Training, and the truth behind Izuku's power

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Word of Bakugou's arrest spread quickly throughout the school. Multiple people had tried to intimidate Izuku into telling Nezu it wasn't actually Bakugou, but much to their displeasure, it hadn't worked. Whenever things got physical, Izuku ended up teleporting to his class to escape them. Now, class was starting and Aizawa was about to inform the students of their activity.

Aizawa: Alright, now you all will do intense training with the teachers. Now that we lost Bakugou, we've lost a lot of firepower and need to compensate by improving our physical and Quirk capabilities. You will all spar with the teachers all day long, no matter how tired you get.

Todoroki and Yaororozu vs Midnight

Mineta and Shinsou vs Present Mic

Jirou and Ojiro vs Cementoss

Koda and Sero vs Ectoplasm

Kaminari and Mina vs Vlad King

Hagakure and Uraraka vs Hound Dog

Shoji and Tokoyami vs Endeavor (he was called in on Nezu's request)

Asui and Iida vs Nezu

Izuku vs All Might

16 hours later

Every. Single. One.

Excluding Izuku, the class is absolutely wrecked. They've been going at it for 16 hours straight (with a few food breaks here and there) and are utterly exhausted. Izuku isn't that exhausted but he's definitely a bit worn out.

Izuku vs All Night

The green haired boy and the Symbol of Peace stood opposite to each other, glaring at one another.

AM: I can't believe Nezu set a villain like you free. What was he thinking?

Izuku: And you just outright believed it was me. It was Toga, you stupid old man. Or do I need to drill it in your head?

AM: Tch.

All Might launched himself at 20% and hurled a Detroit Smash towards Izuku. He dodged it and kicked All Might hard in the gut, sending him flying back a little. Izuku then charged at All Might to try and land a Darkness-enhanced punch.

Unfortunately, All Might dodged and kicked Izuku at 50%, who was sent through multiple buildings

Izuku: Alright. Time to get a little serious.

Black lightning with red outlines began emitting around Izuku as he activated his Demon Mark. He decided to limit it to the Commandment Sign stage, but it certainly boosted his strength.

He then launched himself at All Might and punched him at full force to compare their strength. All Might was absolutely sent flying but he copied Izuku's Delaware Smash and sent a powerful wind blast at the green haired boy.

In response, Izuku charged up Dead End in one hand and a small Omega Ark in another hand and combined them to launch Chaos Ray at his ex-favourite hero.

AM: Damn it, how is he this strong without One For All?!

Izuku flash-stepped behind All Might and whispered something into his ear:

I'm not the successor to One For All anymore, but it doesn't mean I'm not a successor to some other great power.

All Might's first idea was All For One, but none of the 'Quirks' Izuku used (except for Hellblaze, there were purple flames when Nana fought AFO) had a resemblance to All For One, and there wasn't an aura that gave people hallucinations of death.

Izuku finally fired the Chaos Ray at All Might who was knocked unconscious by the beam itself.

Every one of his classmates were shocked to see that Izuku had knocked out the Number One Hero. Yaororozu felt like there were butterflies in her stomach, seeing the boy she had a big crush on had just wrecked the Symbol of Peace.


The entire class was in the Common Room, doing their own things. The Bakusquad, who changed their name to Kirisquad since they chose to follow Kirishima as their leader were talking about whether or not they could trust Izuku. The Dekusquad, consisting of Izuku himself, Yaororozu, Koda and Kirishima (he was in both squads) were talking about Izuku's new powers. Yaororozu was stuttering here and there, while also blushing around Izuku, but so was Izuku. They were both in the presence of each other's crushes.

Kirishima: Midobro, can you tell us about your powers?

Koda: I-i'm also interested in your powers, Midoriya!

Yao: Come to think of it, I feel like there is a dark and light side to these newfound powers.

Izuku: All right, I'll tell you in my dorm since this isn't something I'd like to be revealed to everyone.

Meliodas: You can tell them, you trust them after all. Just make sure no one else finds out.

Izuku (mentally): Thanks, Meli.

Izuku and his loyal Dekusquad entered his dorm room, which looked nothing like it used to. The All Might merch was gone, but there was a color scheme matching Izuku's hero costume. The Sacred Treasures of the Seven Deadly Sins were on full display on Izuku's wall. Being the educated woman she is, Yaororozu recognized them. Her family had certain history books, either extremely rare or unavailable since all the history books only talked about the appearance of Quirks.

Unbeknownst to them, Kyoka Jirou had used her earphone jacks to listen in on Izuku's secret, planning to expose everything about his power.

Izuku: After I was sent to Tartarus. I was abused and beat on a daily basis. There aren't any scars and you can thank my power for that.

Yaororozu: Immortality of the Fox Sin of Greed, correct?

Ban: whistle Damn, this woman is sharp.

Izuku: You know of the Seven Deadly Sins?

Yaororozu: I read about them when I was younger. None of the members were from the same race except for Ban, the Fox Sin of Greed, and Escanor, the Lion Sin of Pride. Those weapons on the wall are the real deal, aren't they?

Izuku: You're fast, Yaororozu. Yes, those are the real Sacred Treasures. The sword is the Demon Sword Lostvayne. Meliodas, the Dragon Sin of Wrath.

The sphere is the Morning Star Aldan. The Boar Sin of Gluttony, Merlin.

The hammer is Gideon. It belonged to Diane, the Serpent Sin of Envy.

The spear belonged to King, real name Harlequin. It's name is Spirit Spear Chastiefol.

The four sectioned staff is the Holy Staff Courechouse. It's probably the most dangerous of them all. Property of the drunkhead known as the Fox Sin of Greed, Ban.

Ban: Oh fuck you, Izuku.

Izuku (mentally): No thanks, I have feelings for Yaororozu.

Izuku: The axe belonged to Escanor, the Lion Sin of Pride. It weighs more than 1500 kilograms. It's design is HEAVILY flaw as its one handed and you need absurd strength to even move the damn thing. I can't wield it without calling on Escanor's power.

One explanation later about how Izuku met the Sins, the training process and the powers of the Sacred Treasures.

Kirishima: It's actually hard to believe everything you said...

Yaororozu: I know, I never thought I'd be seeing the Successor of the Seven Deadly Sins with my own eyes.

Koda: ...

Koda stayed silent as he tried to absorb the information he had just heard. But a certain emo had other plans as she connected one earphone jack to the wall and the other to a recorder.

Jirou: Now to expose the secret during the 2-A ceremony..

Successor of the Seven Deadly Sins [Betrayed Deku]Where stories live. Discover now