Chapter 35

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I wake to a hand on my shoulder, shaking me roughly in my bed. I jolt to my feet, knocking into a dark figure as I propel myself over the mattress.

A harsh grip curls around my upper arm, another clapping over my mouth as I prepare to scream bloody murder.

I'm out of the bedroom before I can blink, but not before I spot Beau asleep in his own bed. Then who...

Luca glares at me, his hand still over my mouth "You get me caught and I'll give you a pretty bruise to match the ones on your neck" he snarls.

I nod my head in response and jerk my head, pulling my mouth away from his palm. "What are you doing?!" I whisper harshly, struggling to keep my voice down.

"You wanted to train didn't you?"

I cross my arms  "I thought your silent treatment at dinner meant that you'd decided against it." I snap.

Luca just rolls his eyes, and nods at me to follow before striding off down the hallway.

I hesitate at the bedroom door. If we get caught... I shrug off the thought and scuffle after Luca, cursing under my breath.

We finally come to a stop inside a hall of sorts, weapons lining the walls. I run my eyes over some nasty looking daggers, their glinting blades...

"Don't even think about it. I'll kill you before your hand wraps around a handle"

My eyes snap to blue "I wasn't-"

"Sure you weren't" he cuts me off "Now-" I struggle to catch the butter knife he throws my way. "-show me what you were going to do with that"

I take him in, the serious set of his lips and weigh the silver in my hand. He can't be serious- he just said-

"Are you just going to stand there admiring it or-"

I charge him, spinning the knife in my hand, the blunt handle turned towards his ribs. Surprisingly I make it, not realising that he doesn't even try to defend himself as I slam the knife into his side.

The knife rebounds, bouncing off unnaturally and flying out of my hand. I gasp at the pain in my hand and examine the rough rip in my skin, stretching from my thumb and across my palm.

Luca gives me three slow claps as I press my bleeding hand against my pajama top, red staining the silk. "Real impressive" he says, his tone flat.

"You knew that was going to happen!" I accuse him, wincing as the cut stretches, catching on fabric.

"And you didn't?" He raises an eyebrow judgingly "You were holding the blade of the knife, what did you expect to happen?"

I glare at him "I thought you were supposed to be helping me"

He shrugs, crossing his arms "I am. I was just getting a feel for what you already know"

I wait for him to continue, rolling my eyes as he takes a dramatic breath.

"-and of course you know nothing"

I feel my temper rising "Well I'm sorry but most teenagers" I send him a look "-ordinary teenagers, don't carry skills like that!"

He merely looks amused as I stalk towards him, more than ready to end this ridiculous arrangement right here and now.

I get right in his face as I let my temper get the best of me "So I'm sorry if they're not up to standard or I don't possess anything of worth to you." Now it's my time to take a dramatic breath "But before I was fucking kidnapped and forced to take part in this shit. I had no need to know anything."

Luca watches me as I catch my breath, his eyes glinting with suppressed laughter as I struggle to calm myself. However, his eyes soon drop to my pajama top, more specifically, the blood now dripping onto the floor.

He hisses under his breath and snatches my hand,  pulling his own shirt off and wrapping it around my cut. I curse as he puts pressure on the torn skin and try to pull my hand away.

"For gods sake, stay still would you" he snaps as he secures the shirt in a knot. "Now I have to cover the scent of your blood in here and I've lost a shirt to your helpless cause"

I scowl and step away from him, awkwardly cradling my hand against my stomach. I don't dare say anything, not trusting my own tounge.

Luca stares at my spotted blood on the marble before he sighs, finally focusing his gaze on me. "Lesson over. Go to the bathrooms, clean up and come back here when you're done."

I nod once and turn to leave.

"-burn my shirt on the way back and wrap your hand in paper towels instead"

I roll my eyes and head to the bathrooms, being careful to be quiet despite the urge to stomp out my anger at the whole ordeal.

By the time I've got the bleeding under control and the rest of my body cleaned up despite the blood drenched pajama top, I make my way back down the stairs.

I stop in the first lounge I come across and chuck Luca's shirt into the hearth, not thinking twice before unbuttoning my own and following suit.

Luca only raises his eyebrows as my appearance, pajama pants, bra and a paper towel covered hand. Attractive. Not that I give a shit about his opinion. He's seen me naked anyway I tell myself, but I'm unable to suppress a shiver as I recall those moments.

As if noting my discomfort, Luca makes quick work of pulling some bandages out of his ass and keeping his mouth shut as he cleans and binds my hand.

I thank him briefly before leaving, giving him credit on not losing his temper at the various curses I released while he worked as doctor to my hand.

I don't wait to see what he does about the blood stained marble, and don't particularly care either. He's more concerned about being caught than I am I think as I make my way back up the stairs, my eyes already heavy from the lost sleep.

I know. And I'm sorry. Really late update. I'm just so busy and I can't keep up.  I'm trying my best!! Thankyou for all the support! I really appreciate it, you have no idea x

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