Chapter 28 - Delirious

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        Ya'll didn't comment, so I'm killing Debbie off in this chapter. Mwahahahaha. Kidding. (But seriously, can you do me a favor and comment? Thanks.) (You guys got me up to 3.4K, so all's forgiven. :D )


        What is wrong with my head? I tried  opening my eyes, Ugh, my throat. And my nose! 

        I turned over, I'm definitely sick. 

        I let out a breath.

        "How are you feeling?" I felt a cool hand touch my forehead.

        "Horrible," I tried speaking but it came out as a whisper.

        A damp rag was placed on my forehead and I heard someone closing the curtains to make it darker.

        "Thanks," I croaked.

        "Shh, just rest," I tried matching the voice to a face, but my headache was messing with my head. "You should drink something," A glass of water was raised to my cracked lips and I tried to sip some, although most of it dripped down my face.

        I rested my head back on my pillows.

        "Get better soon," I felt the person place a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.

        If only I had opened my eyes I could have seen the person behind the medical attention, I took a labored breath and soon fell into a restless sleep.

        As the day wore on I vaguely remembered someone feeding me soup, keeping the cloth on my head cool, and giving me sips of water. 

        Unfortunately whenever the person came in, I could never gather enough energy to open my heavy eyelids.

        It was most likely Mother, considering all of the times she had cared for me when I had been sick back in England.

        As the day dragged on my fever grew worse and I became delirious.

        The person rang out the rag. "You'll be fine, just rest."

        "Mother!" I flopped on my bed. "Don't leave me here alone."

        "Mother isn't going anywhere," the person told me and replaced the wet rag.

        "No Henry! Stay away," I moaned.

        "Hush Debbie, Henry isn't anywhere near here," a cold hand touched my forehead.

        Someone propped my head up and gave me some water.

        I could hear the person get up and pace the room, "Is this because of her shoulder wound?"

        "It's quite likely," a different voice answered, "It must have gotten infected again, or else she just happened to get sick again. She should get better, and she may have fevers like this again in the future, but it shouldn't happen too often."

        "What can I do?" the first voice sounded tired.

        "Just keep giving her lots of liquids, and mainly just let it run its course," the second voice, which was most likely that of a doctor's answered.

        "Okay, I'll do it," the first voice took a deep breath.

        "Are you sure you're up to it, Isaac?"

        So it was Isaac! I was sure I was turning a deep shade of red.

        "You look so tired." The doctor sounded concerned.

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