Chapter 16

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I didn't get an answer. Only receiving that reading stare again and the frustrated sigh when he broke eye contact. I don't know what he expected to get from it, but whatever it was, he didn't get it.

So we just sat in silence, me wondering over whether I should eat the sandwich or not and him glaring at the ground. His growing hate for me doesn't seem to have a limit. Then again, i'm probably not helping my reputation by forcing him to stay by refusing to eat. I scratch at some dirt on my leg. Only 48 hours ago I was home, free of asshole boys and dark, gloomy prison cells. But i've found Isaiah, he's alive, and that in itself eases some of the guilt I have for leaving him that day.

I hear Beau move outside my cell but take no notice of it until I hear the key turning in the lock. I swivel around to face him "Where are we going?" I ask, determined not to let panic enter my tone as I come up with possible locations. My mind continuously flicking to his refusal to answer my simple question earlier.

"You" he corrects "-are going to continue where you left off with the Alpha yesterday"

I feel my panic grow and glance at his hand, the lead in it. He must of retrieved it from the clinic when I was sleeping "You don't need that." I say shortly "I'll walk"

I see dark amusement flicker in his eyes "Nah, I think it suits you" he says, moving into the cell.

I feel a low growl build in the back of my throat "No" I say through my teeth "I'll walk. Just like when we left the clinic"

I see his eyes harden.

"Please? I won't try anything." I plead as he continues to loom closer.

Relief floods me as I see him give a resigned sigh, tossing the rope to the ground outside the cell. Then he fixes me with a glare "You try anything and I won't hesitate to hurt you" he growls "Okay?"

I nod.

We walk through a maze of hallways, Beau's hands constantly positioned on my upper arms with a bruising grip.

Finally we turn into one of the rooms, I immediately recognise it, the chair placed in the very middle. I eye the ropes hanging from the arms, matching them to the bruises lining my skin.

Beau smirks at the goosebumps erupting over my skin, the shiver that runs through my body. "Don't get too excited" he adds lowly.

I ignore him, taking the final steps towards the chair and lowering myself into its hold. I wait for Beau to fasten the ropes, but he doesn't, only steps back with a warning glance. He's trusting me.

We wait in silence, my mind coming up with multiple ways I could escape, could get out of this situation. With every thought, my muscles tense. Until my body is completely alert, coiled as if ready to spring.

Beau seems to sense this and studies me with his odd stare again, once again following through with a frustrated scowl.

I frown at him "Why do you keep doing that?"

"Doing what?" He replies, clearly not in the mood to talk as he stands by the door, guarding it.

"Staring at me- like you're trying to get something from it?" I press, ignoring his inability to converse passively.

He seems taken aback, almost angry "I don't." His lips curl cruelly "And trust me. I wouldn't get anything from it anyway" he throws in harshly, intentionally flicking his eyes over me, from head to toe.

I shrink under his gaze "Don't'

He smirks at me before turning away, returning us to silence as we wait.

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