Chapter 7 - Friends; Just Friends

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Author's Note: 
Okay, so due to some confusion concerning the POV's, I will tell you at the begining of the paragraph whose POV it is. Thank you all you lovely readers! :) 

Debbie's Point of View

        "Make yourself at home!" Ma's eyes crinkled at the side, "I'm sure the girls will help you if you need anything."
        "Thank you," I smiled in return.
        "Come on Debbie," Julia tugged on my arm, "Lets go to our room!" 
        I had immediately liked the twins when I saw them. They were bubbly, fun, and knew how to tease people. Definitely my kind of friends.
        They could tease Isaac, and I could tease Alex. We were practically already sisters. They were going to be a lot of fun to be with, and would make my stay on the ranch more than fun.
        Isaac was the serious type. He took life too seriously. And he had absolutely no emotions. For example, you could smile at him, and he'd smile; you could glare at him, and he would smile; you could yell at him, and he'd answer you back calmly. His demeanor was too calm. In other words, I couldn't read his emotions, and it bugged me.
        You could say that I took pride in reading peoples emotions. This must be God's way of trying to make me humble, I thought to myself while unpacking my clothes.
        "Want some help?" A voice behind me asked. 
        I turned around to find Tessa looking at me with big green eyes, "Sure!" I grinned. I wanted to make sure that I didn't ruin the begining of a great friendship.
        She grinned back and started grabbing some of my dress and started hanging them up. "Are these all your dresses?" She looked back at me with wide eyes.
        "Yes," I paused hesitently, would she think I'm a rich brat? Then I hastely added, "But you and Julia can wear them whenever you want." 
        She eyes widened even more, "Really? They look expensive." 
        "It's fine!" I quickly tried to ensure her it was okay, "I don't mind at all. I'd love to share!"
        She looked at me for a moment as if not believing her ears. Then she hung up the last dress and ran out of the room yelling, "Julia! You'll never believe it! Debbie just offered to let us wear her hunderd gold coin dresses!" 
        I supposed that she thought I couldn't hear. But if you were on the ranch, you'd her her clearly. I just smiled.

                                                *                *                *

Debbie's Point of View        
        "Oh Debbie, that's so kind of you!" Ma looked slightly embarrassed, "I wish we could offer you something in return." 
        I had offered the dresses as a peace offering, not a gift exchanging process, "No please, it's the least that I could give you and Pa. Think of it as a thank you for letting us stay here." I hoped that she'd be satisfied with that answer.
        "But-," She started but I interrupted, "Really Ma, it's really generous and kind of you and Pa to let us stay here."
        Ma stayed quiet after that, satisfied with that answer and started to eat her food.
        The supper table was quiet for a bit after that. I didn't like drawing attention to myself, and that conversation was doing just that.
        When Ma had heard about it, (Julia and Tessa so kindly let everyone at the dinner table know) she started thanking me profusely, and I honestly got embarrassed because of all the attention.
        Pa (as I was supposed to call him) gave me a grateful look, Alex gave me a surprised look but said nothing, Isaac also gave me a curious look but said nothing, and the girls were busy chattering away about my dresses and when they could wear them.
        "Girls," If Ma couldn't make me keep my dresses to myself, she'd make sure they'd stay nice looking, "Remember that you aren't allowed to wear the dresses anywhere but church."
        The girls looked at eachother, "Yes Ma," They looked slightly crestfallen.
        Thankfully the subject soon changed and I ate in peace.

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