The Summer We Changed (Chapter-5)

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Jenny Simpson's house was gigantic, no wonder she was so high and mighty all the time. I could hear the muffled music and cheering as we walked in. Jenny was standing outside in a short black dress, escorting people inside with her fake, all teeth showing smile. Adrian tightened his grip on my hand and shot me a God Save Me look and I giggled.

"Ah, Adrian!" She exclaimed in her sing song voice and stuttered towards him in her gigantic heels. "I though you wouldn't come!" She gave him a flirty smile and hugged him, pressing her body unnecessarily into him.

She had a really curvaceous body with tiny waist and huge ass and unrealistically perfect breasts. With technological advancement over the years, a laser surgery can get you a body like that in less than half an hour and I can bet my ass that's what she did. Bitch.

"Yeah, I thought that too," Adrian murmured moving away from her clutches, all the while his hand was grasping mine firmly which filled me with immense pleasure. "But we were hassled, so here we are,"

"I am so glad," She smiled with her perfect teeth. "Hey there, Elena! You look good,"

I knew she was wearing a teeth-shaper. It was a a computerised thing designed for your teeth to hide all the imperfections and flaws and brighten and whiten them as per your need. And the biggest perk was that it was invisible because it was completely transparent so nobody will ever know. It was a futuristic version of braces that people with crooked teeth used to wear during the time of mom and dad. I had seen a few pictures of mom in braces and no offence but those thing looked real ugly!

"Thanks, Jenny," I muttered without enthusiasm. She knew I don't like her, what's the point of pretending then?

"Alright guys," She said, her whole attention toward Adrian even if she was saying 'guys' "Kudo, my house robot here will show you to the pool house. Enjoy,"

"Great," Adrian nodded, eager to move from her lustful stare. "Shall we go, Elena?"

"Of course," I nodded and we followed the stupid looking robot with even a more stupid name down the hall.

"Do you think they were real?" I whispered in Adrian's ear.

"What were real?" He asked, frowning at me.

"Her breasts, do you think they were real?" I asked, very curious. No body at this age can have that perfect breasts. It was unreal.

"Jesus, how would I know," He rolled his eyes, looking horrified. "Stop thinking about such things and enjoy the party!"

"Okay, okay!" I laughed at his embarrassed face. Jesus, he was really an innocent person for his age.

It was a typical pool house like the one Dad plans on building in our place. A small typically one bedroom space house with a humongous pool which was now filled with people drinking and hooting. As we walked down the stairs, the spotlights turned to us and instantly a set of fireworks went off in the sky saying, Welcome Adrian! The crowd of people both inside and outside the pool turned towards us and cheered so loudly at the sight of him that it was almost deafening.

"Wow," I muttered, feeling a little mad. I knew she did this intentionally, the bitch!

"Don't worry about it, Ellie," He smiled at me. "You know why she does stuff like that,"

"Ugh, I wish sometimes that you were not you," I muttered under my breath, feeling significantly inferior in front of him.

"Really?" He smiled his boyish smile at me and I rolled my eyes.

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