Chapter 13 - Private Investigation

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John's P.O.V

I had clocked out, and Katie was off the case, so whatever turns up from this, may not stand up in a court room, but if it's what I think it may be, then we need to find out now.
Katie drove, taking us to Stacey's. It was after hours, but she explained that Andrew and George were still here, having some 'after hours business' going on.

She parked up, and before we climbed out she turned to me. "Once we start asking questions, there is no going back..."
"I know... Whatever happens, I accept all consequences." I looked at her.
She nodded to me, before we both climbed out, walking side by side, like partners, into the shop.
The sign said 'Sorry, we're closed', but the doors were open.
Bob was gone, having left for the day, the lights off, as we walked into the back rooms.

Katie knocked on the door, we both knew there was no going back from this.
"Who is it?" George asked, wearily.
"It's me!" Katie spoke up. "Birmingham too. We gotta ask you something, but it's not on record."
It was quiet for a short moment, before Andrew opened the door, letting us both in.
George was sat at his desk, while Andrew checked we were alone, before closing the door behind us.
"This is not your style..." George pointed out, looking to Kate.
"I know. I'm too emotionally involved, so I stepped down off the case." The duo looked shocked. "John thinks he's found something, and we really need to check it out. As he's clocked out for the time being, and I'm not working, this is technically an illegal investigation."
"What does that mean for us?" Andrew as, walking round us, standing to George's left, our right.
"What you say doesn't count." I replied.
They looked to each other, a silent conversation, before George stood up, walking round his desk, leaning back on it, looking at us two. "What do you want to know?"

Katie looked to me, letting me take lead, so I pulled the paper out of my back pocket and held it out for George to take.
"This was found in that old garage you led us too, Andrew." I started. "It's deep and poetic, and exactly how our main suspect spoke, when Katie met him. The impression I get from it is-"
"They killed one of their men, because they killed one of yours. It's a evening of the numbers." George stopped me. "I'm just taking a shot here, but now you have extra men on your side, I'd say they're all a target, until the numbers even up, once again... Quite a few years ago, before you came to town, Katie, some punks wanted to start a revolution. Their hide out was covered wall to wall, with all this poetic stuff, about death, politics, and 'an evening of numbers'. Four uniformed officers were shot dead, and they killed four of their own in return for it... They weren't about to stop, until the big guns came in and caught them all, before their big bang took place."
"Big bang?" I asked.
Andrew's turn to speak. "They wanted to take out parliament. They were building a bomb."

. . .

"It's the same. Every last fucking detail!" Katie paced the parking lot, as I made notes, comparing what we were told, to what we've seen happening.
"Do you think Ant wanted us to find out?" I asked, looking to my partner.
"He knows what he's doing... They've moved base, and we have to find it. I don't think they'll go to parliament... I got a bad feeling about this." Katie was worried.
"OK, let's break it down, while we have a few minutes." Every second was vital. "You first came across them during a bank robbery?" I asked.
"Yeah. John and I were in the area, getting lunch, when it all kicked off right in front of us." Katie stopped her pacing.
"Then what happened?" I asked her, leaning on the front of her car.
"John got shot... Nothing happened again, until after the funeral, where we found the dead body of one of their guys... Then, you guys were called in, which was a private matter. Only the 5 7 0 5 knew of this." Katie sighed, coming to stand on my left, leaning back on the car with me. "The next of kin was foun-"
"John was married, wasn't he?" I asked, pushing myself up from the car.
Katie looked up at me, before we hurried into the car, Katie driving us to John's house.

. . .

"Leaflyn!" Katie ran into the house.
"The fuck?" I followed after her.
"I have a key!" She called back to me. "Leaflyn!"
She ran upstairs, while I covered the downstairs. The lights were off, as it was night, the back door was locked, a few kids toys were on the floor. The living room was perfect for a small family, with a framed photo of John Keeble on the fireplace, with a small note next to it saying 'Goodbye, daddy. Come home soon'. That broke my heart. He had a kid.
A car screeched to a halt outside the house, I backed myself to a wall, gun out ready.

"Get the kid!" Katie instructed from upstairs.
"We've got company!" I called up.
"Hide!" Katie called out.

"The door's open?!" I heard a familiar voice, before someone came in and my gun was in their face.
"JESUS!" Martin staggered back, falling into Gary, who fell into Nick.
"John?!" Nick looked at me.
"Fuck!" I stared at them, putting my gun down.
"What are you doing here?" Gary looked at me, the whole 5 7 0 5 outside on the front. "You shouldn't be here."
"Yeah. I know, but we got something." I put my gun away.
"We?" Tony walked into the house, as Steve dodged to go upstairs.
I stayed silent, knowing Steve will run into Katie any second.

"Freeze!" She screamed out, before a thud.
"Gov!" Steve called out. "Bolan, beat us to it."
The 5 7 0 5 started to smile, hearing Bolan's name.
"You and Katie?" Martin smiled at me.
"Yeah. Me and Katie." I smiled back.
"You're off the clock. I want to know everything." Tony warned me, before Steve, Katie, and who I assume is Leaflyn, carrying her son, came down the stairs.
"Uncle Martin!" The boy smiled, reaching out for him.
"Hey, you! Been a while. You get the truck we sent you." Martin took the kid, taking him towards the kitchen, while we all gathered in the living room, Katie telling them everything.

"It's never a butler, with a candlestick, is it?" Gary frowned, sat in an armchair.
"That will be the day." Tony stood at the fireplace, looking at John's picture.
"What now, Gov?" Gary asked, sat on the couch, with Nick and Roger.
"Safe house-"
"Stay at my house. I got good neighbours." Katie spoke up, leaning against the wall, to the right of the kitchen door.
"Good." Tony agreed. "Leaflyn, you can stay at Katie's, take the lad with you. I want someone there with them at all times."
"Well, Bolan has that covered." Simon wasn't pleased to see me and Katie here.
"Bolan is back on the case. I gave her the open door." Tony warned Simon off.
"I'll cover them." Andy stepped forward. "The least I can do, for the way I've been acting."
"Thank you, Taylor." Tony gave him a nod. "I want eyes on this house, 24 hours, until this is over with... We follow every lead we have, and find out if there is a bomb, and where it'll go. I want any links between this case, and the one before it."
"Gov." Katie stepped forward. "I'd do anything to avenge John... Even point my gun to another officer." She glanced at Andy. "The last time this happened, it ended in a shoot out. What was the guys name?" She asked.
"Goddam..." Tony shut his eyes, tipping his head back.
"Goddam?" Gary asked. "We're dealing with the bastards kid?!"

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