Chapter 27 - You'll Come Back

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        I was working on this chapter when I was holding "Nightmare" back from ya'll. Mwahahahaha. But seriously, please don't kill me. I just love making you all wait. :D Hehehehe. (That is the extent of my inner evil villain.) Was that redundant? Maybe...        


        It had been a couple days since his "incident" and even though he could walk around, Ma had insisted that he stay in bed.

        Is this part of your plan? He rested his head on his pillow, Did you forget me, God? Why did she have to go and kiss Henry? 

        Maybe Henry kissed her, Isaac's sense kicked in, Only you didn't bother asking her. It's quite likely Henry forced himself upon her. After all, it wouldn't be out of character.

        Isaac felt like a light had turned on inside his head. How could he have been so blind? I need to find Debbie and tell her I'm sorry.

        He threw his covers off and put on some decent clothes, "Ouch," He held his neck and made his way over to the door.

        The door opened, "What are you doing up?" Alex frowned.

        "I need to see Debbie," Isaac was about to push past him unless he moved.

        "In that case, be my guest," Alex entered the room and made no attempt to stop Isaac.

        He's weird, Isaac slipped past Ma in the kitchen and looked outside, Where is Debbie? 

        He snapped his fingers and hurried outside, Hawkeye!

        Carefully, he unlatched the lock to the mews and found Debbie inside, "Debbie, can I talk to you?"


        I whirled around to find Isaac standing there, "Fine," I turned back around and fed Hawkeye.

        Everything was silent for a minute, "Debbie, I-I just want to say I'm sorry, I just assumed and I know that was wrong but-"

        "Isaac," I turned around and faced him, "That is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make," Isaac opened his mouth but I cut him off, "You also assumed that I liked Henry. I've told you before that I didn't. Even if I did, you didn't make any effort to win me back. Even Zeb would fight for a girl," Isaac looked so broken and I just wanted to tell him I forgave him and that everything was alright. 

        Only, if I gave in now, I would continually give in. Even after we were married. 

        We're not going to get married, I shook my head.

        "In short," I continued to beat down on him. Maybe not the wisest choice I'd ever made, but it needed to be done, "You gave up on me. You didn't even try, you simply gave up. And that is not acceptable."

        "Debbie, I wasn't think correctly, you've got to give me a second chance, I'll never give up on you again, I promise," His eyes looked so pained it almost broke me.

        "I said goodbye awhile ago, Isaac, and I meant it," I quickly ran past him and out of the mews so he wouldn't see me cry.


        "I said goodbye awhile ago, Isaac, and I meant it," Her words rang in Isaac's ears. Did that mean that they were done? Gone? Never to return?

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