A Greater Threat

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Inko, a single, hard working mother of Izuku was worried. She hadn't heard a thing from Izuku, and Mitsuki had come by often to keep her company and to apologize for Katsuki's actions, but she could see the pain in her best friend's eyes.

Inko: You're ashamed of Katsuki's actions, right?

Mitsuki: It's not only that.. the media won't stop harassing us, and we are sent death threats every single day.. It's too much, Inko....

The green haired woman was filled with rage hearing those words coming from her best friend. The public sent death letters to the Bakugou household, and the media wouldn't stop harassing them and trespassing into their home? She really wished Izuku was home to keep the media away.. She suddenly received a text, and it was from none other than Izuku.

Hey mom, sorry I haven't called or texted. I had my own complications to deal with at school. I'll be swinging by tomorrow. (9:48pm)

Thank you, Izuku. I haven't seen you in a long time, and I miss you. Please come by, I can't take it anymore. (9:48pm)

I'm sorry I left you for the last two months, you know what happened to me.. (9:49pm)

I don't blame you. Love you, Izuku. (9:49pm)

Love you too, mom. (9:49pm)

Inko couldn't help but smile a little. Her baby Izuku was going to visit after so long. She had grown to distrust U.A and All Might for going back on his word. Mitsuki had apologized to her as she bid her goodbyes, and locked the door after Mitsuki closed it. She went to bed with a smile on her face, knowing her son was coming home.

Izuku on the other hand, was planning to visit with his girlfriend Momo as a surprise. His violet eyes glistened in the moonlight. The couple were sitting on the roof watching the stars.

Izuku: Hey, Momo. Since tomorrow is a day off, I'm leaving campus grounds to visit my mom, you wanna come along?

Momo: Sure, I'll come along! I wish to meet the woman who raised this adorable fluff of sunshine alone!

Izuku: Haha, there's no one more beautiful than you in this world.

The black haired girl hid her face in embarassment. She wasn't used to the compliments she would receive from her boyfriend every once in a while.

Momo: Let's go to bed, Izu. What time are we going to visit your mother tomorrow?

Izuku: Maybe 10 in the morning? We have a day off tomorrow.

Momo: Right. I'll see you tomorrow, Izu.

They shared a quick loving kiss before the girl ran off to her dorm. The black haired boy would have smiled, but he had something on his mind.

Izuku (thinking): When will I tell her? Something big is coming..


???: The preparations are complete, sir Ludociel.

Ludociel: Good. Soon, the Human Race will follow us as their leader. What about the Fairies and Giants?

???: They declined our offer since they don't want to reveal themselves. They're already on the brink of extinction, and the Fairies are afraid of what happened because of that knight they told us about.

Ludociel: I had a feeling they would decline. No matter. Any action from the Demons?

???: No, sir. They have been cooped up in the Demon Realm, but there are rumors circulating saying Meliodas hasn't been seen for 15 years.

Ludociel: He would certainly be an issue. Mael had problems taking him down in the first wa-

???: He may have disappeared, but I didn't say his magic signature did.

Ludociel: What do you mean?

???: A 16 year old boy by the name of Izuku Midoriya has the same magic signature as Meliodas, a similar one to Mael, and the Seven Deadly Sins. He's Quirkless.

Ludociel: You're kidding. There's no way that boy has MELIODAS' magic... Wait, didn't you say he was Quirkless?

(A/N: in this universe, quirks are a scaled down form of magic, so they're weaker than the real thing)

???: Yes, he is.

Ludociel: That's odd. Our spies said he was given that strange 'One For All' Quirk. Did the American take it back?

???: He was framed as a traitor, so the American took the Quirk back.

Ludociel: Huh. What's the boy's recorded power level?

???: I'm afraid you won't like the results. The first one is 3,665, already above Meliodas' weakest. Currently, his power level is 96,750.

Ludociel: 96,750?! He's stronger than Zeldris! Send the Archangels Sariel and Tarmiel to take him out. Surely the Sins and Meliodas will recognize me once I make my debut.

???: Very well.

(So sorry it's short, I have something large planned

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