Chapter 12 - That Won't Do

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Chapter 11 is up! Woot woot! Congratulate me.

Question of the day: Why on earth is EVERY SINGLE cowboy shirtless? IT IS NOT ATTRACTIVE IN THE LEAST! Needless to say, I still haven't come across anyone that looks like Isaac. Isaac is supposed to be at least somewhat handsome. (Okay so he is supposed to  be the best looking guy in the book...)


        "You have no idea how boring England was without you," Henry exclaimed once we were in the wagon, "Finally Father decided to send me off as well. Apparently," He lowered his voice, "France had just declared war on England for who knows why. So Mother insisted that Father send me off, and here I am." He smiled as if expecting me to be ecstatic.

        "That's very nice." I answered politely.

        "You've changed Debbie," Henry's smiled disappeared and concern creased his forehead, "Are you content living in the pigsty they call Texas?"

        My anger flared, "Texas is not a pigsty," I lowered my voice so Isaac and Alex couldn't overhear, "It's probably the most beautiful place I've ever visited, and the people on the ranch are nice and well behaved." I said pointedly. I had probably over-reacted, but for some strange reason I felt the need to defend the honor of Texas. 

        Henry held his hands up in defence, "Sorry, but before you left all you did was complain about how horrible it was going to be."

        I stiffened, "I was different then Henry." 

        "Obviously," He snorted.

        I raised an eyebrow, (meaning I was angry. Whenever I raised an eyebrow it meant I was angry) "Obviously you haven't changed much."

        "Well," He paused, "I actually-" He looked at Isaac and Alex and lowered his voice even more, "I need to talk to you when we're alone." 

        The thought of talking to Henry alone sent shivers up my spine. Was this what I'd been waiting for? What would we even talk about? Henry had never actually outright said that he liked me, I had just assumed he did. 

        But was that what I wanted? Did I want to go back to England when the war was over? Did I want to be with Henry for the rest of my life? For some reason the thought of spending the rest of my days with Henry made me feel trapped. Last year I would have embraced the thought. Day dreamed about him all day even. But since coming to America I hadn't really thought about Henry at all. Henry was right, I had changed.

        "Okay." I submitted half-heartedly.

        If he noticed my lethargic response, he said nothing.


        Henry's eyes got wide as I told him we were planning to take a wagon home. "You're trying to be funny, right?" He asked uncertainly.

        "No." My face held no room for humor.

        "Oh no." He ran his hands through his dark hair, messing it up, making him look that much more handsome. "Debbie," He took hold of my shoulders, "You know those things that you ride in? They're on a track? Railroads I think they call them. Do you want to ride on one? For free?" He asked desperately.

        "Why?" I cautiously narrowed my eyes. 

        "Because I am not riding all the way to Texas in a wagon." His stubborn jaw stuck out.

        "That's nice." I replied absentmindedly.

        "Please Debbie? I'll pay for everything and everyone. Father won't mind. He has plenty of money to spare, just say yes."

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