John and I snickered.
"Back to work, you two!" Tony sighed, but not in a pissy way.
"Is now a good time to talk?" John asked me.
"... Sure." I had no escaping this.
"Well, I thought a lot, about last night, and I need you to know I meant what I said..." John started.
"OK, so we can work together!" I turned to look at him.
He sighed. "I like you, Katie." He frowned. "You're something else."
"Are you serious? You don't even know me. I'm trying to avenge my partner, here!" I glared at him.
"OK! Forget what I said... I'm sorry... Forget I ever opened my mouth." John turned away frustrated.
"Ask to be partnered with someone else, 'cause nothing is going to happen from your apparent feelings..." I suggested, a bit annoyed.
"Do you not like me in any kind of way? You said I was nice to look at..." John turned to me.
"You are, but that's all. I don't know shit about you and you don't know shit about me." I sighed.
John looked at me, with a small smirk. "You like me..." He whispered, which I chose to ignore.
He was good looking, yes, but this wasn't right.

"'Ere, Bolan. You seen the latest Bond, yet?" Gary asked me through radio.
"No, why?" I asked him, feeling stuffy in my car all of a sudden.
"It's a goodun... You'll like Roger Moore." Gary smiled.
"Oh, yeah? I don't do movies remember..." I smiled slightly.
John took the coms. "She prefers music. You know her. I'm sure you've seen her record collection."
I snatched the coms. "Shut it!" I glared at John.
"No secret, mate." Gary smirked.
John rolled his eyes, turning away.
"What would Keeble be doing now?" Steve asked us, coming out of nowhere.
I frowned, deflating in my seat. "He'd be telling me stories... Telling me about life... His little boy..."
"Yeah... Never heard of the groom having a best woman before..." Gary sighed.
"Best woman? That's how close you were..." John frowned, turning to me.
"Yeah..." I could only nod.
"Katie, I'm sorry. How many more times do I have to say it?" John asked.
"A million more." I watched a car passing by us.

"Black beetle bug, pulling across the street." I told Tony through coms.
"Stopped outside a house, seems to be heading home." Nick added, as the car left my view and went into theirs.
"Watch it..." Was all Tony said.

"What's your favourite part of the job?" John asked me, after a moment of silence.
"All of it. Including the paperwork. You just have to make the fun out of it, so radio, talking to my mates, coffee..." I shrugged.
"I like chasing leads the most..." John told me.
"That's fun..." I nodded, agreeing. "You always want to be on murder squad?"
"Too good of a cop. I wanted to make a difference... Do good, y'know?" John explained.
"Yeah... I was spotted out on the streets. A chase. This guy, right, stole from a store and I saw it happen. I called chase, seeing he was getting far ahead, so I took a shortcut, through this alley, and ran for my life, meeting him at the other end... I grabbed a plank of wood, that was on the ground, and swung at the guy, as he was running my way. He falls to the ground, a crowd gathers round, I have 'im pinned, he's struggling... Next thing I know, sirens are closing in, Tony pulls up, with Steve, and he's just amazed by it. Police takes the guy, they get statements, all hands are pointed at me, for assault. I tell Tony everything and he's well impressed, asks if I would consider the team. I did seven months in uniform, before Tony calls my sergeant and hires me for the 5 7 0 5. I couldn't be happier... I know a load of snitches and crooks, so I'm handy to know, as I had taken a few wrong turns, in my childhood... At first I was busy staring at Steve, 'cause, lets be honest, he's fit, but that quickly turned, as I was only on the team for a day, before a call came in and I made my first arrest! I was stoked!" I lost myself talking.

John was smiling, listening to me ramble, taking a sip of his coffee, which was next to mine, in the drink holders.
"Sorry..." I cringed.
"Don't be... What do your parents think?" John smiled.
"You didn't read my whole file, then..." I frowned, looking out the windows.
"What?" John looked at me.
"They died... My mum, four hours after I was born, my dad when I was four years old... Lived with my grandpa, who died when I was nine, then my dads brother, who hated me, he passed me to my aunt, dads sister, who also hated me, putting me in boarding school... After school I ran away, making my way to London. I met Ridgeley, who gave me a place to stay and introduced me to a load of my contacts..." I quickly explained.
"I'm so sorry. I only wanted your address, when I read your file..." John frowned, coming off genuine.
"Not your fault..." I shrugged.
"I was a dorky kid..." John told me. "Glasses, sweaters, comics..." He snickered.
"Nothing wrong with that. I got braces at the age of seventeen, didn't get them out, until I was twenty one." I told him.
"Touché." John raised his coffee cup to me.

"There's a van coming up." Gary pointed out, as a old white van drove by us.
"Eyes." I told him, saying we had eyes on them.
"Plate is GV7 9QX." John took the coms from me.
"Got it." Simon replied.
"Pulling into garage..." Gary told us.
"Time is 11:42 PM, nothing on the back, yet, Gov." Steve told us.
"You had a thing for Steve?" John asked me.
"Yeah, but I fell for my job harder." I nodded.
John snickered and we waited.

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