Chapter 1 - Rest In Peace, John Keeble

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Unknown P.O.V - March 3rd . 1987

"'ere, Gov! We can get some hostages out." I spoke quickly through the car radio coms, my gun pointing up to the sky, ready to aim on sight at the robbers.
There was a bank robbery going down, and we've been after these guys for two months now.
"Hold position, Bolan." My governor, Tony Hadley, warned me. "Back up is on the way."
"Gov, listen." My partner, John Keeble, took the radio from me.
I pointed my gun to the main doors of the bank, taking over his position. He was the driver. Always the driver. We've been positioned outside the bank all day.
"We can get in through the back doors-"
"Main doors!" I yelled out, firing shots, as I saw the robbers running out.

I could hear sirens in the distance, and the banks alarm start going off. People started running out, forcing us to hold fire. The thugs were getting away.
"GET DOWN!" John called out to the people, taking any clear shots he could.
"I'm going!" I warned John, before running into the crowd, after the robbers.
There were six of them. They wore blue boiler suits, with black ski masks on. We've got them now!

I ran behind a car, firing a couple of shots, getting some back. They were running to a van, at the end of the street. Three were firing at random, thankfully not shooting any of the victims, two had bags, and one seemed to have the car keys.
I saw a little girl run out the bank, and freeze. She was scared, not knowing where to run to.
"Fuck... John!" I called out to my partner, who was speaking to the Gov. He waved to me, silently saying he had me covered.
I ran over to the girl, grabbed her and dived into an alley. She was crying, panicking, hyperventilating, so I held her close to me, my gun pointing to the alley entrance, ready to fire.
"Listen, sweetheart, I've got you. You're safe. No one is going to hurt you." I soothed her, keeping her face away from my gun, holding her tight. She was calming down. She couldn't be more than eight years old, wearing a white summer dress, covered in pretty little flowers.

"Bolan!" I heard John scream out.
I saw him duck behind the car, that was in front of the alleyway, firing a few shots. The girl screamed, so I held her tightly.
"Six are out!" Shots fired. "Gun hole in van." Taken cover. "Blue, vaults wagon, stolen plates. G6RT-"
I watched as John got shot, when peeking for the plates.
"JOHN!" I screamed out. I moved the girl behind a dustbin and ran out of cover, over to my partner.

Back up arrived and took over.
I held John, as he lay on the ground. Our only protection being the red mini, he was hidden behind. I held him close to me and covered his wounds. "Hold still, mate. I've got you. We're going home." I told him, as he just stared at me.
He was shot in the stomach area. I wasn't a medic. I couldn't do much, but I knew this was bad.
"Gov!" I shouted out, as I saw his car pull on the street. "GOV!"
He climbed out his car and time slowed down.

I placed my hands on John's wound and applied pressure. He screamed out, crying in pain.
Tony ran over, the Kemp brothers chased the van, in their car, as it was getting away. Steve Norman, the Gov's partner, saw the girl and ran over with a woman, who I could only assume was the mother.
Tony crashed to the floor, my hands covered in John's blood. The police swarmed the bank, medics arrived on scene, John was losing a lot of blood.
"Stay with me!" I shouted at him, my words sounding so slow and weak.
Everything was in slow motion.

"Bolan..." John looked at me. He was going pale.
"I'm here." I told him, hearing Tony shouting at people to move and scream for help.
"We're great, aren't we?" John looked at me.
"We are fantastic. The dynamic duo!" I smiled at him.
Tony moved my hands and held pressure on the wounds. He was saying something to me, but I couldn't hear him.
I was looking at John, taking in his brown hair and bright eyes. He was my best friend.
"You... Get them..." He started going weak.
"John..." I shook my head at him, holding his head up, so he could look at me. "You're not leaving me, mate. You can't. It's against the law, man!" I started to cry.
"Part-ners..." He whispered, taking his final breath.

Medics came over, I was screaming at John, Tony had to pull me away, allowing for the medics to take over.
I remember screaming and kicking at my boss, screaming how I couldn't leave him and "it was against the law".
My best friend died in my arms that day... I'm pretty sure I died too, only my team wouldn't let my spirit go.

. . .

I let myself into his house, closing the door behind me.
"John? Is that you?!" I heard his wife, Leaflyn, call out from the kitchen.
I walked to the kitchen door, straight ahead from the front door. I walked in, seeing Leaflyn making her son some lunch.
"Hey." My voice broken and raw.
Steve was outside, in the car, waiting for me.
"Hey, B. How are you? John's not back yet!" She spun around, smiling at me. She paused her work and gave me a hug.
"Leaflyn, sit down..." I frowned.
"What's happened?" She asked me, sitting at the round dining table.
I heard the kid at the front of the house, playing outside.
"It's John... There was an accident..." I told her.

. . .

The funeral was grand. The whole London HQ was in attendance. I couldn't speak, so had Gary Kemp say some words on my behalf. A lot changed that day, and I was determined to find the bastards who stole my best friend from me.

I swore to work alone, from that day on. We were partners from day one. I had been a cop in uniform for almost a year, when John walked through the doors. Tony partnered us up, and we changed the game. Six years we were together.
I was by his side, when he got married. The first he called, when his son was born. Hell, I was there when he met his Mrs.
I had a spare key to his house, and he to mine. We were best friends.

I was straight back to work, after the funeral. Everyone watched over me, but I didn't need them. I couldn't rest, until I knew I had done John justice.
The Kemp brothers would stop in, from time to time, to check up on me. They would drag me out of bed, they'd stay for breakfast, even drive me to work. It was uncommon for brothers to be partners at work, but these two had a way of working together. They were very close, and always somehow knew what the other was thinking. They were a great team... Like John and I.

I knew I had changed after that day. I was the office jokester, always so sassy and making everyone laugh, with my one liners and attitude... Not anymore... Well, my jokes and sass were still there, but I wasn't as lively as I used to be. I felt rather numb, most days.
I'm pretty sure I died too, that day, only my team wouldn't let my spirit go.

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