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Inko: I can't wait for my baby Izuku to come back! He's finally coming back!

The green haired woman was acting like a little child finally getting a long lost toy found by their parents. Her son was coming back home after so long. She had never believed he was the U.A traitor. Her celebration was cut short by the voice of a teenager.

???: I'm afraid not, miss Midoriya. You will help us eliminate your son.

Inko: Who are yo-

She was cut off by a blue haired boy blowing a magical gas at her. Suddenly Inko felt the urge to obey every word he said and treat him as if he were a god.

Inko: I shall help you get my son. I apologize for my rash behavior earlier.

???: Good.


Our resident cinnamon roll was a mere 2 minutes away from his mother's apartment, but he felt something massive coming from the same place. Following his gut, he picked up his girlfriend bridal style and washed over at high speeds. Once he entered the apartment, he saw Inko standing there waiting for him. He noticed that something was wrong with her, because she had a fanatical look on her face.

Inko: Izuku, welcome home. Is this your girlfriend?

Momo: Yes, my name is-

Izuku put a hand on Momo's mouth cutting her off. He then used Meliodas' telepathy and spoke into her mind.

Something isn't right here, keep your name a secret. Oh, and head back to U.A.

Momo shut her mouth after hearing the message, and ran off to U.A. Izuku was going to follow, but he was interrupted.

Inko: My baby Izuku, I'm afraid I must ask you to stay here. A blue haired boy wishes to speak to you.

Alarms went off in Elizabeth's mind. Her fanatical expression, and a blue haired boy. She was under the control of Sariel's Breath of Bless. More importantly, Sariel was actually here. Izuku sensed another presence slightly stronger than Sariel, but he ignored it for now.

Elizabeth: Izuku, she's under one of the Four Archangels control! He used Breath of Bless on her!

Izuku (mentally): Who is it?

Elizabeth: It's Sariel, the Archangel of Tornado.

Izuku walked up to his mom and raised his hand towards her.

Inko: Izuku, what are you doing-

Izuku: Absolute Cancel.

Inko was suddenly freed from the 'blessing' as she apologized to Izuku for trying to trick him into getting killed.

Izuku: It's fine, mom. You were under his control... but involving innocent civillains into this...

Izuku's power level spiked as he activated his Demon Mark. This time, it was on the second stage. (the one meliodas had during the fighting festival) Sariel and Tarmiel detected the spike and swallowed their own saliva. They had almost no chance of making it out alive.

Izuku Midoriya
Demon Mark Stage 2
Power Level: 150,000

Strength: 120,000
Magic: 24,750
Spirit: 5,250

Sariel of the Four Archangels
Power Level: 101,000

Strength: 1,000
Magic: 90,000
Spirit: 10,000

Tarmiel of the Four Archangels
Power Level: 104,000

Strength: 14,000
Magic: 80,000
Spirit: 10,000

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