Chapter 2 - Calling In The Cavalry

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John's P.O.V - Three Weeks Later

"We've had a call in from the 5 7 0 5 Unit, London. We're going in, boys!" My boss, Simon Le Bon, called out, as Andy handed round the briefing papers.
I sat at my desk, with my feet up, taking a page from Andy, skimming over it.
"A series of robberies, now turned murder investigation. One of their suspects has been found dead, apparently wearing the same outfit the crooks were using." Simon told us, stood at his office doors, as all our desks faced his office.
I was sat in the back of the room, as usual. Andy came and sat up on my desk, to the right, as his partner, Roger Taylor, sat in front of him, at his desk.
"Blue boiler suits, black ski masks... How original." Andy commented, looking over the briefing.

I smirked, at his comment, as the office fell into a chuckle.
"We're going down to London, to help them on the case. I'm warning you now, boys! One of their own was killed in action. They're still in mourning for him, so lets play by their rules." Simon told us.
"I read about that. These thugs shot him. Didn't stand a chance..." Nick spoke up, Simon's usual partner. Nick was sat at his desk, which was at the front of the room, on the left side, as my desk was on the right.
"Well, we'll crack them down. Deal with this how you would, but by the 5 7 0 5 rules. Remember to watch out for our own." Simon ended the meeting.
"Let's go!" Andy looked back at me.
I shrugged and got up, grabbing my black trench coat, from the back of my chair. It's two hours to London, so we'd best make our move now.

I was a lone wolf on the Birmingham team. I didn't mind not having a partner, as off yet, but our numbers were short, so I just went alone. I caught a ride with Nick and Simon, knowing Andy and Roger would be stopping for food, along the way.
The 5 7 0 5 Unit were a force to be reckoned with. They hit hard and never took a rest. They took on all kinds of cases, as we just dealt with murder. I was looking forward to this job.
I've been on the force for the last five years. You had to have four years of experience to get to where I am now. I'm still pretty knew, only being on the team for five months, but Simon saw a lot of potential in me. I'm honoured he gave me the gig, as this kind of promotion came once every blue moon.

. . .

We made it to London, and straight to the 5 7 0 5 HQ.
"I heard you have to have five years of service under your belt, for these guys." Andy told us, as we walked into the building.
Simon signed us in at the reception, and a lot of the regular coppers were watching us. We're the Birmingham murder squad - MS. A small group, but the cities cavalry. The big guns, if you want to go that far... Not as notorious as the 5 7 0 5, but we had a name for ourselves.

"They have a licence to kill." Roger muttered, having it go unheard by Simon.
"You guys work with them before?" I asked Andy and Roger, who each had four years under their belts, for the MS.
"No. Heard all stories, though." Andy shook his head, standing just in front of me, to my right.
"They're a force to be reckoned with, as you know. You're still knew to our team, so we'll have you set up with someone who knows what they're doing." Simon pitched in.
"Thanks." I nodded at him. I guess I should really be grateful for it, though...

We were shown up to the 5 7 0 5 offices, and were greeted by their Governor, Tony Hadley. Tall, black hair, proper suited up. These guys were a bit more upper class, than we were.
"Glad you made it. Thanks for coming in." He said, shaking Simon's hand.
"Happy to be of service. We've had a briefing of the job, but we're going to need more." Simon told him.
"Right!" Tony nodded. "Listen up!" He turned to his team, scattered around the office. "The Birmingham MS are now in. I want a report on everything we have so far. Gary, provide them with work spaces! Martin, hang up the phone! Where the hell is Bolan?!" 
"Bolan's in the lab. It's not looking good, Gov." The one called Gary called out, before clearing some desks on the left side of the room. He was average height, with a friendly face. Golden hair, but darker than Martin's. They looked similar, so maybe brothers?
Tony was handed a file, from a tall guy, who had blond hair, all done up, showing off his pierced ear. The guy leaned back on the desk, to our right, giving the impression he was partnered with Tony.

"Here's all we have. I'll have Gary go over it with you. Our man killed, was Bolan's partner. Bolan hasn't been dealing well since." Tony frowned.
"We're dealing with this under your terms. We'd hate to be in the way, should things become personal." Simon knew exactly what to say.
"Well, Bolan can be quite a character." Tony gave a small smile, getting a snicker around the office.
I looked around, seeing everyone rushing about, talking, trading files, sat at desks, writing up notes. It was a full on investigation in here, but they all clearly knew a lot, that we didn't, about this 'Bolan'.

"Bolan is headin' this way, Gov." 'Martin' spoke up, hanging up the phone at last, sat on the right side of the room, second desk from front office.
"Thank you. Gentleman, your desks." Tony held a hand out, directing our attentions behind us.
The left side of the office, towards the back. Four desks were free, so we each took one, Simon sharing the head office with Tony.
They headed to said office, and 'Gary' came over to us, joined by Martin, and Tony's second.
"I'm Gary Kemp. This is Martin, my brother and partner, and Steve Norman, Tony's partner. Anyone like any drinks, before we start?" Gary offered, smiling, being polite and professional.
"Coffee." Andy smiled, taking a chair and moving it to Roger's desk, so they sat together. Nick sat in front of them, his chair turned facing Gary, who stood on his right, and I took the desk at the very back, seeing 'Bolan' had the desk on my right.

My desk was stripped bare, as Bolan's was piled with files, and a picture of, I'm assuming, him, with his wife? Stood by a yellow mini, both enjoying some coffee.
I ordered a coffee and Martin left, leaving Steve and Gary to catch us up to speed.

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