Chapter 18 - Sassy Pants

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"You'll all need to stay indoors unless teemed up with a buddy," Pa brought up the subject of the men who attacked Isaac at suppertime that evening.

"Notice he didn't say you didn't need a male with you," Ma laughed ruefully at Pa, "Without you, Isaac might not have been found," She patted my hand gratefully.

"Without me he would never have gotten hurt," I stirred the stew in my bowl.

"But, looking on the bright side, we now know the general area of where the thieves were, or are," Pa smiled at me, "Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault."

"I'd still feel better if Isaac got mad at me or something," I gave a small smile.

"He's too nice for that," Alex grinned as he stuffed a roll in his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," I scolded Alex.

"Yes Mother," His swallowed his bite.

"Sassy pants."

"Girls," Annie giggled, "Not at the dining table!"

I just rolled my eyes and tried suppressing a smile.

"Girls are on dishes tonight," Julia grinned, "Does that mean Alex will do them as well?"

"Smart Alec," Alex glared at Julia.

"I'm just pointing it out," Julia held her hands up defensively.

"Still a smart Alec," A reluctant smile made its way onto Alex's face.

"You're still on dishes. I vote that we put Alex on dishes, all in favor say aye!" Julia looked around the table.

"I'm not getting involved," Pa's eyes twinkled.

"Who all votes we put Alex and Julia on dishes? After all, it takes two to do them," I pointed out.

"Aye!" Annie agreed immediately, "Yes yes yes yes."

"The aye's have it!" I pumped my arm, "Let's go leave them to the dishes," I dumped my empty bowl in the dish basin and hurried outside to escape Alex's and Julia's wrath.

"Yes! We got out of dishes!" Annie jumped up and down.

"We are so tactful," I joked, "What should we do since we're out of dishes?"

"We should probably take some stew to Isaac, Ma told me to do it before supper, but I totally forgot," Annie bit her lip.

"I'll do it," I went back inside into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of Ma's beef and potato stew.

"Such a sweet little girl," Alex playfully glared as he dried a dish.

"Don't you wish you had a sister like me?" I smirked.

He just snorted as I walked past.

"I knew it," I made my way to Isaac's room.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in," I opened the door and saw Isaac propped up in a cloud of pillows, "Ah, food at last, I was beginning to think that Ma was putting me on a diet."

I laughed, "No, Annie just forgot."

"Thank Annie for me," A reluctant smile twitched onto his face.

"I will," I set his tray of stew and bread on his bed stand, "How's your arm?"

"It's getting better, but it still aches," He sighed wistfully.

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