Chapter 18 - Life Goes On

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Katie's P.O.V - One Month Later

"Thanks." Steve placed a coffee in front of me, my usual blend.
"You threatened me with a pen, telling me to get you it." He pointed out, standing to my left.
"Yeah, and you listened. Thank you." I smiled up at him.
I filed some papers, and handed them to him, as he was heading to Tony's office, which was freshly decorated, like nothing ever happened.
He shook his head, laughing, walking off.
I took a sip, grabbing a new file, reading if it had any concern for the 5 7 0 5. Some kids robbing a store... Noddy can have it. I placed the file in the 'Out' folder. I smiled, looking at the picture of Keeble and me, standing in front of Flipper, smiling to Leafyn as she took the picture. It sat proudly on my desk. I'll always miss him, my best friend, but I have a life of my own now that I have to live.

"Alright, listen up!" Tony came walking into the room. "I want you to welcome our newest recruit. You all know the drill."
The desk to my left, the chair was pulled out, and he sat down like he owned the place.
"Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!" I held my left hand up, not even looking at him. "Don't get comfy!"
"Jesus, you take up my side of the bed, now I can't even have my own desk?!" My boyfriend grinned at me, putting his feet up.
"Is this a good idea, Gov?" Gary stood over by his desk.
"Yeah! You get your brother. Bolan gets John Taylor." Tony stood at the front of the room, looking over at us all, sitting and standing at our desks.
"How's the move, by the way?" Martin looked back at John.
"Oh, great! 85% her stuff. 15% mine." John glanced over at me.
"I was there first!" I defended myself, the office laughing.
"What we got?!" Gov smiled, asking the room.

"A drug smuggle?" Steve held up a file.
"Drug squad." Tony cringed.
"Yeah, I got some teen robbers." I waved off the file I had.
"Sweeny." Tony rolled his eyes.
"Grand theft auto..." Martin wasn't interested.
"Anyone dead or hurt?" Tony asked.
"No." Martin shook his head.
"What about this?" John looked over a file on his desk. "Car bomb."
"Oh, yeah?" Tony asked, perking up.
"Yeah. On the estate of a Sir Steve Dagger." John looked to the Gov, holding a smirk.
"Dagger?!" We all asked, staring.
"Know him?" John asked me.
"Know him? I've nicked him a dozen times!" I declared.
"I've had 'im seven." Steve grumbled.
"And me eight." Gary tightly held his pen.
"Alright! 5 7 0 5, follow behind me. Bolan, watch on Taylor!" Tony grabbed his coat. "Tell 'im."
"Steve Dagger, interested in fine cars and expensive art!" I called out, grabbing my denim jacket from the back of my chair. "Reportedly involved with the dealings of firearms, robbery, and his personal favourite, forgery." I smiled at John, standing at our desks, while our team walked out, between us. "He's a bit of a twat, really."
"Oh, yeah? Anything I should be worried about?" John smirked.
"No." I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Who's driving?" He smiled.
"You can, but we're taking my car." I grinned, following Martin out.
"Of course we are."

. . .

"Well, well, well... 5 7 0 5." Dagger stood on his front doorstep, in all his knobhead glory.
Fluffy hair, old fashioned clothes, like Martin having a crisis.
"Alibi?" Hadley asked him, being familiar with the man.
"CCTV... Come on in." Dagger stepped back into his house. "Good to see you again, Bolan."
John placed a hand on his pistol.
"Don't." I whispered to him, taking his hand back. "Told ya he's a twat." I held his arm, walking into the house.
"Gary. Martin." Tony gave them the nod to sniff around.
They strayed from our group, jogging up the stair well.
"Who's this one?" Dagger asked, as we entered his private office.
"Taylor." John flashed his 5 7 0 5 badge.
"Hm." Dagger frowned.
"Who you framing this time?" I asked him, standing with John by the door.
"Perhaps, you two could take a look in the garage?" Tony suggested.
"Gov." We nodded to him, before walking.

"You got a postcard from MS, by the way." I mentioned, leading the way to the garage, having been here so many times.
"Oh yeah? Why am I just finding out?" John smiled.
"You had a shower this morning, and you were naked, and wet..." I looked back at him. "Why do you think I forgot?"
He smirked. "Man, I do miss them..." He smiled to himself.
"Get shot. We can call them in, again." I suggested, walking into the car garage.
"And leave you?" John asked, looking around the place.
"Don't do that." I looked back at him, walking over to the first car, a black Ferrari.

John came over to me, hugging my waist, as I looked through the windows. "Remember when you told me I'd never be your partner?" He chuckled.
"Yeah, now look at us..." I smiled.
"I love you, Katie." He kissed my shoulder. "I really do."
"I love you, John..." I turned around and looked up at him. "Not because you saved my life, though... Because you showed me it's OK to be human."
He smiled, kissing me softly, before he dropped his badge.
I kneeled grabbing it, as it was by my foot, catching glimpse of a red flashing light under the car.
"John." I got his attention.
"BJ, or job?" He laughed.
"John." I pulled him down, pointing to the bomb.
"Oh." We looked under the car next to the Ferrari. Another bomb. And another on the next, and another... and another.
"GOV!" We called out.

. . .

"Triggered to go off, once he hits 30." Steve leaned back on his Cortina, as bomb squad were called in.
"Bloody hell." I stood to his right.
"What made you get on your knees, Bolan?" Martin smirked, on Steve's left, coffee in hand.
Gary, Steve, and Martin all snorted.
"I was thinking of you, actually." I spoke plainly, watching the bomb squad.
That shut them up, eyes on me, John's turn to snort, standing on my right.
"Welcome to the rest of your career." Tony walked over, placing a fatherly hand on John's right shoulder.
"Thank you, Gov. Think I'm going to like it here." John smiled.
"Good, because we have a problem..." Tony started. "Dagger is off the hook, a solid alibi, and Ridgeley and Michael supplied the cars."
All eyes back to me.
"Fucking hell." I huffed.

The End?

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