Chapter 4 - Stacey's Dealership

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Katie's P.O.V

John Taylor was tall, having to slouch in my car a bit. He wore a striped white and grey shirt, with a white suit jacket, along with white trousers and shoes. His hair was brown, with some blond mixed in it.
He was pretty good looking, I can't lie...

I pulled up to Stacey's car dealership and turned to John. "I do the talking!"
He 'zipped' his mouth closed and we both climbed out my car, John hitting his head, as he did.
I smiled, seeing that as a slight victory, as I shut my door and looked around at the cars for sale.
"So, who is this 'Stacey'?" John asked, coming to stand next to me.
I looked at him, meeting his chest, having to look up at him. I stood at 5ft 2... This was taking the piss.
"Uh... The car dealership." I stepped backwards, having John snicker, before I walked away, to the front doors.
"Who's this 'Ridgeley'?" John asked.
"I do the talking!" I glared at him, as I walked inside.

Bob was sat at the front desk, eyes on me as I walked in.
"Geldof! My old friend!" I smiled at him, opening my arms out, happy to see him.
He stared blankly at me, sat at the desk, coffee all prepared, and a couple of files in front of him.
"How's business?" I walked up to the desk, leaning on it.
He stared blankly at me.
"Good, good... Yeah, we're just doing the rounds. Y'know, how it is... Is, uh... Ridgeley around?" I asked him, smiling all happy, getting a look around the place.
He stared blankly at me.

John leaned next to me, on the desk. "She asked you a question." He glared at Bob.
I glared at him. "I. Do. The. Talking." I growled lowly.
"Who's he?" Bob asked me, looking at John, unblinking.
"MS, Birmingham. He's new." I told Bob.
Bob closed his eyes and slowly lowered his head to the desk.
"I know. I know..." I nodded, having someone understand.
Bob sighed and let out a groan.
"I know!" I nodded, agreeing with him.
"In the back." Bob pointed to the back door, with his thumb, face still down.
"Cheers." I thanked him, stealing his coffee mug, as I headed into the back room.
John had no clue, but followed me.

"Who was that? What was that about?" He asked.
"I do the talking." Was all I said to him, as he followed on my tail.
I headed to the back office and knocked on the door twice.
"Come in!" I heard George call from inside.
I walked in and smiled. "George! Andrew!" Standing at the door, seeing them at the desk.
George Michael was sat at his desk, the owner of this place, and Andrew Ridgeley was stood to his left, my right, he was an old friend of mine.
"Hey!" They both greeted me.
I took a seat and nodded for John to sit down.
"I do the talking." I smiled at him, getting a glare back.

I placed the pictures I had on the desk and looked to George and Andrew.
"Anything at all? This is for John." I asked them. They knew what this was about.
They looked at the pictures.
"Can't say we know him... He pull the trigger?" Andrew asked me, looking at the thugs picture.
"Can't be confirmed. There are five others. Blue boiler suits, black ski masks... Very original..." I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry, Kate." George shook his head, handing the pictures back to me.
"Thanks, anyway. How was the trip, Andrew?" I asked taking the pictures back.
"Oh, great!" Andrew smiled. "Thanks for asking. I would recommend a skiing trip."
"I'd rather not. Hate the cold. Thanks, guys." I stood up, smiling, ready to be going.
"That's it?!" John asked me, looking bewildered, sat in the chair.

"Who's this?" George asked, sitting back at his desk, looking at me, pointing at John Taylor.
"Birmingham, MS. New guy." I frowned, wanting to be going.
"I'm not finished!" John stood up, stopping me and turning to George.
"I think you are." George told him.
"I don't think so. Do you know the guy or not?! Can you tell us anything about the van?! This man is dead and more could potentially follow." John demanded.
"We're done." George looked at him plainly.
John was about to open his mouth, when Andrew placed the gun on the table.
"They're snitches, Birmingham. They've played their part. Now, we're done." I said, before walking out.

"Night, Bob-ski." I smiled, walking out the back, finishing his coffee.
John was close behind me.
Bob waved, watching as I left his mug on a chair, by the door.
I walked back to my car, when John grabbed me and pinned me to it.
"Start talking, Bolan! What the fuck was that?!" He was pissed.
"I work alone." I told him, hand on my gun, which hung on my hip, out of sight by my jacket.
"Start talking!" He shoved me into Flipper.

Suddenly, he was pulled off me and Andrew held him back.
"You keep your hands off her." He warned John, pinning him onto the pavement.
John groaned, and I let out a sigh.
"Taylor, Andrew and George are snitches. If they don't know - They don't know. This isn't your territory, it's mine. I told you to keep quiet. Don't underestimate me." I told him, seeing Steve's car pulling up next to mine. He climbed out and Andrew let John go.
Steve came and stood next to me, looking at John, down on the ground. "Well, next of kin has just been found dead. We need John over there now. We have two addresses and a number. Andrew, we'll be back tomorrow." Steve handed some notes to Andrew.
"Bolan." Andrew nodded to me, before heading back inside.
"Katie, I'm going to take John. You and Flipper meet us there..." Steve gave me the address.
"Thank you." I smiled genuinely, before climbing into my car.
I started Flipper up and pulled away.

. . .

John's P.O.V

The witch drove away and Steve helped me up.
"Thanks." I dusted myself off, watching her disappear.
"George Michael is the guy who runs this place. Andrew Ridgeley is Katie's reliable snitch. Bob doesn't know shit, he just doesn't take well to strangers. He's familiar with Katie, though..." Steve told me, as we climbed into his car. A red ford mustang.
"What about her?! She's nuts!" I asked him about Katie Bolan.
"Katie just lost her best friend. I'm not kidding - Her and John were like Starsky and Hutch. She has a way of going about things... She's something special, alright, and Tony saw that. He asked for her personally, to join the 5 7 0 5. She was just a regular girl, hanging around, doing this and that. When she was seventeen, she witnessed a robbery, and called chase on the guy. He was armed, but couldn't put up a fight. She cut him off and knocked him down, using a random plank of wood she found. She pinned the guy to the ground and Tony and I arrived on scene. Tony was impressed, suggesting the force to her. It took her a couple of months, but she took his advice, as she was friends with a few snitches. Tony personally trained her, and after a year, took her under his wing, partnering her with John Keeble. Best friends ever since. She watched him die, John Taylor... She's angry and hurt..." Steve told me.
"How long has she been with you guys?" I asked him, feeling sorry again.
"Since she was seventeen... She's twenty six, now." Steve glanced at me as he drove.
"Oh..." I turned to face the road. "I was a real dick to her..."
"Andrew is a personal friend of hers. Tell her you're sorry. Buy her a coffee, a caramel latte." Steve pulled up onto a street, twelve minutes from Stacey's dealership. He gave me some money and nodded to a coffee shop. "It's a start. You're going to want to have her around."

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