Chapter 6 - Trouble

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Katie's P.O.V

We pulled up outside the garage, looking around the place, staying in Martin's car, a midnight blue impala.
Tony was after us, as the radio calls kept coming in. We left without word to him, which is against regulations...

Martin switched the radio off, just as we heard Steve reaching out to us. "5 7 0 5 Kemp, come in. Don't do anything to blow th-"
"We should wait, mate." I looked at Martin, as he shut off the car engine.
"We're damned anyway." He looked at me, before climbing out the car.
He headed to the front gate, before looking back at me, and going in.
I switched the radio back on and grabbed the coms.
"5 7 0 5 Bolan, requesting Norman." I said.
"Come in, Bolan!" Steve replied to me.
"We're at Frontier garage. Martin's gone in. I repeat. Martin has gone in." I sighed.
"Hang tight. We're two minutes away... Prey for your lucky stars, Bolan. The Gov ain't happy." Steve sounded worried for me.
"I hear you. Out." I told him.
I loaded up my gun and waited. Any shots, I'm going in...

Two minutes later, Steve pulled up, coming from the North side, and Tony came in from the South.
I climbed out the car, seeing Tony climb out his, looking mad at me.
"No special treatment, Bolan." He told me, going after Martin.
"He's been inside for two minutes. No sign of the van, or anyone shifty." I told him.
Steve came over and sighed. "One job."
"I know, but Martin was gone. I couldn't let him go alone, not knowing if he was running into a shoot out." I leaned back on the car, putting my gun away.
"Well, you told Gary." Steve nudged me, leaning back on the car with me, talking about how I left the notes I had on Gary's desk.
John and Simon walked over, from Tony's car.

"Bolan, John told me all about your little trip... I don't agree with having my men-"
"I'm going to stop you there. This isn't a man's job, or a woman's job. It's a job. You don't agree with your team, squad, or allies, walking in blind. I get it. Take it out with my Gov, 'cause I have my ways of doing things, like John-John has his - Pinning me up against my own car, for example." I glared at John.
Simon looked at John, silently asking if what I had just said was true.
John looked down, confirming my allegations.
"We'll talk later." Simon told John, before walking over to Tony, who was walking out with Martin.

"Anything, Gov?" Steve asked.
"Run this through the lab." Tony handed Steve a piece of paper.
"On it, Gov. Am I taking Bolan?" Steve asked.
"You better had." Tony nodded.
I followed Steve to his car, seeing Tony take over Martin's, Martin climbing in the passenger seat.
Simon drove John and we all met up back at the office.

Steve went straight to the lab, I went to Tony's office, with Martin, and John was talking to Simon, at our John's desk.
"Talk." Tony shut the door, moving to sit at his desk.
"Sir, my girlfriend lives near the garage. If it's the base of gang activity, I want to move Shirlie somewhere safe." Martin started.
"Understandable, but what right did you have to just up and leave? Anything could of happened. A repeat of the shoot out!" Tony was stern.
"I know, sir. I acted badly. I can only apologise." Martin bowed his head, standing on my left.
"Bolan, I take it you only went as back up?" Tony turned to me next.
"Yeah... I just didn't want Martin going in alone." I frowned, nodding.
"Martin, you may go... Don't ever repeat today." Tony warned him.
"Understood, Gov." Martin nodded, patting my shoulder before leaving.

I watched him shut the door, before I turned to Tony.
"No special treatment... Your partner has just died. I don't want to have to do this, but maybe it's best you step off the case..." My boss frowned.
"Gov, I'm OK. Really. I can do this. I'm just a little overwhelmed with the Birmingham lot... I'll sleep on it tonight, try better tomorrow. If it gets worse, I'll stand down. I swear." I sighed.
"OK... I trust you. You're an incredible DS." Tony smiled sadly.
"I was trained by the best." I smiled at Tony.
He smiled back, nodding, before dismissing me.
I headed to my desk and sat down.
"Let's call it a day." Gary came over to me.
"Yeah... Please." I looked up at him.
I got up and we signed ourselves out, before leaving the building. I gave him a ride home, and went straight to mine.

. . .

I sat on my couch, the lights on, but TV, radio, and stereo off. I was tired, after the day I've had.
I looked up at the clock, seeing it was past 10:00, so I got up, wanting to go to bed.
I switched the lights out and headed for my room, when there was a knock on my front door.
I lived alone, in a small flat. I made it all my own, but it was very '70s... I didn't mind, as I loved it all, but it was out of date to everyone else.

I walked over to the door, with a yawn, and opened it, seeing it was John Taylor.
I shut the door, before he could speak, only to have him open it and let himself in, before I could lock it.
"I'm calling Tony." I walked over to my phone.
"Please, don't do that! I have to talk to you... I uh... I read your file, found out where you live..." He started, as I picked up the phone.
"Creep." I started to dial.
"Katie." John grabbed the phone, hanging it up.
"I'll scream." I looked at him.
"Just listen to me..." John pleaded, sadly, hand down on the phone, taking that option away from me.
"What?" I asked him. I leaned on the back of my couch, which faced the right wall, my kitchen in the back, all open plan.

"I know we got off on a bad start, but I'm a nice guy. I really am... Just trying to do my job, as you are yours. Maybe we can help each other out a bit... You're clever, funny... You're impressive. I like that... I'm gonna be honest, here... I like you a lot. If that's a problem, I'll talk to Simon tomorrow, and be partnered with someone else... I've never met anyone like you, though I should be pissed off with you, 'cause I'm in the rut with Simon now, as you snitched on me, but I say we call it even, as Ridgeley did pin me down and you just stood by..." He was confusing the fuck out of me, standing in front of me, by the phone.
I just nodded, as we were even, but he likes me?!

"Katie, I'm really sorry. I wasn't expecting to be partnered with a woman, which threw me off a bit, but I also didn't expect to come to like you, as I do..." John rubbed the back of his neck.
"John, you are confusing the fuck out of me... Treat me as your equal. Not as a woman. Don't be pulling my chair out, opening doors... Don't do that shit! I'm not like that. I'm your equal. Just trust me more, OK? I have faults too. I still believe I can do this alone, but as that isn't an option, I'll try to talk more, as for this... You liking me shit! You're nice to look at, yeah, but what the fuck?! We've just met and after everything today... I'm not gonna climb into bed with you, just so we can get along better-"
"It's not like that! I'm not trying to seduce you here!" John defended himself.
"Go home... Forget any feelings..." I told him.
"OK, but tomorrow, you and I are equals. We talk to each other, discuss things, hear each other out." John told me.
"Yeah." I nodded showing him to the front door, agreeing with him.
"Goodnight." John smiled back at me.
"Night." I nodded, letting him out, with a small smile.
He walked out and I shut the door, before taking a deep breath.
"Why are you also so nice to look at?!" I was kicking myself.

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