Chapter 9

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I am thrown roughly into the backseat, landing heavily onto the leather. The tacky fabric sticks to my skin, clinging to my bare body. A wave of humiliation engulfs me, my naked body on show.

But I take advantage of the lack of grip on my limbs and bring my knees up, peeling my damp skin from the seat. I try my best to cover myself up, aware of the guys on either side of the car, waiting.

I arrange myself into the far left corner of the car, turning into the plastic-lined door.

But my relief at being covered is short-lived and the door's yanked open roughly. Startled, I tilt with it, losing my balance and slamming into the chest of the guy standing there.

"Woah there" Hands grip my upper arms gently, lifting me back into my seat. My eyes shoot upwards, my face blaring red, but am surprised to see that his eyes are looking at my face, only my face. I instantly warm towards him, desperate in my situation. His small act of, not kindness, but something close to that, hints that he might not necessarily agree with the present events.

"Kal, get in the bloody car. Ace, Luca, push the damn mutt to the floor."

I don't process the words fast enough. Gentle hands are replaced with iron grips and I'm dragged back before my head is forced down, my body soon following in a tangle of limbs to the floor of the car.

"Kal, get in or you can run the whole way."

After a minute the door slams shut and with it, I feel my heart sink. Trapped.

I survey my position, only just becoming aware of the jagged pain in my hip. I shift slightly, turning my head in order to spot what is causing me so much pain.

But a foot slams into the back of my neck, stilling me. "Don't move."

I whimper in the back of my throat, my hip throbbing in pain at the sudden movement.

A foot slams into my mouth "Shut it."

I feel blood flood my mouth and resist the urge to spit, the shoe once again returning to my neck.

Then we go over a bump. My body leaves the floor briefly before slamming back down. I scream, my voice laced with agony as my hip seems to rip.

Through the lights dancing in front of my eyes, I see an arm reach around from the front seat, fingers settling in the blood on my hip. "Lift her up"

"But Beau-"

"I said lift her up! Jesus Christ."

I am pulled roughly back onto the leather seating, settled between the three guys. I find my mind blinking in and out of consciousness as their voices blur together.

Then a surge of pain yanks me back to reality, my mind clearing in a panic. My eyes dart to the hand reaching for my hip, towards the blood coating my skin. I don't register the intention before my eyes land on the peice of glass imbedded in my flesh, the fingers closing around it.

"Please don't-" My voice cuts off as my breathing hitches, the glass sliding out from between my skin. I don't even scream, instead, a strangled gasp escapes  me.

"Who the hell smashed a beer bottle in here?!"

I clench my teeth through the pain and turn to settle on the gentle guy, Kal. He's holding up several fragment of thick green glass, a scowl on his face.

"I swear if you are going to be a prissy about this then you can get the fuck out of my car." The guy in which I deemed leader, Beau, snaps from the front seat "Now put the girl back on the ground, I don't want blood on my seats."

I see Kal back down, his face smoothing to a blank. Then he slides me back off the seat. He places me between his calves, pinning me in.

I draw my knees back up to my chest, both for warmth and protection.

"Don't let her do that." Beau growls from the front, reaching back and forcing my knees down with just one hand.

I hear Kal breath out carefully behind me, his body shifting on the seat "Fine" he replies evenly.

I hear the sound of fabric against skin before a hoodie lands in my lap, settling awkwardly over my knees. I hesitate for a second before slipping it over my head, thankful for the sheer size of it, covering me and warming my freezing skin.

"Dude what the-" I hear one of the guys on my left say to Kal.

I ignore them and attempt to bury myself in the fabric, hiding from what I know will soon face me.

I sit like this the entire trip, relaxing slightly when the car reaches a smooth surface, asphalt.

I gather that we must be on a motorway, people only meters from the car. But for me to gain attention I would have to get up. But three- four guys against me is not a chance I want to take.

Especially when nobody may notice and I'd be left with four angry guys.


The pain in my hip has reduced to a dull throbbing by the time that the car pulls onto bumpy ground again, off-road terrain. My enhanced healing serving it's purpose.

My heart rate picks up in accordance to this as I realise that it must mean that we're close to our destination. Close to the alpha, their pack and my fate.

From the few words exchanged between the guys throughout the trip, I've come to realise that they're close friends, in a hunting group together and are in 'high ranks'.  Nothing that could help me prepare for what's to come.

So when we jolt to a stop I try to form a plan of escape in my head. My mind reeling as I am pulled from the car, the hoodie draping past my knees as I am escorted towards a mansion looking building.

It is then that I realise that now is not the time to try and escape, the masses of people just merely walking around heed a warning to me.

So I don't try anything.

However, I can't help but hesitate at the door, the threshold of the 'pack house' as the guys call it. I come to a stop, digging my bare toes into the mat there, the border between freedom and captivity.

Breath fans past my air "Love, if you don't comply, I will force you. We both know how that went before. Don't test me"

I bristle at the hands on both of my shoulders, pushing me through the doorframe forcefully. But I know that I would have stepped through anyway.

"Good girl. Now just keep walking, Sweetheart." Beau growls into my ear. "Alpha Hayden awaits"


Sorry for the late update! I have exams coming up and I've just had mocks and am preparing for the actual tests.

Anyway, what do you think about this chapter? Any favourite characters?

Beau is pronounced 'Bow' or 'Bo' :)

Thanks for reading!

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